"The earth is given to us by our fathers, but there has been paid by our children"
Masai proverb
Masai proverb
photos taken from the site sopracitatato
We are approaching so fast that a year zero in 2010 that was devoted to the problem of loss of biodiversity on our planet. This year would be one in which, according to the report prepared by the United Nations, should achieve the goal of drastically reducing the rate of animal and plant extinction currently we are supporting.
According to the report, the human species is responsible for the worst manifestation of the age of the dinosaur extinctions. E 'was calculated that the rate of extinction thousand times faster than historically experienced.
Only in recent years are about 500 840 animal and plant species have become extinct but the number is only an approximation because in reality we do not know that a small fraction of the animals currently in the world this is in fact estimated 15 million species of which we know about 1.5. So it should be noted that these figures refer, of course, to the species that man is able to classify. E 'alas very sad to think that yesterday there was certainly a living species a plant or an animal that man has never discovered and never know.
The IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) has estimated 40,177 species including identified 16,119 species threatened with extinction worldwide a huge number and unjustifiable.
If we move from the particular to the more general problem of our country we find that as always this amazing surprises in store for us.
In fact, Italy has a place for it in the possession of a significant biodiversity so that it is represented in more than one third of the European fauna, with 1,176 species of vertebrates including 198 species of mammals, 473 birds and 479 fish . Equally abundant and varied flora is Italian, the most interesting in Europe, with 5,599 species and a rich and complex set of very different landscapes loro.Una priority functions of botanic gardens is to safeguard certain species endangered plants from the Red Book of Italy showed that 29 species of extinct last less than 6 will never be recovered because they are not grown in botanical gardens.
If we go down in the small della regione Sardegna troviamo uno scrigno di meraviglie e specificità di altissimo valore. La Sardegna infatti per le sue origini e la sua evoluzione naturale ma anche sociale, cioè antropica, è stata caratterizzata da un profondo isolamento il quale solo recentemente si sta riducendo che però è durato abbastanza da darle tante specificità secondo la logica della speciazione darwiniana.
Per questo motivo in essa riscontriamo molte specie autoctone e fra tutte le specie animali in particolare sono state inserite come a rischio di estinzione. La trota sarda: Salmo trutta macrostigma (L.1758), il grifone: Gyps fulvus (L.1758), il cervo sardo: Cervus elaphus corsicanus (L.1758), il gipeto: Gypaetus barbatus (L.1784), e fallow deer: Dama dama (L.1758)
As riguarada plant species to the Botanic Garden of Cagliari is the banking structure of germoplasna that they are preserved taxa, rare and endangered
Let's see roughly what are the main causes of extinction of these species
1. destruction of many habitats
2. draining of the marshes
3. deforestation
4. conversion of shrubby areas in pastures
5. urbanization (roads, dams, concrete, etc.)
6. pollution
7. overheating
8.caccia indiscriminate
course you can not ask governments to revert to the Stone Age man do not collide with other species but it would be enough to invest a bit 'more money in maintaining the reduction in pollution and a wiser management of resources to achieve a lot.
How much have you spent reading this article? Well a few minutes! Know that three species are extinguished in one hour, one every 20 minutes . Tomorrow we will find less 74. What are we missing? Knowledge, beauty, variety, diversity and biological mechanisms that we will never know and with them the many treasures that contained and that we can not even use to help ourselves, as we always have a lot of producing medicines and raw materials through to our tenants.
We are approaching so fast that a year zero in 2010 that was devoted to the problem of loss of biodiversity on our planet. This year would be one in which, according to the report prepared by the United Nations, should achieve the goal of drastically reducing the rate of animal and plant extinction currently we are supporting.
According to the report, the human species is responsible for the worst manifestation of the age of the dinosaur extinctions. E 'was calculated that the rate of extinction thousand times faster than historically experienced.
Only in recent years are about 500 840 animal and plant species have become extinct but the number is only an approximation because in reality we do not know that a small fraction of the animals currently in the world this is in fact estimated 15 million species of which we know about 1.5. So it should be noted that these figures refer, of course, to the species that man is able to classify. E 'alas very sad to think that yesterday there was certainly a living species a plant or an animal that man has never discovered and never know.
The IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) has estimated 40,177 species including identified 16,119 species threatened with extinction worldwide a huge number and unjustifiable.
If we move from the particular to the more general problem of our country we find that as always this amazing surprises in store for us.
In fact, Italy has a place for it in the possession of a significant biodiversity so that it is represented in more than one third of the European fauna, with 1,176 species of vertebrates including 198 species of mammals, 473 birds and 479 fish . Equally abundant and varied flora is Italian, the most interesting in Europe, with 5,599 species and a rich and complex set of very different landscapes loro.Una priority functions of botanic gardens is to safeguard certain species endangered plants from the Red Book of Italy showed that 29 species of extinct last less than 6 will never be recovered because they are not grown in botanical gardens.
If we go down in the small della regione Sardegna troviamo uno scrigno di meraviglie e specificità di altissimo valore. La Sardegna infatti per le sue origini e la sua evoluzione naturale ma anche sociale, cioè antropica, è stata caratterizzata da un profondo isolamento il quale solo recentemente si sta riducendo che però è durato abbastanza da darle tante specificità secondo la logica della speciazione darwiniana.
Per questo motivo in essa riscontriamo molte specie autoctone e fra tutte le specie animali in particolare sono state inserite come a rischio di estinzione. La trota sarda: Salmo trutta macrostigma (L.1758), il grifone: Gyps fulvus (L.1758), il cervo sardo: Cervus elaphus corsicanus (L.1758), il gipeto: Gypaetus barbatus (L.1784), e fallow deer: Dama dama (L.1758)
As riguarada plant species to the Botanic Garden of Cagliari is the banking structure of germoplasna that they are preserved taxa, rare and endangered
Let's see roughly what are the main causes of extinction of these species
1. destruction of many habitats
2. draining of the marshes
3. deforestation
4. conversion of shrubby areas in pastures
5. urbanization (roads, dams, concrete, etc.)
6. pollution
7. overheating
8.caccia indiscriminate
course you can not ask governments to revert to the Stone Age man do not collide with other species but it would be enough to invest a bit 'more money in maintaining the reduction in pollution and a wiser management of resources to achieve a lot.
How much have you spent reading this article? Well a few minutes! Know that three species are extinguished in one hour, one every 20 minutes . Tomorrow we will find less 74. What are we missing? Knowledge, beauty, variety, diversity and biological mechanisms that we will never know and with them the many treasures that contained and that we can not even use to help ourselves, as we always have a lot of producing medicines and raw materials through to our tenants.