Di Marco Persi from "Il Secolo XIX" of October 30, 2009
Novi Ligure. Even in the last meeting of the "open forums" held last night in the parish hall of the church of St. Anthony Avenue of Remembrance, people have remarked on the lack of public lighting. "Viale Saffi - say-when rain or snow is almost entirely in the dark and you do not understand why. " Also in the Memorial Avenue there are several points where the lighting does not work, as in front of the church fathers of Josephine. Someone has, however, also complained about public parks and the fact that in Viale Saffi, the walk of Novi, which was completely rebuilt a couple of years ago, the beds especially at the level of media "Doria" are just land covered with dog excrement.
Crosa Some residents have brought to the attention of the sighs of the installation came close to their case, di un antenna di telefonia mobile. «Siamo alquanto preoccupati, - dice Danilo Morsell i- abbiamo anche dato vita ad un petizione raccogliendo firme che abbiamo consegnato in Comune. Siamo circondati da antenne e da pali della luce e temiamo fortemente per la nostra salute e quella delle nostre famiglie».
A tale riguardo ha risposto l’assessore all’Ambiente Carmine Cascarino che ha presentato all’assemblea, per altro non particolarmente numerosa vista la concomitanza dell’incontro con le partite del campionato di calcio, gli esiti dei controlli effettuati da Arpa nelle settimane scorse. «Siamo ben al di sotto delle soglia di attenzione prevista dalla legge. Continueremo, comunque, a richiedere esami di questo type '.
installing the antenna, however, the City may little or nothing because "the law allows a private citizen who has a piece of land as is the case in question to grant rent - said the mayor Lorenzo Robbiano - who wants and, therefore, also a mobile service provider. The City can not intervene, is a strictly private matter. "
Finally, the other night by residents of the boulevards area has shown the problem of traffic. First of all you mentioned, was poorly maintained sidewalks, particularly those in Via dei Mille and then the residents of Via Cavallotti have drawn attention to the facility which regulates the traffic light intersection of Via and Via Verdi Cavalotti where the red locks immediately leaving no time to remove the cars from crossing himself and "so happen almost daily accidents'
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