E' nato il
Piano strategico del waterfront veneziano
“Polo nautico d’eccellenza dell’Adriatico”
· Museums
Naval Museum, Lagoon Archaeological Museum, Library and Archives of the Sea (combining all that we have of the inherent spread in Town: Marciana Library, Museums, State Archives, etc.).
· Polo Universitario
Retrieve stable, now a Naval Museum, established a ' University of the Sea with the authority to: Naval Engineering, Technology and coastal marine, intermodal and port systems, accessories and marine logistics of loading and unloading, Marine Robotics, Science, Science of Weather Forecasts, Naval Computer Science, for the design of Water front , Marine Archaeology with the adjacent laboratory for restoration techniques of wet wood (for the recovery of the galley and Rascon of S. Marco in Boccalama and so on).
· Polo Professional
Strategies High Military Studies Institute of the Italian Navy, Nautical Professional Institute (formerly Cini and Venier)
· Polo Searches
bodies that deal with advanced research in the marine sector.
· Polo Sport
Consisting of swimming pools and gyms, activating all relevant disciplines including rowing, Venetian rowing, sailing the third (schools, with attached storage area).
· Polo Artisan
traditional Shipbuilding for the construction and repair with an adjacent school apprenticeship of typical Venetian boats, including gondolas. Manufacture of wood and traditional materials relating to the shipbuilding industry, including sailmakers and rope. In this space are also considered to be allocated to services such as boarding schools, canteens, classrooms, conference rooms, etc.. Particular attention should be paid to residence for students, lest they fall into the error to cause distraction of new housing to the "residential Venice", activating a wise policy of constructive intervention as, for example, the draft of the Province fully realized nell’isola di San Servolo .
AREA PORTO SAN LEONARDO (Casse di colmata: B–D–E)
L ’ insediamento di nuove attività portuali trade and tourism, aimed Megan access including new large container. Everything feasible to design viewpoint canals and Melison Fisola and only on the north side of Venice to the lagoon separating into two substantially along the present divide, thereby obtaining the necessary depth, allowing airworthiness of these channels to the size of today's ships. There will be a few steps from the natural lagoon-sea port is the Port of Malamocco, we would not have problems blocking the vessel traffic due to Moses or to another system as in Malamocco was provided a navigation lock, you also save time and money in the account the route is much shorter than the existing settlements (Maritime). And if the ships entered the harbor to reach the port of Malamocco S. Leonardo addition to the channel Petroli (first leg), also used the channels and Melison Fisola, we could partially eliminate the crossing of ships with incoming and outgoing calls. This new superporto also contribute to definitively rule out any imminent danger due to the turmoil in today's fragile vessel traffic Basin of San Marco and its neighborhoods. Porto Santo Leonardo is also a short walk from the already planned and currently suspended waterway Padova - Venice and is near the proposed highway new Romea ". Could therefore be interconnections : rail, inland waterways, subway area, highway and waterway. We now also provide a residential area for port operators, offices, warehouses, cold storage for catering activities, maritime customs station , container logistics area, park and everything else needed for a infrastrutturizzazione this worthy of Porto our maritime past.
Point to a much greater development of the commercial port, shipbuilding, but also to the pleasure. The rehabilitation of these 2200 hectares
· Commercial Port Intermodal , development area logistics , storage containers, docks for ships, ferry and ro / ro, rail etc.. setting up a modern logistic center, the starting point of the future Motorways of the sea.
· Shipbuilding and ship builders , development and strengthening, including activities of accessories.
· Marina Equipped , sailing schools, accessories, equipment, shelter and everything else needed for the global service to boating.
· International Exhibition Centre, an area to be allocated to promote industrial, commercial, agricultural and commercial.
· Polo Research and development areas: new technologies (nanotechnology - marine robotics - Neural computing) and materials as we have already started to VEGA, strengthening the structure .
· Polo Scientifico Universitario , also consist of a residential area (campus) for professionals and students.
· Cinecittà Venetian , area for the local film production, in consideration that there is close to the most beautiful, unique and beautiful scenery in the world.
