Saturday, May 9, 2009

Engine Mount Trolling Motor For Sale

Those who can only destroy
shyster at the expense of Sardinian Autonomy
weak and colonized
Government-enemy Region robbed
Giorgio Melis

Via the laws not because the law was rejected by the Consulta. They were dancing in its contents, which was approved by the Regional Council by absolute majority. It was considered illegal the proceedings of the enactment, which had appealed against the Government at the instigation of the center of the Sardinian parliament after the return of Berlusconi. The same that is humiliating, mocking, cheating, cheating, stealing from Sardinia and in less than three months before the vote was cleared on all fronts promises, pledges, even canceling the programs and the work already being funded, in part initiated and nearly completed by the Prodi government. Thanks to the government-enemy, now falls even the office, the law governing the internal workings of autonomy. Celebrate the center, above the joist Cappellacci Ugo, the one that learns from the TV theft G8: illegal because the president of Sardinia it should have by operation of law the decision of the government and not bat an eyelid, but then goes off from La Maddalena , the Gallura and Northern Sardinia will only audience at the Certosa. Former An Bruno Murgia announced that with this decision on the curtain finally falls Renato Soru. Certain that the curtain falls. On all credibility, dignity, authority, decency autonomy in the region coinciding with the arrival of the right of misrule: do you treat a fish in the face by a friend and his government-in 60 days to regress Sardinia Self-colony of Italian Series C and treated like slaves without rights.

is the triumph of those who can only destroy for their work using an avalanche of taxpayer money Sardinians, using the worst azzeccargarbugli moved between politics, law courts and Masonic lodges: who then also ask for fees of tens million of the euro region. The result is Soru's defeat? Let's see. The law office, together with the new Constitution and the electoral law to be approved in the Council in the 1999-2004 term. One led by the center with presidents Mariolino Floris, Mauro Pili and Italo Masala. Ended with an unprecedented disaster to the hilt with more scandals sensational trial and imprisonment of tens. Nothing was done, toys between Constituent Assembly and Look, fights and power crisis to recovery and sustained a national law on presidential system without modification because it was good: especially in Pili, which is expected to return to the helm and be able to operate with the general rules . With the arrival of

Soru, the statutes can become a priority, because la Sardegna arrivava buon'ultima fra le altre Regioni a dotarsi di uno strumento insostituibile. Il Consiglio ha impiegato un anno per definire la Statutaria e nessuno dimentichi che un anno di assemblea significa cento milioni di euro a carico dei contribuenti sardi. È un testo in alcune parti controverso, probabilmente da modificare, ma infine approvato non da Soru ma dalla maggioranza assoluta del Consiglio: 50 sì, 18 no e un solo astenuto. Una volontà larghissima, confermata dall'assenza di molti consiglieri del centrodestra che non vollero sostenerla implicitamente ma neanche contrastarla. Il passaggio successivo sarebbe dovuto essere - se richiesto - il referendum confermativo. Per il quale fu detto da tutti e scritto su ogni organo di informazione che sarebbe They need the participation of a third of voters under the law passed in 2002, unanimously and signed by President Mauro Pili.

all right? They were about to enter the field in the sappers. No one at the level of active citizenship, associations, groups, individuals, said the referendum. They did 19 instead of 19 regional directors who passed through the golden halls of Via Roma, is exhausted to get to Republic square where their signatures testify in court and to impose such consultation to one million 600 thousand Sardinians: none of them raised a voice or a finger. Especially because the citizens non'importava absolutely nothing of that law, which also contained important things. For example, put an end to the scandal dei dipendenti, dirigenti e presidenti di uffici ed enti regionali o pubblici che potevano candidarsi senza prima dimettersi. Diventando onorevoli utilizzando scandalosamente il ruolo e i mezzi connessi per approdare sulle poltrone del Consiglio a scapito dei concorrenti. Al dunque, si costituì un comitato per difendere la Sardegna dal “colpo di Sta(tu)to”, equiparando la Statutaria approvata a maggioranza assoluta a un golpe di Soru. Da ricordare ancora e specie oggi, che la nostra legge è praticamente identica, fotocopia di quelle approvate e in vigore in tante altre Regioni. Anzi rafforzava il Consiglio rispetto alla Giunta affidandogli il decisivo potere regolamentare (altrove è in capo al governo) e riservandogli anche l'ultima parole sulle nomine nelle Asl e nei maggiori enti. Se era un golpe, avevano partecipato, col voto favorevole o l'astensione in aula, molti dei 19 consiglieri che lo hanno la consultazione popolare. Tant'è che il centrodestra non chiese il referendum, non si associa alla firma per averlo, inizialmente e anche dopo fece poco o nulla per sostenerlo: ma oggi festeggia una vittoria che è solo un grande autogol per l'autonomia.

