Thursday, January 28, 2010

What Does Watery White Cm Mean

primordial plane fly

The Microraptor gui was a predatory dinosaur able to glide.

A dinosaur raptor, the Microraptor gui, able to glide like a glider, it would be the father of the birds. This is what has been published in the journal American Academy of Sciences, PNAS, researchers from American and Chinese University of Kansas and Northeastern University.
researchers after the discovery of a fossil of 'Microraptor gui' still in excellent condition, which occurred in China in 2003, effettuato svariati test di volo ricostruendo questo piccolo dinosauro carnivoro. Ciò ha consentito di studiare nel dettaglio la struttura delle ali del 'Microraptor gui', vissuto nel Cretaceo inferiore in Cina (circa 130 milioni di anni fa). Il Microraptor di cui si conoscono due specie, M. zhaoianus e M. gui, è molto simile ad un qualunque dinosauro dromeosauride, ma presenta la particolarità di avere delle dimensioni molto piccole, paragonabili a quelle di un falco. Questi dinosauri, chiariscono i ricercatori, possedevano quattro ali fuoriuscivano dai fianchi e, fatto significativo, vivevano sugli alberi, anche se erano dotati di due piedini con sette dita tali da consentire la capacità di camminare al suolo .I nostri studi, osserva uno the researchers concerned, David Burnham of the University of Kansas, "we have shown that these dinosaurs were able to glide with success." According to this study, the 'Microraptor gui' assumed a position essentially lying in the air, a feature that probably provided him with stability on the fly even higher than that of Dermotteri an order of placental mammals in south-east Asia, commonly called flying lemurs.
a discovery, that of this group of scientists who question the idea, shared by many paleontologists, that the ability to fly has evolved from land animals. This study actually showed that this ability has evolved from arboreal animals.


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