Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Roger Barrett Pink Floyd
Sciopero dei blogger contro il bavaglio di Alfano
Per la prima volta nella storia della Rete i blog entrano in sciopero. Accadrà domani, 14 luglio, con una giornata di rumoroso silenzio dei blog italiani contro il disegno di legge Alfano, i cui effetti sarebbero quelli di imbavagliare l'informazione in Rete.
Il cosiddetto obbligo di rettifica, pensato sessant'anni fa per la stampa, se imposto a tutti i blog (anche amatoriali) e con le pesanti sanzioni pecuniarie previste, metterebbe di fatto un silenziatore alle conversazioni on line e alla libera espressione in Internet.
Domani 14 luglio dunque, invece dei consueti post, i blog italiani metteranno on line solo il logo della protesta, con un link al manifesto per il Diritto alla Rete: http://dirittoallarete.ning.com.
L'iniziativa also provides a meeting-sit in Piazza Navona in Rome, at 19 Tuesday, July 14, is a symbol both of gagging bloggers present the statue is a symbol of freedom of expression, that of Pasquino.
bloggers have joined the initiative of each policy area (but not political) and representatives of various parties and associations.
Other: Ignazio Marino, Vincenzo Vita, Mario Adinolfi and Francesco Verducci (Pd), Antonio Di Pietro (IDV): Pietro Folena (European Left Party), Friends of Beppe Grillo in Rome, Calabria and Taranto, Article 21 ; Left and Freedom, For the Common Good; Italian Liberal Party (PLI). They also joined in a personal Civati \u200b\u200bJoseph, Sergio Ferrentino, Massimo Mantellini, Alessandro Robecchi, Claudio Sabelli Fioretti, Ivan Scalfarotto, Luca Sofri, Vittorio and Marco Travaglio Zambardino.
Even some members of the majority (as Antonio Palmieri and Bruno Murgia), although they are not in place, they expressed their opposition to the rule-Net gags in the Alfano Bill.
will be in Piazza Navona also Professor Derrick de Kerckhove, the network guru and professor at the University of Toronto. Will finally announced the establishment of "permanent Look for the Right to Network" will aim to open a table of comparison between the world of Internet and politics, which takes account of freedom of expression and information, and especially the needs of those who live each day as the network user and citizen.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Folding Bàn Chải Ibm
rassegna stampa: 9 luglio 2009
Due "rose rosse" con Robbiano
NOVI LIGURE - La nuova giunta comunale novese ha assunto una connotazione definita, con una buona rappresentanza in "rosa". Il sindaco, Lorenzo Robbiano, avrebbe infatti scelto, oltre a Paola Cavanna, designata all'Urbanistica in virtù della sua recente esperienza come presidente dell'omonima municipal committee, including Felicia Broda, a surprise name in the list share "Drive on the left." This training brings together under one umbrella the representatives of the PRC, the PDCI and Democratic Left. Felicia Broda, a former teacher, will be delegated to the Education and Social Affairs. Ippolito will replace Negro appointed to chair the Association of personal services. The deployment of the radical left has been so satisfied in his demands that you 'add three proxies on the boards in many entities of the second degree. The PD will have four assessors. In addition to Marubbi Germano (Budget), Simon Tedeschi (Culture and Tourism) and Paolo Cavanna, will reconfirmed the former Councillor for Commerce and Tourism, Enzo Garassino, he held the proxy for Public Works. L '"Last Time" indicates the winner of the competition Michael Ziccardi, which should become council leader of the Democratic Party. Predicate remains in the role of deputy mayor will be chosen by Robb of the four commissioners of his own party. The other two assessors who will complete the picture of the junta, are Carmine Cascarino (list "20 for Novi) and Franco Gabriele (Italy of Values). Therefore would remain outside the Socialist party. Confirmed the presidency of the council in Port Maria Rosa (minority). But the nomination is contested by the rest of the opposition (PDL and mixed group) who would claim this charge. It will therefore be the first city council vote to sanction. Meanwhile, was officially the first session to be held Monday, July 20 to 21 in the conference room of the library. Among the items on the agenda, as well as the formalization of the roles of chairman and vice chairman dell'assise town and the presentation of the junta, are provided for the swearing in of the mayor, the election of the municipal electoral commission and the standing committees.
