bloggers strike against the gag Alfano
Friday, April 30, 2010
Whats The Average Number Of Words In A Chapter
Lu Litarroni Beach, a coastline incontanimata not touch
Oil spill in Louisiana
Perhaps worse Exxon
Top lingue di greggio uscite dai un deposito sotterraneo delle Bp hanno toccato le coste dello Stato americano. Dichiarato lo stato di catastrofe nazionale
NEW YORK - Onda dopo onda la marea nera della Bp è arrivata a lambire le coste della Louisiana: i primi tentacoli di petrolio, le propaggini avanzate della gigantesca macchia di greggio fuoriuscita da un pozzo sottomarino del colosso britannico dell'energia, sono state avvistate al tramonto di ieri sulle coste del Delta del Mississippi in Louisiana. Il governo americano ha dichiarato lo stato di catastrofe nazionale. Per fronteggiare la crisi il governatore della Florida Bobby Jindal ha chiesto all'amministrazione Usa di stanziare fondi per l'impiego di 6.000 soldati della Guardia Nazionale. ''Sebbene la BP is responsible for the costs and funding, my administration will continue 'to use every available resource at our disposal, including Department of Defense to address this incident,''he said the U.S. president Barack Obama.
loss after the incident was revealed yesterday Deepwater Horizon is five times more serious than initially expected, with consequences that could equal or exceed those of the Exxon Valdez disaster of 1989. President Barack Obama, kept informed, he called the governors of the coastal areas at risk: in addition to Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida. The fishermen in the Delta have spent yesterday and last night to collect shrimp prima che l'onda viscosa rosso-arancio del greggio li intrappolasse e li uccidesse tutti.
La marea nera potrebbe diventare il peggior disastro ambientale in decenni per gli Stati Uniti: a rischio sono centinaia di specie di pesci, uccelli e altre forme di vita di un ecosistema particolarmente fragile e già sottoposto a traumi al passaggio dell'uragano Katrina. A New Orleans, la città devastata dal ciclone del 2005, ieri l'aria era diventata pesante per i vapori acri del greggio: sono stati effettuati test per verificare le denunce dei residenti che hanno intasati i centralini comunali e della protezione civile.
Il ministro della Sicurezza Interna Janet Napolitano e la collega dell'Epa Lisa Jackson oggi raggiungono il ministro dell'Interno Ken Salazar is already in place. For the White House, said today the Washington Post, the oil slick has a problem not only environmental but also political: the President only a few weeks ago gave birth to an unpopular among environmentalists, a program of drilling offshore. The green ones are the concerns of the past few days found to be justified.
It's up to BP, whose shares have lost 8 per cent yesterday on the markets in the first instance to contain the disaster, but now that the oil slick has hit the ground, private resources are not enough.
(April 30, 2010) © Reproduction
Oil spill in Louisiana
Perhaps worse Exxon
Top lingue di greggio uscite dai un deposito sotterraneo delle Bp hanno toccato le coste dello Stato americano. Dichiarato lo stato di catastrofe nazionale
NEW YORK - Onda dopo onda la marea nera della Bp è arrivata a lambire le coste della Louisiana: i primi tentacoli di petrolio, le propaggini avanzate della gigantesca macchia di greggio fuoriuscita da un pozzo sottomarino del colosso britannico dell'energia, sono state avvistate al tramonto di ieri sulle coste del Delta del Mississippi in Louisiana. Il governo americano ha dichiarato lo stato di catastrofe nazionale. Per fronteggiare la crisi il governatore della Florida Bobby Jindal ha chiesto all'amministrazione Usa di stanziare fondi per l'impiego di 6.000 soldati della Guardia Nazionale. ''Sebbene la BP is responsible for the costs and funding, my administration will continue 'to use every available resource at our disposal, including Department of Defense to address this incident,''he said the U.S. president Barack Obama.
loss after the incident was revealed yesterday Deepwater Horizon is five times more serious than initially expected, with consequences that could equal or exceed those of the Exxon Valdez disaster of 1989. President Barack Obama, kept informed, he called the governors of the coastal areas at risk: in addition to Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida. The fishermen in the Delta have spent yesterday and last night to collect shrimp prima che l'onda viscosa rosso-arancio del greggio li intrappolasse e li uccidesse tutti.
La marea nera potrebbe diventare il peggior disastro ambientale in decenni per gli Stati Uniti: a rischio sono centinaia di specie di pesci, uccelli e altre forme di vita di un ecosistema particolarmente fragile e già sottoposto a traumi al passaggio dell'uragano Katrina. A New Orleans, la città devastata dal ciclone del 2005, ieri l'aria era diventata pesante per i vapori acri del greggio: sono stati effettuati test per verificare le denunce dei residenti che hanno intasati i centralini comunali e della protezione civile.
