From CorriereAL ( http://www.corriereal.it/?pos=008.1280 )
Novi Ligure - will be a real city children, with a small indoor amusement park, a games room, a refreshment and more. In all six hundred square feet available for children between 2 and twelve years. All Novi, near Ciprian, by a local entrepreneur and society play Mart Cinisello Balsamo.
first green light from Novi City Council in the project "Play Planet."
"For now this is a request to the municipal town planning offices and that we, as an addition, we welcomed favorevolmente – precisa l'assessore Paola Cavanna – Si tratta della realizzazione, nella zona artigianale, di una sorta di isola per i bambini, con spazi gioco ma anche di studio".
Nella nuova struttura di viale regione Piemonte è prevista la convivenza tra spazi ludici e di intrattenimento guidato, servizio baby sitting e dopo scuola. Lo spazio maggiore sarà occupato da un piccolo parco divertimenti al coperto con scivoli, tunnel, piccoli ponteggi; poi, uno spazio protetto dedicato ai più piccoli e, ancora, una sala con giochi tradizionale con videogiochi a “gettone” e giochi interattivi. Non mancherà un'area per la vendita di oggettistica per bambini e un ristorante snack bar. Unlike other similar spaces, which in the city have already opened and closed its doors, is also provided for a study room where you can organize classes after school.
The users have to pay an admission ticket already indicated in a modest, between 6 and 8 €. Maximum flexibility in: seven days a week, from Monday to Sunday 15.30 to 20.30 hours.
"The proponent will use the experience, expertise and graduated from the Montessori school. The proposal, in the future - continued Councillor Cavanna - is also to open a sort of baby parking or private kindergarten, stipulating agreements with companies operating in the area and the municipality. At this point, however, there is still nothing definite and firm, we are only hypothetical. "
In fact, after the closure of the Isle of Children, where he was transferred to the nursery Rainbow City, in the city there is a structure that can accommodate children, especially in winter. Private enterprise could find areas of collaboration by the public, given the chronic shortage of places in local nurseries. The choice the industrial area also responds to a demand for more services by operators in the area, also in the process of expansion.
Al Cipiani, in fact, provided such construction of the new tuna Maruzzella.
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