Consiglio regionale, Ronghi/Brusco (MpA): Piano Casa, da Pd e PdL intesa per legge beffa. should be one law for families "The PD and the PDL have made a deal for a law that trick will not help the families and the territory". And 'what they said regional directors of the MPA-Allied for South Ronghi Salvatore and Francesco Brusco who held a press conference to explain the proposals of his own party on the House floor. Ronghi Brusco and explained to reporters that "the bill approved in committee with the mess between PD and PDL will be just a bluff, it will help families and destroy what little industrial base that has remained in Campania since the standard approved Commission expects that in the change of use of industrial areas può avvenire a solo un anno dalla loro dismissione”.
“Pd e PdL – hanno proseguito Ronghi e Brusco – non hanno dato vita ad un ragionamento serio e politico ampio, tanto che la legge arriverà in Aula con oltre duemila emendamenti, ma hanno preferito limitarsi ad una intesa volta alla approvazione di un provvedimento inutile da poter ‘vendere’ in campagna elettorale”.
Armati di mattoni e tavelle, di caldarella e cucchiaio, di impasto per cemento e di cappello per muratore, Ronghi e Brusco hanno sottolineato “noi del MpA siamo per un Piano casa vero e concreto che rilanci veramente il settore edilizio e l’occupazione, che aiuti le famiglie incrementando le volumetrie anche nei condomini and healing needs of little illegal, allowing the conversion of old industrial sites, including town centers, at least three years in residential special agreement, focusing on rehabilitation and reconstruction of old towns in the so-called red zone with the creation of effective escape routes. "
"Settantancinque amendments to ensure that the Plan
-house is a real opportunity for families and for reviving the economy and employment." With
bricks and tiles, Caldwell and spoon, mix cement mason and hat, the regional adviser
MPA - Allies for South Ronghi Salvatore and Francesco Brusco explained to the press MPA proposals for the House plan that will begin tomorrow in its path in the Regional Council. "We want the plan is a law-home for families, residents in both urban and degraded areas, allowing construction to push through change of use of disused industrial areas by at least three years to 'inner cities than in outlying areas, to rehabilitate degraded areas and city centers, working on strengthening the red zone escape routes "- explained Rong and Brusco, in explaining its amendments," the current text allows 'expansion of volumes of 20% only for the houses, we, however, suggest that this intervention can be made up to 30% even in apartment buildings with adequate space, respecting the architectural style of the building and the environment as well as the minimum distance. " "Furthermore - continued the two members of the MPA - are for the regularization of the small abuse of necessity, or of those actions over the volume allowed by the building permit and which have as their objective is the need of families to expand their property."
Regarding the change of use of former industrial sites
"we are totally in support of this intervention, an increase of volume of 30% - pointed to two members of the MPA - as long as the disposal has taken place for at least three years and involves not only the peripheral areas but also the city: in the inner cities - have exemplified Ronghi and Brusco - there are old factories have become abandoned den of crime and degradation, our proposal these structures could be enhanced through the creation of social housing. "
MpA 's amendments also provide the opportunity to build in protected areas, subject to authorization by the relevant authorities and provided that the areas where the inedificabilità is relative; abatement and reconstruction in the historical centers without incentives for buildings crumbling and not consistent with the architectural style with the recovery of the attics without changing the style of the building, demolition and reconstruction of the outside of city centers with incentives for dilapidated buildings with the recovery of the attics which are expected to outline changes and, finally, MPA proposes the demolition of dilapidated buildings along the escape routes of the Vesuvius area, with the simultaneous provision of relocation housing, with the involvement of municipalities, with designed and program agreements, may designate areas for residential purposes, and in proportion of 30% for tourism and manufacturing. "The nostro impegno in Aula sarà assoluto e determinato – hanno annunciato Ronghi e Brusco – affinchè il Consiglio approvi un Piano casa utile e realmente efficace per le famiglie e per l’economiae affinchè questo provvedimento tanto atteso dai territori non si trasformi nell’ennesima occasione perduta”.