· Mega Platform distribution logistics, which may include:
or General Market (fruits and vegetables, fish and meat already butchered)
or Polo Market Wholesalers both for the "perishable food" for the "no food" ( ie, all product sectors including floriculture, or better understood as the "Centergross" of Bologna). This platform should be operated by a consortium centralized handling and transportation of goods in order to optimize both the orders and deliveries. Thus presenting a formidable economic lung for both the commercial land that the Old Town, but not limited to mean the latter, considerably reduce the high cost of transport today. Would also get supplies "just in time" (which means reducing the value of goods in storage and related areas for stores, now needed by the majority of businesses), would make a strong decrease of the wave-peak product In fact, the unified management of deliveries waterway, can lead to a planned distribution of goods destined for the Old Town, concentrated homogeneous territorial areas.
opportunity would be the redesign of the Section with the relocation of the terminal in the tourist area Fusina (lagoon).
· Fusina, (substitute Tronchetto) , the settling garage, parking exchanger, dining area hotels , station interconnection : surface texture (taken south to Venice), bus, hovercraft navigation in the lagoon, including a special line for public visitors bateaux mouche "hit and run" of the Old Town. Railway Ferry Boat Fusina shipping line - Lido, via channel Malamocco - Marghera (ie, excluding the St. Mark's Basin).
· Punta Sabbioni - Area East , a tourist hub and commuter to and from the Old Town, park, rest area , station interconnection (surface tram, bus and lagoon navigation Hovercraft with super fast connections to Venice).
· Card - West Area, the joint (air-land-sea), s tion of interconnection (airport, bus, inland lagoon in Hovercraft, high-speed railway, tramway and regional municipal area. Area Hotel, park, area maritime logistics for exchanging goods.
The revitalization of the islands is, in the context of the waterfront, one of the fundamental prerequisites for economic recovery lagoon In addition to fishing and all'itticultura. Interventions need to target a project aimed at a nautical tourism of quality, culturally respectful environment, strengthening of agro-food typical lagoon to promote a brand of origin to facilitate the same potential development of farm lagoon.
1. Nature trails and river lagoon
plan and promote specific routes and cultural tourism.
2. trails historical and archaeological lagoon
plan and promote specific routes and cultural tourism.
3. Point Mooring assistance
The idea is to grant concessions seasonal (April-October) in lagoon areas and pre-recorded by the authorities of expertise in public procurement (possibly by sports associations), and anchor for the use of prefabricated floating platforms complete with docking for pleasure boats and consist of a bar, Indoor and outdoor dining areas, solarium, swimming pool, toilet. All aimed at boating as staging points assisted. This kind of refuge-port removable ocean, should be allocated in strategic areas of the lagoon system as well as a possible landing deck for boaters in some islands with no safe havens, encouraging testing, to counter the current neglect and abandonment.
or Cittadella del Cinema , with the planned development in the area: the Palazzo del Cinema (multi-cinema permanent, while the property could be exploited by restricting the function with compatible schedules for summer fashion shows or conventions.
or Historical Museum the National Film
or Clinic multipurpose centers, primary care, telemedicine and so on., Powered by the water connection for navigation and a heliport.
or Wellness Centers for Health (beauty-farm) , ddress and promote the intended use of existing facilities (see the former hospital the sea) for the establishment of privately owned Health Centres (thalassotherapies - sand ecc.).
o Casinò , ripristino per il periodo estivo coinvolgendo gli albergatori del Lido, il nuovo contenitore dovrà essere polifunzionale, per integrare nei periodi autunnali ed invernali con il coinvolgimento di tornei internazionali quali: bridge, scacchi, dama, ping-pong, biliardo, ecc.
or Fountains , Set up Commission to Study for the design of an amusement park.
(nb . fundamental connection with super-Lido Hovercraft mainland, but also for the new ferry boat line on: Fusina - Port St. Leonhard - Lido Alberoni, via channel Malamocco, oils.
National Sports Centre, settle area attrezzata per tutte le discipline del settore sportivo nautico.