The Comollo is willing to play Basaluzzo the Novese but notes that there may be events in conjunction
Novi Ligure. The battle for playing Girardengo Aquanera between Novi and at the time, it has no winners or losers. The leaders have asked the municipal dell'Acquanera of Novi Novi to take advantage of the playground because the playground of Basaluzzo is not approved for the series D. The Novi, fell in Excellence, should give its assenso.Ieri afternoon there was an interim meeting to town hall to the mayor Lorenzo Robbiano and representatives of Novi, President Valter Marletta, vice Charles Spinetta, the director of youth Massimo Schenardi, Secretary Peter White, executive staff consists of the president dell'Aquanera Renato Traverso, administrator of the company Manuela Giacomello, sporting director Marco Taverna, President Comollo Lino Laceby and the presidency of the sport, Andrea Reale. The Novi has raised a number of ob-bijection. In the winter months because of various stops or bad weather could occur concurrently with home games played at home or from Novi who dall'Aquanera. It 's a technical problem to be solved and which has been relinquished to Andrea Reale, president of Look, which will draft a document that will harmonize the conflicting needs (the Comollo has already claimed to be available to transfer to Basaluzzo, the G3 has not been requested), then the town administrations will make a decision: Next Monday is the deadline for submission of application for registration with the Aquanera the definition of the field to play on: when the leaders will declare Basaluzzo play on their field after they have been carried out the renovations, but it is likely that the championship takes place at dell'Aquanera Girardengo. "In the house of the events to coincide Novese and Aquanera - says the ds basaluzzese, Taverna - we are willing to find an alternative pitch." Main part of this complex story in question, the Novi. "There are objective difficulties to be solved - says President Walter Novi Marletti hope that everything goes through. Sports fans should not forget that the Girardengo is the field where they play and usually Novese Comollo, while a third team to town G3 that plays in the same series of Comollo, had to be a field on the outskirts. "
recycling waste is good for the environment. And even the economy. The spread of the economic crisis has not stopped the process of growth of the recycling of packaging. So much so that at the end of the economic benefits related to the collection and disposal of packaging should get to touch the 670 million euro. Value, this, that added to the data of the last nine years, will lead to achievement of the 6, 7 billion euro savings in environmental terms in the last ten years. These are the data in the study "The benefits of recycling collection in Italy, carried out by Althesys Conai on behalf of the National Consortium for the recovery of packaging. "Despite the market downturn, in 2008 was recovered 70% of consumer packaging placed above the targets required by law, "said Pierre Perron, president of Conai." And the role of the consortium system will continue to be central to the economics of recycling, even in a time of crisis, because it is able to ensure the collection of waste from separate collection and recycling and their good start to recovery. "According to data released by Conai of the 6, 7 billion € saved in the last decade in terms environment, over a billion is attributable to the very system that Conai Consortium has prevented the emission of greenhouse gases, recycled for something like 48 to 2 million tonnes of CO2. Not only that. Beyond environmental benefits, disposal costs were saved for 3, € 2 billion has been recovered raw material 1, 2 billion, and have avoided the additional cost of 479 million by preventing, at the same time generating a value of armature 3, 2 billion euro. But the good news does not end there. In the ten years of recycling activities, according to Alessandro Marangoni, managing director of the center of analysis Althesys and professor at Bocconi University have created 76,700 new jobs. "That the system is virtuous is also confirmed by the fact that the cost of the entire consortium structure account for just 5, 6% of the benefits," says Marangoni. "In recent years the system of recovery of glass, plastic, paper, aluminum, steel and wood made it possible to start to collect and recycle 38, 8 million tonnes of materials (as if to fill up each year on average 258mila truck), thus preventing the opening of 325 new landfills.
