E 'born Sunday a little girl weighing 11.6 kg The new baby has four brothers and sisters were all born in Genoa

of a baby seal born at the Aquarium of Genoa on Sunday at 5 am The birth took place in a natural way out of the water and without need for intervention. Breast-feeding, which began on the day of birth during the night, every hour every day continues and will continue for thirty days, after which little has doubled in weight. At the time, and his mother Tethy small are housed in a special nursery and are constantly monitored by zoologists aquarium.
The common seal (Phoca vitulina) is a carnivorous mammal belonging to the family Phocidae. 160-200 cm long, reaches a weight of 75 kg. The coat is made of stiff bristles and shiny hair, beneath which lies an uncertain fluff, its color is mostly gray with spots or blackish on the back. The head is round the snout is very short, branching from the upper lip of the hard bristles of his mustache a bit 'wavy. The eyes are large, dark and shiny. The small seal
shortly after birth is able to swim and dive without being pushed or urged by his mother goes right in the humid element with which instantly takes confidence and follows where the mother is attentive and protective. http://www.acquariodigenova.it/
A blue ribbon at the Bioparco di Roma. On July 9, Wendy and Chucky had their puppy a male Grant's zebra, the puppy who weighs about 30 pounds within a few hours after birth was standing and looked after by her mother who does not lose sight of.
The puppy does not have a name, Bioparco invites all children to submit proposals by sending an email to: babyzebra@bioparco.it . which are selected Zoo staff. Of all the proposals received, the zoo staff will choose the most original name will be announced on the website http://www.bioparco.it/
Zebras are members of the mammalian Perissodactyla, as the horse family Equidae. Grant's Zebra - Equus burchelli Boehm lives in the savanna of Southeast Asia is a social animal in a herd made up of organized flocks family (male, female, young) of about ten individuals. Zebras are herbivores that feed on more than 50 species of herbs, migrating from one pasture to another, following the rains.