Monday, March 23, 2009

How To Make A Boat Lock


'the homo sapiens who aspires to become ludens "

"... a catalyst condenser and playful. The boundaries between the different activities will fade fecund contamination ... among the possible "frames of behavior" in public ... "
NL Architects

users are registered with a 'virtual identity and move to' internal structures dedicated to 'sport and recreational activities aimed at non-traditional sense.

a "Gym" in which the 'physical activity is closely linked to the virtual world


Cultural Center Multipurpose Samarate UNA2 Architects

a unified space that fracture in different environments,
gaps are mixed with the solid without losing their functional unit

Pokemon Silver Sp Gameshark

Ex_tempore PROGETTO


1.Living 10% Residences for archaeologists

2.Infrastructure Underground parking 10% 10%

3.Create Laboratories restairo

4.Exchange 60% Area exhibition, conference room, offices, cafeteria, restroom, library

5. Rebuilt still 10% green space

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What Does Hdmi Through Mean?

The game is not over
A " meeting place" for sport and leisure



Exchanging: the creation of a café, a bookshop, a gym , specialty stores for sports.

INFRASTRUCTURING: the creation of a sports field and other facilities related to 'sport.

CREATING: the creation of workshops for the repair of laboratory instruments and repair of sports equipment.

REBUILDING NATURE: the redevelopment of an area the almost deserted with the creation of green spaces integrated relationship with a center for the sport.

LIVING: the creation of temporary residences for athletes.

EX-TEMPORE 18/03/2009:

A structure that develops playing with levels and making full use the 'sectional area with bed elevated and partly underground rooms .

"Less is more 5 'Ricci & Spain, Rome

"Concours d 'ideas to build a sports facility" Stefano Sichich, Nives Sown

"multi-cultural center Samaria" Una2 associated architects

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Past Woodway Park Students

Progetto di riferimento

Daniel Libeskind Denver Art Museum
The expansion of the Denver Art Museum is an extension of pre-existing museum, designed by 'Italian architect Gio Ponti, in order to house the collection of modern and contemporary art and the collection of architecture, design and art ocean. Within this new block will also be placed around the main entrance of the museum complex, with a hall of representation that will provide access to shops, a cafe and a theater.
to inspire the geometric shape with the corners covered with titanium for the new museum seems to have been the breathtaking panorama of mountains Roccos.
The new building for the Denver Art Museum will be an icon with his character and form will attract a wide audience to the museum complex.
The project is designed as a single building but as part of a composition of public spaces, monuments and "gateway" in this part of the city which is undergoing a major development.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Watch South Park Movie Streaming

Design Concepts


a space report where they can meet the families in the neighborhood and children can spend time in small play areas for them.

L 'area is located near the "Parish of St. Mary Help of Christians" and the "College of the Church of the Holy Body of Christ" and others Alternates religious. The area is frequented by families and therefore lends itself to creating a place where they can meet.


a struttura adibita a mercato, centro di commercio e relazioni, con strutture che si prestino ad ospitare, nei giorni in cui non c' è mercato, attività complementari: un centro esposizioni , una " libreria-cafè "

L' area ha una forte vocazione a mercato, ma nei giorni in cui questo non si svolge è in disuso e rimane pressocchè abbandonata e malfrequentata. Quindi la destinazione d' uso principale non può che essere quella di mercato, integrata però da altre attività che possano sfruttare la zona costantemente. Inoltre a pochi passi è situato l' " Istituto Tecnico Statale Commerciale e per Geometri Levi- De Nicola", quindi la zona è frequentata anche da molti giovani, che vanno coinvolti nel progetto, con la realizzazione di un' area esposizioni e una libreria-caffè, dove gli studenti possano recarsi usciti da scuola e che costituisca un punto di riferimento anche per i frequentatori del mercato.


un meeting place , una struttura che ospiti diverse funzioni che dialoghino tra loro: un campo sportivo , una caffetteria , un bookshop .
Un luogo dedicato allo sport e al tempo libero, che costituisca un ' attrattiva per i giovani del quartiere e non solo.

L' area , situata all' interno di un complesso di case popolari, è attualmente occupata da campetti in stato di semiabbandono, adiacenti ad un circolo bocciofilo, il "Casilino 2".
L' area è quindi predisposta per la realizzazione di un centro dove si svolgano attività sportive e ricreative, essendo inoltre frequentata dai giovani del quartiere che si riuniscono lì, senza però avere a disposizione strutture a loro dedicate.

Il " Basket bar " di Utrecht costituisce un chiaro esempio di funzioni diverse che dialogano tra loro.

NL Architects-Basketbar

u n MEETING PLACE relaxing for professors, researchers and students

The structure gathers the various functions that interact with each other,
by the "cafe" the informal center of campus

It 's a BAR, made to 'inside the campus' University of Utrecht.
The area is located in a central location on campus near a building more or less like the public Educatorium, next to a small museum of contemporary architecture and the new library, just below the Van Unnik, the massive 'logo' University High 80 meters.

Uithof The cafe is an extension of 15 x 15 meters of the existing library with u na connection between the bar and the library: the 'reading table' becomes the point of exchange between the two functions.
The roof of the café for a basketball court. The circle of the court is made of glass, establishing a relationship between the basketball court and the Bar
In front of the 'entrance of the bar' orange pool 'brings together the sunken terrace, a mini amphitheater and access for the disabled: a nice combination of people walking around with drinks, people with skates and people with wheelchairs.