(nb. necessario il collegamento dell’isola al Lido, attraverso un tunnel automobilistico subacqueo).
Cessione, attraverso concessione trentennale con bando pubblico, la gestione e manutenzione dell’isola, finalizzata alla costituzione di un parco, area ristoro, solarium, piscina (tipo rifugi di montagna con pernotto), a servizio esclusivo del settore nautico turistico.
Costituire un museo della storia delle prime origini venetiche lagunari da Eraclea a Methamauco.
Attivarne la grande area per l’espansione residenziale veneziana (potrebbe insediare 50.000 nuovi veneziani, tra l’altro, come già proposto molti anni fa dall’U.n.e.s.c.o. Ipotesi progettuale avvalorata anche recentemente da una tesi di laurea specifica e formulata dott.sa engineering from Anna Ippoliti (Rapporteur Dr. Eng. Pedrocco Piero).
Nb. . is the fundamental connection with the hovercraft (see Chapter mobility systems faster).
In this area, released over the garage by tourists for residents of Venice thanks to the new terminal Fusina, should be aimed for use by residents as a Venetian area MP interchange freight logistics for the Historic Centre (ground-water and water-to-ground), storage means of navigation and location Central City Transportation Company Venetian waterways for water activities including support to the Citadel for Nautica (see Maritime Area).
MARITIME (area under the Port)
addition al nuovo Garage (per veneziani e pendolari) e la relativa fermata del People Mover già progettati, la costituzione di una Cittadella per la nautica da diporto con una mega marina che comprenda darsene specialistiche per grandi yacht (nel contempo si potrebbe ipotizzare una specifica imposta di soggiorno sull’ormeggio, con un tot. giornaliero proporzionato alla stazza, quale contributo per i servizi comunali erogati) e per la nautica da diporto (sia per ospiti che per residenti), nonché quelle da destinare alle barche a remi. Si dovrebbe costituire una piattaforma per l’assistenza e/o appoggio alla nautica a 360° gradi, compresa cabina elettrica di trasformazione (necessaria the supply of ships at anchor in this harbor thus reducing noise and air pollution sources), septic tank drainage and sewage bilge, shipbuilding workshops for maintenance, petrol stations, hotel, restaurant, bank, post office, tourist office, sanitation, first aid
MARITIME (ex Gasometri Santa Marta area)
would be desirable to build a new hospital. This area, in fact, meet the specifications required for this type of infrastructure (water bus, tram and rail, road, but not limited to automotive, space for building the necessary public residential center for the industry, it could also envisage the establishment of a university of medicine. should be also reused the former church of Santa Marta for the cultural activities.
SEA area (St. Basil)
would be essential to convert the existing maritime station in the station interconnection (slave to dining, toilets, tourist info point, etc..) Surface municipal tramway system and sublagunare, hence the plug for the circular route around the Old Town station and terminal for navigation in the lagoon Hovercraft including that the ferry link with the Lido. To reopen the whole area to the City, converting the adjacent stores such as containers for the establishment of a Citadel of entertainment for the youth gathering.
should be set up docking stations required for the type of boat " coach, placed in remote areas of the Old Town to limit the wave product, and to equip these stations junction with necessary facilities and services.
- San Pietro di Castello, constitution of a maritime station required navigation flows from coaches from the East (Bibione, Caorle, Jesolo, etc..) including food service area and interconnection with the public boat
- Helena , establishment of a station marittima obbligatoria di navigazione per i flussi granturismo provenienti da Sud (Chioggia, Pellestrina) comprendente area di servizi ristoro e di interconnessione con quella di navigazione pubblica
- San Basilio, obbligatoria per i flussi granturismo provenienti da Ovest (Fusina, Tronchetto) comprendente area di servizi ristoro e per una riconversione in Stazione di interconnessione (metro di superficie e in sublagunare, di navigazione in hovercraft compreso il Terminal del ferry boat per il collegamento con le isole.