Il ministro della Sicurezza Interna Janet Napolitano e la collega dell'Epa Lisa Jackson oggi raggiungono il ministro dell'Interno Ken Salazar is already in place. For the White House, said today the Washington Post, the oil slick has a problem not only environmental but also political: the President only a few weeks ago gave birth to an unpopular among environmentalists, a program of drilling offshore. The green ones are the concerns of the past few days found to be justified.
It's up to BP, whose shares have lost 8 per cent yesterday on the markets in the first instance to contain the disaster, but now that the oil slick has hit the ground, private resources are not enough.
(April 30, 2010) © Reproduction
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Computer Case Check Model
May 8 World Day of World Earth Day thalassemia
May 8 is celebrated around the world Day of Thalassemia, inherited disease that strikes in Italy about 7,000 people. Despite the many advances in treatment, the ultimate healing from this disease remains an unsolved problem if we exclude the bone marrow transplant. Friday, May 7 at 11:00 am in the Capitol will be held a press conference during which experts will discuss the novelty of thalassemia diagnosis and treatment, research, recovery prospects opened up by gene therapy.
The term thalassemia (anemia mediterranea) indica un gruppo molteplice di anemie ereditarie, causate da un’alterazione dei geni che regolano la produzione dell’emoglobina.
L’emoglobina è una proteina, contenuta nei globuli rossi, la cui funzione è di trasportare l’ossigeno alle cellule del corpo e di rimuovere l’anidride carbonica.
Nella talassemia la mancata produzione di emoglobina normale determina una precoce distruzione dei globuli rossi. In Italia la forma di talassemia più frequente è la beta-talassemia, alcune delle regioni più colpite sono la Sicilia, la Sardegna, l’Emilia Romagna e la Puglia. Tuttavia questa malattia è diffusa in tutto il world, and in some areas involving more than 20% of the population.
May 8 is celebrated around the world Day of Thalassemia, inherited disease that strikes in Italy about 7,000 people. Despite the many advances in treatment, the ultimate healing from this disease remains an unsolved problem if we exclude the bone marrow transplant. Friday, May 7 at 11:00 am in the Capitol will be held a press conference during which experts will discuss the novelty of thalassemia diagnosis and treatment, research, recovery prospects opened up by gene therapy.
The term thalassemia (anemia mediterranea) indica un gruppo molteplice di anemie ereditarie, causate da un’alterazione dei geni che regolano la produzione dell’emoglobina.
L’emoglobina è una proteina, contenuta nei globuli rossi, la cui funzione è di trasportare l’ossigeno alle cellule del corpo e di rimuovere l’anidride carbonica.

Thalassaemia was described for the first time the twenties. in America where children of Italian origin, we found a condition characterized by anemia and an enlarged liver and spleen was named this disease or thalassemia or Cooley's anemia. About 25 years later in Italy the study of several families of patients with Cooley's disease, led to a clarification of the dynamics of disease.
Thalassemia is an expression of the condition that an individual who is homozygous for both genes (one on the chromosome that comes from the father and the one that comes on chromosome from the mother) the change that leads to the formation of hemoglobin incorrect on the morphological and functional and then, while the Microcitemico healthy heterozygous carrier that is an individual who presents the anomaly on one chromosome while the other is functioning properly.
Over time and through various stages, the course of the disease and the survival of patients have changed and today the treatment of thalassemia is to maintain pre-transfusion hemoglobin levels no lower than 9.5 g / dl, subjecting the patient to periodic transfusions of packed cells. The chelation treatment to reduce iron accumulation, which would otherwise become lethal può essere attuato attraverso la somministrazione di farmaci chelanti per via sottocutanea o per via orale.
Con l’allungamento della sopravvivenza, i malati possono presentare la comparsa di complicanze legate al sovraccarico di ferro, quali il rallentamento della crescita, il deficit dell'ormone della crescita, l'ipotiroidismo, il diabete, l'osteoporosi, l'alterazione della funzionalità polmonare e la complicanza più importante, lo scompenso cardiaco.
L’unica cura risolutiva al momento è il trapianto di midollo osseo che è possibile solo se si trova un donatore compatibile, questo può essere ricercato tra i famigliari o in un albo bank or donor bone marrow of concern to ADMO. In the future, hopefully in the gene therapy on genes related to direct stem cells using correct.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Golden Retriever Soft Mouth
QR Codes
A QR Code (Quick Response Code) is a code matrix (a two-dimensional bar code) created by Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. As the name implies, the code enables rapid decoding of its content.
QR Codes are now used for inventory management in a wide variety of industries.
More recently applications have been developed aimed at relieving the user from the tedious task of entering data into your phone. Are increasingly common in magazines and advertisements in Giappone, i codici QR che memorizzano indirizzi e URL.
