Marine Park borders the Strait of Bonifacio
During the International Year for Biodiversity ', Italy and France have signed an agreement to undertake the process of setting up a new protected area: the Marine Park borders the Strait of Bonifacio. The Ministers of the Environment Stefania Prestigiacomo and Jean Louis Borloo, we are committed to creating a European grouping of territorial cooperation between the National Park of the Maddalena Archipelago and the natural reserve of the Strait of Bonifacio, the two main areas that make up the new Marine Park. We see a small card:
- La Maddalena Archipelago National Park: located on the north of Sardinia, has a town on the main island of La Maddalena, on other islands there are only a few houses and some of them are occupied only in summer at Caprera and Santa Maria. Nature is undisputed instead to spread, Casings, Razzoli, Spargiotto, Barrettini, and Mortorio Nibani. The archipelago, consisting of over 60 islands and islets, is one of the most spectacular in the world. The park covers an area - between land and sea - of 18,000 acres (5,038 hectares of land and 13 thousand hectares of sea surface), with 221 km of coastline
- NATURE RESERVE OF THE MOUTHS OF BONIFACIO: is, by French side, the main part of the new protected area, between Corsica and Sardinia located on the southern edge of Corsica, has a perimeter of 80 thousand hectares and overlooks the National Park of La Maddalena. The reserve, preserve coastal environments and exceptional landscapes: the islands of Lavezzi, the Cerbicales, the Monks, the cliffs of Bonifacio, the peninsula of Bruzzi, ponds Ventilegne, including precious plant and animal species.
The marine park borders will be born in the Straits of Bonifacio Strait that is the strait between Sardinia (Capo Testa and Punta Falcone) and Corsica (Chapter Pertusato) The draft of the new Transfrontier Park there 's also the nature reserve Three of the Marshes de Suartone, the latest in Corsica to preserve a habitat for this and the original di rilevanza internazionale, costituito da zone umide, vere e proprie riserve di biodiversita' che ospitano specie minacciate, endemiche o rare.
Nel testo è stato inserito anche un punto che stabilisce, d'intesa con l'Organizzazione marittima internazionale (OMI), il divieto incondizionato di transitare in questo specchio di mare per le imbarcazioni che contengono sostanze pericolose.
Una delle minacce per questa area, infatti, e' quella dell'inquinamento provocato dalle navi, un problema al centro del progetto ''Sos Bocche di Bonifacio'' che è partito l'anno scorso e mira ad attuare un monitoraggio più efficace della circolazione marina, in modo tale da facilitare e velocizzare la pianificazione e il coordination of response operations in case of marine pollution. The strait is traversed each year by thousands of ships, including those carrying dangerous and polluting, among which some are too old or not equipped with a double hull or equivalent design. If you add that navigation in this area is made difficult by the shape of the coastline and seabed, as well as the prevailing winds of the west and northwest, it is reasonable to consider this''highly vulnerable. So you just have to express satisfaction with an initiative aimed at the preservation of our ocean and its inhabitants.