Questa è cronaca rigorosa e veritiera: documentata e verificabile. Si andò avanti con l'annuncio che il referendum sarebbe costato alle casse regionali circa dieci milioni di euro, più tutti gli altri soldi tra forze dell'ordine impegnate, scuole chiuse e l'orgia di procedimenti giudiziari fino al doppio pronunciamento the Constitutional Court. Meanwhile, the policy and the Council was blocked for months, during which triggered the offensive scheme of Zunk of media-group. Lastly, the center trainbearer lined up for the repeal of the law, hoping to give the shoulder to Sopru. But with all this, went to the polls 15 per cent of voters, 9% speak against, 6% in favor. Not half the 33 percent required quorum is not reached then. But then the sponsors pulled out the ace hidden up his sleeve. The law requiring a quorum (as in 2002, unanimously approved and signed by Mauro Pili), a material mistake of inept legislators, had been references to Statute and subsequent rules of the 50 which provided that, subject to popular consultation, the Statutory "shall not be promulgated unless approved by a majority of valid votes." Some experts said the absence of a quorum is not as if the referendum had taken place, then the governor must enact the law. Others were opposed, because without a valid referendum can not be even the "majority of valid votes" required by statute. With this trick, made possible by the wrong law of 2002, signed by Pili and never mentioned before and correct erroneous in contrast, the same could apply to Pili not covered by the Berlusconi government to challenge the law but the ways of the promulgation. It should also be pointed out that the promoters of the referendum were declared winners having gained 9% percent of votes compared to 6% were opposed (the center-abstained en masse, like a mirror image of the center-right voters: to deny the ballot 85% of Sardinians) .

Conclusion. Soru but not a defeat of autonomy, which remains without an approved Statutory after an absolute majority. The promoters of the referendum in fact moved to the attack of the Council, whose members, many having voted for or abstained on Statutory: while virtually no following among the people despite the frantic campaign. So, no Statutory committed after the meeting for over a year and without breaking the bank avalanche of millions in the coffers empty region. To find themselves almost alone among the region not to have any office and having to redo everything from scratch. As long as you succeed: the precedent of the legislature with Polo misrule fear the worst, confirming the Council - but the last few years - undecided at all and good for nothing, cowardly. Do and undo everything is not working, in un'assembla-nothing, the most expensive of Italy, its burden on us had surged by 40 percent to 105 million per year, always in that unfortunate term, with Efisio Moro Sitting Serrenti president, as vice having the glorious James Spissu in consociativismo dissipatorio and shopkeeper who was shot and he felt strongly reacted against Renato Soru. In short, we are faced with a zero-sum game under reduced autonomy in kennels Arcore dall'asservimenti fatal to cheat Berlusconi's election campaign.

Feeling pathetic smile and silly hat on livery comment "now you see that we were right", is simply disheartening. The poor pretends not to know that the blurring of the Statutory through the use of government (Prodi, had remained there would have been) percent of the Sardinians) opens perspectives for disturbing him. Cade sacrosanct incompatibility between adviser and assessor and distribute the assault on the diligence, revert to the Council for Saving Silverman of the seats in the arena of government and market for any market power. As happened in 1995 to the Board Palomba, when applied to the incompatibility was quashed a year with momentum. They started and went on a rampage fights unbelievably, in a crescendo of crisis, lacerations, stalls that led to the sinking, however, that a legislature had made great achievements with the state and the center-left governments, frustrated by the shameful ungovernable. As it happened, but infinitely worse, and with disastrous results on finance, morality and legality in the next legislature donated to the center. The story does not teach anything and the lust for power are not appeased: exaggerated, if anything, the PDL from five years of fasting. Other than to celebrate, is another punto di caduta per una Sardegna che affonda grazie agli “impegni” di Berlusconi. E per un'autonomia che presto toccherà il fondo della credibilità dopo una stagione che l'aveva portata a livelli di prestigio esterno mai raggiunti.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gastroparesis With Diarrhea