Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Where Ican Found Henti
Quel G8 per i posteri
Questo è un Bignami per la Maturità dei posteri. Quando nel 2095 i nipoti dei nostri figli avranno assegnato come compito di fine corso «Gli anni Dieci e la politica-spettacolo: parla del tramonto del concetto di res publica e dell'avvento dell'illusionismo populista» potranno senz'altro passare l'esame con due pagine sul «caso G8 del 2009 e la tragedia d'Abruzzo». Si dirà. Nel 2009 si tenne in Italia un vertice degli otto referred to as the G8 leading industrialized countries at the time. The G8 leaders were up to that point scenario of clashes - the most violent of which had taken place in Genoa, 2001 - and had therefore agreed to keep them in places considered difficult to access. The Canadian Rockies, for example, or certain islands. In 2009 the G8 should have been held at La Maddalena, a small island off the Sardinian coast. Those were times of severe economic crisis and the G8 is a good occasion to bring together the area in the capital for that purpose by the government. It was also a stage for leaders of the moment, in fact almost never took decisions were noteworthy. Chairman of the Board was in Italy Silvio Berlusconi, real character known to have existed polls replaced the concept of common good, in ancient central concept of political life. Berlusconi decided to transfer the G8 this year - a source of income and of vision - first to Naples to remedy the famous case of waste, then to Milan to promote the Universal Exhibition, in L'Aquila, where last April 6 of that year a earthquake had caused 300 deaths due to non-compliance with building codes in earthquake zones. It took a lot of money to rebuild, so Berlusconi decided to take the grand tour in the aftermath of Abruzzo world leaders to their 'adopt a monument "to the citizens in prefabricated tents were assigned to the sea. Unfortunately I suffered a lot the economy of the Magdalen above. However, the ruler of the island named Ugo Cappellacci could not say anything because it was made shortly before his election to Berlusconi himself. The solution of the G8
Aquila allowed to produce great "photo opportunity" on the rubble, foreign newspapers compared to Pompeii. Many of twenty-five thousand guests were staying in Rome, the highway was closed for the Eagle to allow traffic leader. The then head of civil protection at the same time did not have to deal with Abruzzo and Sardinia, which are far apart. Gaddafi, the Libyan-called prophet used to live in a tent, he found himself very well and gave good advice about living in tent cities. Umberto Bossi, lombardo che aveva ottenuto in quei giorni che non si unificassero due turni elettorali (avrebbero fatto risparmiare 460 milioni di euro, con l'operazione G8 se ne ricavarono assai meno della metà) non protestò e consentì così di incrementare il vantaggio elettorale successivo. Berlusconi festeggiò il 25 aprile (non lo aveva mai fatto) a Onna, uno dei paesi distrutti. Una delle foto del vertice sulle rovine vinse il Pulitzer. Berlusconi ottenne ottimi sondaggi ed ebbe in seguito la sorte che sappiamo. Le popolazioni della «new town Aquila» dettero i natali al vincitore dell'edizione 2024 del più importante show tv del tempo, poi eletto leader con televoto.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Sebaceous Cyst Diagram



The soccer 5 is a team sport of Uruguayan origin born in the '30s.
This sport is based on the principle of football but, as the name implies, players who will compete are 5 on 5. Also added are many elements of other sports such as handball, water polo and basketball: on the latter 'takes the number of players, the rules on Pallan handball goalkeeper and field size, and port.
The football is a sport much more complex than it appears and is governed by many rules:
This sport is based on the principle of football but, as the name implies, players who will compete are 5 on 5. Also added are many elements of other sports such as handball, water polo and basketball: on the latter 'takes the number of players, the rules on Pallan handball goalkeeper and field size, and port.
The football is a sport much more complex than it appears and is governed by many rules:
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Inurl: Viewer Frame? Mode =
"Tenants Committee Casilino II "
President Victor Barberis
via Pietro Rovetti n.150 / a 00177 Rome
email comitatoi.casilinoII @
0624300269 Fax
The Committee is composed of the families of the district Ater, Via Pietro Rovetti, Via Oreste Salomone and Via dell 'Aqueduct VI Hall in Alexandria.
The committee represents the interests of 300 femiglie and wants to be recognized as a subject of structural change in situations that generate poverty and exclusion today.
L 'association vows to launch initiatives to promote social, cultural, educational, sporting, recreational, for the protection of 'environment and all the services that tenants ATER Rome deem appropriate for their living, leisure and for the human and cultural growth.
"The committee is self-financed by the families that inhabit the area. We personally to solve the problems of the district related to a state of neglect. I pitches that once housed a skating rink and basketball court are now in a state of degradation, as well as Casilino II Bowling Club is now in disuse and " we grow potatoes . L 'area offers nothing for young people who live here and are often forced to move to other areas in search of sights. It would be important to create a structure in this area dedicated to sport and leisure, which could be a center of attraction for young people, under the interested gaze of the elderly. "
President Victor Barberis
via Pietro Rovetti n.150 / a 00177 Rome
email comitatoi.casilinoII @
0624300269 Fax
The Committee is composed of the families of the district Ater, Via Pietro Rovetti, Via Oreste Salomone and Via dell 'Aqueduct VI Hall in Alexandria.
The committee represents the interests of 300 femiglie and wants to be recognized as a subject of structural change in situations that generate poverty and exclusion today.
L 'association vows to launch initiatives to promote social, cultural, educational, sporting, recreational, for the protection of 'environment and all the services that tenants ATER Rome deem appropriate for their living, leisure and for the human and cultural growth.
Rodolfo Marsili Committee member

http : / /
Hundreds of euro spent on phone calls and text messages to organize the weekly practice match? holes that force the last hour playing ranks reduced or unbalanced? Compare stale, always between the same teams that do not give any more incentive? All this could be just a bad memory with the birth of , the new social network dedicated to football and to his many fans.
joining you become part of a virtual community, but it serves a very real and immediate objective. In this case, to make a date on one of the hundreds of soccer fields available to challenge kicking a ball. With bizoona can not only facilitate the organization of the games between the usual suspects, but also see which events are active on its territory and join teams still to be completed, with the ability to make new friends.
But the true spirit of football is not only and not so much the event or action sports, as in everything that goes around, starting with the pre-and post-match comments or pizza-and-beer attached, which is now recovering with the interests of the few grams just disposed of. And on some additional tools is the highlight of bizoona.
You can comment on performance forums, co-decide on the report cards of the team members, implement the your card or strongly emphasized with truthful information, as well as store personal statistics, whereby users who do not know us will decide, as they did in the dusty courtyard of our elementary schools, and between us and the ball, if it is better click the ball.
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