Without adequate advertising bans are zero fines to motorists who fail to comply with alternate plates and other traffic restrictions. The Supreme Court states that municipalities must take "all possible measures to provide information, so that any user, for whatever origin, can not claim not to know the layout."
Due "rose rosse" con Robbiano
di Gino Fortunato (LA STAMPA)
NOVI LIGURE - La nuova giunta comunale novese ha assunto una connotazione definita, con una buona rappresentanza in "rosa". Il sindaco, Lorenzo Robbiano, avrebbe infatti scelto, oltre a Paola Cavanna, designata all'Urbanistica in virtù della sua recente esperienza come presidente dell'omonima municipal committee, including Felicia Broda, a surprise name in the list share "Drive on the left." This training brings together under one umbrella the representatives of the PRC, the PDCI and Democratic Left. Felicia Broda, a former teacher, will be delegated to the Education and Social Affairs. Ippolito will replace Negro appointed to chair the Association of personal services. The deployment of the radical left has been so satisfied in his demands that you 'add three proxies on the boards in many entities of the second degree. The PD will have four assessors. In addition to Marubbi Germano (Budget), Simon Tedeschi (Culture and Tourism) and Paolo Cavanna, will reconfirmed the former Councillor for Commerce and Tourism, Enzo Garassino, he held the proxy for Public Works. L '"Last Time" indicates the winner of the competition Michael Ziccardi, which should become council leader of the Democratic Party. Predicate remains in the role of deputy mayor will be chosen by Robb of the four commissioners of his own party. The other two assessors who will complete the picture of the junta, are Carmine Cascarino (list "20 for Novi) and Franco Gabriele (Italy of Values). Therefore would remain outside the Socialist party. Confirmed the presidency of the council in Port Maria Rosa (minority). But the nomination is contested by the rest of the opposition (PDL and mixed group) who would claim this charge. It will therefore be the first city council vote to sanction. Meanwhile, was officially the first session to be held Monday, July 20 to 21 in the conference room of the library. Among the items on the agenda, as well as the formalization of the roles of chairman and vice chairman dell'assise town and the presentation of the junta, are provided for the swearing in of the mayor, the election of the municipal electoral commission and the standing committees.
Romano Pasquale (Il Secolo XIX)
The Comollo is willing to play Basaluzzo the Novese but notes that there may be events in conjunction
Novi Ligure. The battle for playing Girardengo Aquanera between Novi and at the time, it has no winners or losers. The leaders have asked the municipal dell'Acquanera of Novi Novi to take advantage of the playground because the playground of Basaluzzo is not approved for the series D. The Novi, fell in Excellence, should give its assenso.Ieri afternoon there was an interim meeting to town hall to the mayor Lorenzo Robbiano and representatives of Novi, President Valter Marletta, vice Charles Spinetta, the director of youth Massimo Schenardi, Secretary Peter White, executive staff consists of the president dell'Aquanera Renato Traverso, administrator of the company Manuela Giacomello, sporting director Marco Taverna, President Comollo Lino Laceby and the presidency of the sport, Andrea Reale. The Novi has raised a number of ob-bijection. In the winter months because of various stops or bad weather could occur concurrently with home games played at home or from Novi who dall'Aquanera. It 's a technical problem to be solved and which has been relinquished to Andrea Reale, president of Look, which will draft a document that will harmonize the conflicting needs (the Comollo has already claimed to be available to transfer to Basaluzzo, the G3 has not been requested), then the town administrations will make a decision: Next Monday is the deadline for submission of application for registration with the Aquanera the definition of the field to play on: when the leaders will declare Basaluzzo play on their field after they have been carried out the renovations, but it is likely that the championship takes place at dell'Aquanera Girardengo. "In the house of the events to coincide Novese and Aquanera - says the ds basaluzzese, Taverna - we are willing to find an alternative pitch." Main part of this complex story in question, the Novi. "There are objective difficulties to be solved - says President Walter Novi Marletti hope that everything goes through. Sports fans should not forget that the Girardengo is the field where they play and usually Novese Comollo, while a third team to town G3 that plays in the same series of Comollo, had to be a field on the outskirts. "