E proprio in Giappone è stato introdotto l'uso dei QR Codes in architettura, trasformando un grattacielo nei pressi della stazione Tachikawa a Tokio, in un enorme messaggio interattivo, collegabile anche ai social networks come Twitter.
A QR Code (Quick Response Code) is a code matrix (a two-dimensional bar code) created by Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. As the name implies, the code enables rapid decoding of its content.
QR Codes are now used for inventory management in a wide variety of industries.
More recently applications have been developed aimed at relieving the user from the tedious task of entering data into your phone. Are increasingly common in magazines and advertisements in Giappone, i codici QR che memorizzano indirizzi e URL.
E proprio in Giappone è stato introdotto l'uso dei QR Codes in architettura, trasformando un grattacielo nei pressi della stazione Tachikawa a Tokio, in un enorme messaggio interattivo, collegabile anche ai social networks come Twitter.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Actress Showing Breast
The Day the Earth, founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson was made at an international level for the first time April 22, 1970, to highlight the need for conservation of natural resources of the planet .
The United Nations celebrate this holiday every year on April 22 and today this event is well recognized by 175 countries and is celebrated by nearly half a billion people. The environmental groups point to call on this day le coscienze a valutare le problematiche del pianeta: l’inquinamento di aria, acqua e suolo, la distruzione degli ecosistemi, le migliaia di piante e specie animali che scompaiono, e l’esaurimento delle risorse non rinnovabili.
In concomitanza con il 40° anniversario della Giornata della Terra dell'Earth Day 2010, si svolgerà il 22 aprile, a Roma, all'interno del Circo Massimo, il concerto di Pino Daniele e dei Morcheeba.
In contemporanea New York promuove la campagna "E", un progetto che da l'opportunità a tutti di esprimersi su quanto ognuno di noi stia impegnando a sostegno della salute della Terra. Il supporto può essere espresso in molte forme, dal energy conservation to composting, planting a tree by the use of seasonal organic and local foods, recycling installation using non-polluting energy sources such as solar panels. "Be the E" is a call to action that invokes the thought of Gandhi's "be the change you want to see in the world." then the architects and not just spectators of our lives.
New York is promoting a series of events to be held April 19 to 25 in Grand Central, from 10:00 to 20:00. For one week you will communicate and compare the protection of planet Earth with pictures, images, artistic contributions from Andy Warhol Roy Lichtenstein and many others.
Sky April 22 celebrates the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, presenting at 21.55 The Fast Continent, Canadian documentary film that tells the group, led by biologist and filmmaker Jean Lemire and other scientists, explorers, filmmakers, aboard a sailing ship, sailing along the ice to study closely the effects of global warming.
These are just a few steps of a much larger mobilization that embraces us all as cohabitants of the same land together to preserve them for themselves and for future generations.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Revlon Face Illuminator
"For a century the history of art in Europe is not just a series of specific actions and reactions, but a movement of the collective consciousness. Recognize that means finding the contribution of the existing (...). substance of things hoped for .. " Edoardo Persico, Prophecy Architecture 1935
"Architecture is the substance of things hoped for"
This conception of architecture is closely related to the definition of modernity:
"Modernity is a crisis of value and raises an aesthetics of rupture"
architecture then in order to transform "the crisis in values," those who embodies the hopes of overcoming the crisis and it is precisely so that it can become a "substance of things hoped for"
The architecture is not design, but project, carried out according to a logic of prediction, projection, planning for the future.
This process occurs in painting movements of the century (XIX)
"Mountain of Sainte Victoire" , Paul Cezanne 1898-1900
Cezanne in painting this view, landscape very dear to him and again the subject of his paintings, he portrayed not as a mountain was, as it appeared at that time but has shown that "the world should be," what in his mind that it was designed. Through
una visione astratta e frammentaria e al contempo volumetrica e analitica, la sua pittura è progetto del nuovo mondo, è la rappresentazione del mondo visto secondo un preciso sguardo e ambisce che anche gli altri vedano attraverso questo stesso sguardo.
"Il paesaggio è la rappresentazione estetica, condivisa collettivamente e culturalmente, ma in costante evoluzione, di una parte del mondo"
Questa visione è propria di una società in cui l'informazione ha fatto il proprio avvento, che passa da un'esigenza di dominio e sfruttamento della natura, tipico della società industriale, ad un rapporto simbiotico, di integrazione e reciproco scambio.
I semi di questa stessa visione in architettura, see their buds in the urban area, where zoning is changed from processes in which the areas were green and contrasted sharply divided than residential or industrial, to a modern view in which nature becomes an integral part of architecture.