- FDM. New area (Jesuits), establishment of a maritime station required navigation flows from coaches from the West and North-West (Tessera, Campalto, Burano, Murano), which includes food service area and interconnected with that of navigation hovercraft.
the problem of crafts of Venetian citizens would resolved through the creation of a number of mooring points located in the peripheral areas of the City in order to free the internal channels is not fully compatible units (taxis, freight boats, boat companies and boat blue), medium-to craft large, especially for those coming from the sea, triggering moorings near the inlets, in order to avoid as much as possible the crossing of the lagoon (see study "Harbours widespread" entrusted by
§ Promote the project IUAV the marina for the yachting stationed in San Nicoletto Nicelli area (near the mouth of the harbor), promoted dall'Assonautica Venetian.
§ Promote draft harbor for sailors and large offshore boats in the area former seaplane (S. Andrea) up even the Fort St. Andrea (earmarking the area for activities with accommodation bond to maintain its historic charm and free access to cultural activities and courses related).
§ Promote re-conversion Maritime Area (see Chapter redesign terminal tour of the Old Town).
acted swiftly and without delay innovating the current system of public mobility has remained essentially that of the early twentieth century and by ensuring a proper policy of taxation and control of tourist flows. These are just a few systems of mobility, really innovative can subvert the state of exclusion produced by the water that surrounds us and also able to subtract the wave from
- The proposal is innovative mobility solution consisting of a triple transport system: Hovercraft - Tram-Way (both surface and in sublagunare) - Vaporetto , with three stations interconnection: S. Basil - Saint Helena - Railway Create side, interchange system. In order to clarify the concept:
1. The super Hovercraft, suitable for connections between the Old Town outdoor lagoon to the mainland and islands, with the certain result of boosting economic development and enable the expansion of residential and consists of:
or shipping line north: -Channel Railway Building, Park S. Giuliano, Tessera, Mazzorbo south, south Burano, S. Francis, S. Erasmo north Treporti, P. Sabbioni, S. Erasmo south Nicelli, La Certosa, S. Elena, Murano, Railway-Channel Create
or L ine navigation south Fusina, S. Basil Sessola Sacca, S. Clement, Grace, S. George, S. Elena, S. Servolo, S. Lazarus, Poveglia, Malamocco, Alberoni, SP Volta, Pellestrina, Chioggia and vice versa.
2. The dual system of tramline (surface and sublagunare) that coming from the mainland to the already planned station S. Basil, would continue in sublagunare forming a circular route around the outside Old Town (St. Basil, M. Stucky, Giudecca south-west, south-east Giudecca, St. Helena, Lido, Reservoirs, Arsenal, Civil Hospital, Mad. Orto, Railway Create-Channel, Tronchetto, St. Basil).
3. Classic Boat, (Line No. 1), for the path Tronchetto, S. Basil, via S. Marta Piazzale Roma Grand Canal (all the existing stations), Lido and back plus a connection line: fdm. New - Cemetery - Murano inland and vice versa.
This new mobility significantly reduce the time required for movement, establishing conditions for the resident of the Old Town and especially the islands, you can get to work (whether on the mainland) in 10/15 minutes, and then maintain their residence in the lagoon and the work on the mainland without being forced to forced migration. In any case, any innovation mobility chose politics, the premise, we must for the Venetians, not should aim for the exclusive " service and tourist consumption" , in other words, it should be a "horse Trojan (or enter more devastating and tourism in the already fragile ancient city). It 'so necessary and vital, as a condition precedent, requiring the establishment of a "Commission of Essays", representing the civil society of the city, established by municipal bodies and trade associations composed of (scientific, economic and civic) , which evaluates programs and a limited number of tourist access to Venice with reservations required identifying the means to achieve it. At the same time is prepared in the cost of transport services (consultation of key public transport operators), in an additional cost service, as a contribution to order compensation for those supplied by the City to the tourist (waste collection, street cleaning, golf and Piazza San Marco, maintenance of public land and works of art, lighting, municipal police, information, toilets) . Part of this contribution should be regarded as a strategic plan for financing the recovery of the "residential Venice" as well as a grant to preserve those weak economic structures of the City to serve the resident.
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