recycling waste is good for the environment. And even the economy. The spread of the economic crisis has not stopped the process of growth of the recycling of packaging. So much so that at the end of the economic benefits related to the collection and disposal of packaging should get to touch the 670 million euro. Value, this, that added to the data of the last nine years, will lead to achievement of the 6, 7 billion euro savings in environmental terms in the last ten years. These are the data in the study "The benefits of recycling collection in Italy, carried out by Althesys Conai on behalf of the National Consortium for the recovery of packaging. "Despite the market downturn, in 2008 was recovered 70% of consumer packaging placed above the targets required by law, "said Pierre Perron, president of Conai." And the role of the consortium system will continue to be central to the economics of recycling, even in a time of crisis, because it is able to ensure the collection of waste from separate collection and recycling and their good start to recovery. "According to data released by Conai of the 6, 7 billion € saved in the last decade in terms environment, over a billion is attributable to the very system that Conai Consortium has prevented the emission of greenhouse gases, recycled for something like 48 to 2 million tonnes of CO2. Not only that. Beyond environmental benefits, disposal costs were saved for 3, € 2 billion has been recovered raw material 1, 2 billion, and have avoided the additional cost of 479 million by preventing, at the same time generating a value of armature 3, 2 billion euro. But the good news does not end there. In the ten years of recycling activities, according to Alessandro Marangoni, managing director of the center of analysis Althesys and professor at Bocconi University have created 76,700 new jobs. "That the system is virtuous is also confirmed by the fact that the cost of the entire consortium structure account for just 5, 6% of the benefits," says Marangoni. "In recent years the system of recovery of glass, plastic, paper, aluminum, steel and wood made it possible to start to collect and recycle 38, 8 million tonnes of materials (as if to fill up each year on average 258mila truck), thus preventing the opening of 325 new landfills.
For the number plate restrictions clearly marked
Without adequate advertising bans are zero fines to motorists who fail to comply with alternate plates and other traffic restrictions. The Supreme Court states that municipalities must take "all possible measures to provide information, so that any user, for whatever origin, can not claim not to know the layout."
Free Entertainment Center Blueprints
City of Novi Ligure
Prot.21645 Novi Ligure, July 6, 2009
Subject: Notice of representation in the first session of the City Council.
Following the proclamation elected representatives, I hereby invite you to attend the first meeting of the City Council, which will take place at the conference hall of Public Library, in Via Marconi 66 , first convened in regular session, the day Monday, July 20, 2009 at 21.00 for the treatment of the following agenda: Consideration of
City of Novi Ligure
Prot.21645 Novi Ligure, July 6, 2009
Subject: Notice of representation in the first session of the City Council.
Following the proclamation elected representatives, I hereby invite you to attend the first meeting of the City Council, which will take place at the conference hall of Public Library, in Via Marconi 66 , first convened in regular session, the day Monday, July 20, 2009 at 21.00 for the treatment of the following agenda: Consideration of
- elected as Mayor and City Councilman and conditions of eligibility and incompatibility of each. Validation of the elect. Oath of the Mayor.
- Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman of the City Council pursuant to art. 11 of the Statute.
- Communication from the Mayor of the members of the City Council.
- submitted the general policy of the government.
Election Municipal Election Commission. - Constitution Board's Standing Committees.
- Ratification City Council Resolution No. 99 dated 06.03.2009 "The changes to the Budget allocations for the financial year 2009."
- notice of City Council Resolution No. 84, 13/5/2009 "III removal from the reserve fund ordinary".
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