A new wait for those who like to see the animals and their peculiarities. The new reptile's Bioparco of Rome offers an excursion into the world of reptiles, a trip organized with the assistance of the Ministry of Environment. Together with friends scaly, visitors can also find other classes of animals interesting and curious. The visit will begin with the screening of a video by Nat Geo Wild: where you can admire spectacular images of snakes and crocodiles but also amphibians also linked to the illegal trade in these animals. The route continues in a tropical open-air, which, along with iguanas and tortoises, among which we find the largest species on the planet, there are waterfalls and birds of the bush. Through a tunnel you will arrive at the tropical forest in the midst of so varied and luxuriant vegetation. Follow the path that will lead also to the shrines of insects and invertebrates, millipedes and snails. The Bioparco joined the International Project di salvaguardia degli anfibi Arca, promosso dall'Eaza (Associazione Europea Zoo e Acquari), per il quale e' stata avviata una raccolta fondi. Infatti, al termine dell'area anfibi e' presente un salvadanaio. Per questo motivo è nata l’idea di sensibilizzare il pubblico nei confronti dello sterminio degli anfibi attraverso l’esposizione della raganella arboricola gigante, l’axolot una grande salamandra messicana,le dendrobatidi usate dalle popolazioni indigene dell’America tropicale per avvelenare le punte delle lance. per saperne di più visitate il sito http://www.bioparco.it/