Le Corbusier, plan for a city of 3 million inhabitants 1922

Frank Lloyd Wright, Broadacre City , city model 1934
These two events are exemplary models of cities differences mentioned above.
Le Corbusier The city is based on the zoning, the division in homogenous areas residential, industrial, office and green areas are completely disengaged from them. These areas are strategically placed in a regular grid.
Wright passed by a city of this vision closed, imagine arriving at a city whose texture is broken, in which functional groups are combined together, a city that is set organically in the area, according to what is the new vision " landscape as a paradigm of architectural design. "
no coincidence that Wright is defined just by Edoardo Persico, "the new architecture Cezanne."
Returning to the word "substance" would wonder, 'What are these substances architecture? "
I am not sure of the strange compound abstract but very concrete issues, related to everyday life are the themes of urbanism, as just said, the services of public housing.
Wright also devoted himself to the theme of the house, an issue of paramount importance if we consider that we are in a society where decades before the advent of industrialization, has led to huge flows of people to pour into the city, with all its consequences and where the dwelling can not be a major challenge.
Wright designs so his "Usonian house, the house that you imagine for Americans.
In America hit by the crisis of 1929, Wright wants to achieve economic buildings, renewable energy and capable of integrating into the peculiarities of the plant site and the needs of the customer.
To use this as a basic geometry of a scheme to "L".
This scheme, already used by Le Corbusier and the Esprit Nouveau Pavilion, by Gropius in the Bauhaus, Aalto in villa Mairea is essential in the installation of the dwelling Wright as evienzia advantages over a rectangular pattern:
-wings can be extended along the I-
6 possible points of light instead of 4-
being a hybrid with a court system to have a more closed environment and external environment inside a more intimate
The point of intersection of the two arms is the "core", the central core, the true engine of the home, the organizing principle, but also the heart of distribution plant. From here you can develop in two wings of the living and sleeping area.
From the Willey House in 1933 by a series of attempts working in this direction for about 20 years to the theme of Usonian Houses.
In 1935 was built in Bear Run, Pennsylvania in the famous house Fallingwater, Wright's work that constitutes a new beginning.
Wright lives up to some of his design principles such as centripetal development, starting with a nucleus and the structure that shapes the space, but totally denies others, there is a total rejection of the grid construction in favor of dramatic momentum in space.
In a strong contrast between vertical and horizontal planes, the architecture is part of the blend with nature this time without it, it does not have any intention, but is itself an event, a phenomenon, a sort of "man-made nature"
Le Corbusier The city is based on the zoning, the division in homogenous areas residential, industrial, office and green areas are completely disengaged from them. These areas are strategically placed in a regular grid.
Wright passed by a city of this vision closed, imagine arriving at a city whose texture is broken, in which functional groups are combined together, a city that is set organically in the area, according to what is the new vision " landscape as a paradigm of architectural design. "
no coincidence that Wright is defined just by Edoardo Persico, "the new architecture Cezanne."
Returning to the word "substance" would wonder, 'What are these substances architecture? "
I am not sure of the strange compound abstract but very concrete issues, related to everyday life are the themes of urbanism, as just said, the services of public housing.
Wright also devoted himself to the theme of the house, an issue of paramount importance if we consider that we are in a society where decades before the advent of industrialization, has led to huge flows of people to pour into the city, with all its consequences and where the dwelling can not be a major challenge.
Wright designs so his "Usonian house, the house that you imagine for Americans.
In America hit by the crisis of 1929, Wright wants to achieve economic buildings, renewable energy and capable of integrating into the peculiarities of the plant site and the needs of the customer.
To use this as a basic geometry of a scheme to "L".
This scheme, already used by Le Corbusier and the Esprit Nouveau Pavilion, by Gropius in the Bauhaus, Aalto in villa Mairea is essential in the installation of the dwelling Wright as evienzia advantages over a rectangular pattern:
-wings can be extended along the I-
6 possible points of light instead of 4-
being a hybrid with a court system to have a more closed environment and external environment inside a more intimate
The point of intersection of the two arms is the "core", the central core, the true engine of the home, the organizing principle, but also the heart of distribution plant. From here you can develop in two wings of the living and sleeping area.
From the Willey House in 1933 by a series of attempts working in this direction for about 20 years to the theme of Usonian Houses.
In 1935 was built in Bear Run, Pennsylvania in the famous house Fallingwater, Wright's work that constitutes a new beginning.
Wright lives up to some of his design principles such as centripetal development, starting with a nucleus and the structure that shapes the space, but totally denies others, there is a total rejection of the grid construction in favor of dramatic momentum in space.
In a strong contrast between vertical and horizontal planes, the architecture is part of the blend with nature this time without it, it does not have any intention, but is itself an event, a phenomenon, a sort of "man-made nature"
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