May 8 is celebrated around the world Day of Thalassemia, inherited disease that strikes in Italy about 7,000 people. Despite the many advances in treatment, the ultimate healing from this disease remains an unsolved problem if we exclude the bone marrow transplant. Friday, May 7 at 11:00 am in the Capitol will be held a press conference during which experts will discuss the novelty of thalassemia diagnosis and treatment, research, recovery prospects opened up by gene therapy.
The term thalassemia (anemia mediterranea) indica un gruppo molteplice di anemie ereditarie, causate da un’alterazione dei geni che regolano la produzione dell’emoglobina.
L’emoglobina è una proteina, contenuta nei globuli rossi, la cui funzione è di trasportare l’ossigeno alle cellule del corpo e di rimuovere l’anidride carbonica.

Thalassaemia was described for the first time the twenties. in America where children of Italian origin, we found a condition characterized by anemia and an enlarged liver and spleen was named this disease or thalassemia or Cooley's anemia. About 25 years later in Italy the study of several families of patients with Cooley's disease, led to a clarification of the dynamics of disease.
Thalassemia is an expression of the condition that an individual who is homozygous for both genes (one on the chromosome that comes from the father and the one that comes on chromosome from the mother) the change that leads to the formation of hemoglobin incorrect on the morphological and functional and then, while the Microcitemico healthy heterozygous carrier that is an individual who presents the anomaly on one chromosome while the other is functioning properly.
Over time and through various stages, the course of the disease and the survival of patients have changed and today the treatment of thalassemia is to maintain pre-transfusion hemoglobin levels no lower than 9.5 g / dl, subjecting the patient to periodic transfusions of packed cells. The chelation treatment to reduce iron accumulation, which would otherwise become lethal può essere attuato attraverso la somministrazione di farmaci chelanti per via sottocutanea o per via orale.
Con l’allungamento della sopravvivenza, i malati possono presentare la comparsa di complicanze legate al sovraccarico di ferro, quali il rallentamento della crescita, il deficit dell'ormone della crescita, l'ipotiroidismo, il diabete, l'osteoporosi, l'alterazione della funzionalità polmonare e la complicanza più importante, lo scompenso cardiaco.
L’unica cura risolutiva al momento è il trapianto di midollo osseo che è possibile solo se si trova un donatore compatibile, questo può essere ricercato tra i famigliari o in un albo bank or donor bone marrow of concern to ADMO. In the future, hopefully in the gene therapy on genes related to direct stem cells using correct.
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