Il conto alla rovescia sta terminando il 12 Febbraio prossimo saranno 200 anni dalla nascita di Charles Robert Darwin padre dell’evoluzionismo e pietra miliare del pensiero scientifico moderno nato appunto 12 febbraio 1809 a Shrewsbury in Gran Bretagna.
In tutto il mondo sono state istituite celebrazioni a proposito del Darwin day che si protrarranno per tutto il 2009,per ricordare l’uomo, il suo pensiero, le sue grandi intuizioni e le basi di una teoria che ancora oggi divide e fa discutere e che a maggior ragione alla metà dell’ottocento suscitò non poche polemiche. La ricorrenza è accresciuta anche dal fatto che è in quest’anno che use the 150 years since the publication of the essay by Darwin: The Origin of Species. The book that made him so famous scientist and was published in 1859 met with such interest, that the first edition (1250 copies) was sold out in two days. So
has triggered an explosion of initiatives, which can be found on the net and that really remind us all over the world: from England who gave birth to the Galapagos, which provided him with many ideas of observation. Without going outside of our country are some initiatives:
Just this month, here are some Italian cities involved in projects related to the event:
· Florence
Monday 11 and Saturday February 16 2008Palazzo Nonfinito - Museum of Natural History.
· Genoa
· Milan
From February 12 to 17 2008Museo civic history naturaleLa nature tamed
· Morbegno
Saturday, February 16 2008Museo Civic Natural History Morbegno
· Naples
Sunday 10 and 17 February 2008Città Science
· Parma
Friday, February 29 2008Centro Congress of the Municipality of Rome
From 9 to 17 February 2008 and 27-29 February 2008Numerose Roman institutions of communication activated with scientific meetings, conferences, shows, conferences, exhibitions and activities for children.
· Spoleto
22 and 29 February 2008Aula Magna del Liceo Scientifico "A. Volta" 17.00
· Trieste
Thursday, February 14 2008Ore 18.00Museo Municipal Natural History
In tutto il mondo sono state istituite celebrazioni a proposito del Darwin day che si protrarranno per tutto il 2009,per ricordare l’uomo, il suo pensiero, le sue grandi intuizioni e le basi di una teoria che ancora oggi divide e fa discutere e che a maggior ragione alla metà dell’ottocento suscitò non poche polemiche. La ricorrenza è accresciuta anche dal fatto che è in quest’anno che use the 150 years since the publication of the essay by Darwin: The Origin of Species. The book that made him so famous scientist and was published in 1859 met with such interest, that the first edition (1250 copies) was sold out in two days. So
has triggered an explosion of initiatives, which can be found on the net and that really remind us all over the world: from England who gave birth to the Galapagos, which provided him with many ideas of observation. Without going outside of our country are some initiatives:
Just this month, here are some Italian cities involved in projects related to the event:
· Florence
Monday 11 and Saturday February 16 2008Palazzo Nonfinito - Museum of Natural History.
· Genoa
· Milan
From February 12 to 17 2008Museo civic history naturaleLa nature tamed
· Morbegno
Saturday, February 16 2008Museo Civic Natural History Morbegno
· Naples
Sunday 10 and 17 February 2008Città Science
· Parma
Friday, February 29 2008Centro Congress of the Municipality of Rome
From 9 to 17 February 2008 and 27-29 February 2008Numerose Roman institutions of communication activated with scientific meetings, conferences, shows, conferences, exhibitions and activities for children.
· Spoleto
22 and 29 February 2008Aula Magna del Liceo Scientifico "A. Volta" 17.00
· Trieste
Thursday, February 14 2008Ore 18.00Museo Municipal Natural History
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