Jacques-Yves Cousteau After the magic moment in when my eyes were opened to the sea I was not longer possible to see, think and live as before. Jacques-Yves Cousteau
June 11 The next 100 years the use of birth Jacques-Yves Cousteau a legend in the field of science communication and more. Thanks to his travels on board the Calypso, his documentaries and reports from all parts of the world, Cousteau has educated a whole generation of people who are now between 35 and 70 years, "carrying around" through his shots, for abyssal ocean depths and by conveying to them the wonders of the underwater world and the technological innovations useful to explore it. The great French oceanographer made many books and films, one of which, The Silent World, nel 1956 vinse il primo premio al festival di Cannes.
Fu un grande amante della natura in particolare di quella marina il suo impegno oltre ad essere stato prezioso per l’inventiva dimostrata, le battaglie ecologiche sostenute, le posizioni di rispetto per il pianeta e per le generazioni future è stato fantastico per aver introdotto un modo di comunicare la scienza che era nello stesso tempo appassionante e rigoroso sul piano scientifico.
Il suo approccio documentaristico, che inizialmente gli costò le immancabili critiche che riceve chi ha idee nuove, ha invece diffuso in modo affascinante semplice ed efficace una quantità di informazioni, idee, concetti e immagini meravigliose che ancora oggi nella memoria di chi remain indelibly written and fascinating. Brief Biography
Cousteau had a very adventurous life participated in the Second World War as a spy and at that time along with Emile Gagnan invented the Aqua-lung, in practice, the first diving regulator, which had a global reach, in fact, the famous Cousteau-stage regulator Gagnan "Royal Mistral" will become in the years to follow the valuable tool that will allow the exploration of the underwater world to millions of fans.
Appointed President of the French Oceanographic Campaigns in 1950 by millionaire Irish Guinness TL, Cousteau received in rent for the symbolic price of one French franc per year, un cacciamine che egli ristrutturò e convertì in nave da ricerca e base di supporto per compiti oceanografici ribattezzandolo con il nome di "Calypso", Nel 1963, insieme a Jean de Wouters, Cousteau sviluppò una macchina fotografica subacquea chiamata "Calypso-Phot", che in seguito fu brevettata dalla Nikon diventando la "Calypso-Nikkor" e quindi la "Nikonos"E’ invece con J. Mollard che creò l'SP-350, un sottomarino biposto che arrivò a poter toccare i 500 m profondità Cousteau realizzò a un Gruppo di Ricerca Sottomarina a Tolone, fu il capo del Conshelf Saturation Dive Program (sperimentazioni di immersione a lunga durata, le prime colonie sottomarine abitate) e fu uno dei pochi stranieri ad essere ammesso nella National Academy of Sciences.
After being named president of the World Confederation des Sous Marine Activity, Cousteau became aware that his ideology clashed with the initiatives of the confederation, which was very fun racing competitions linked to the activity of fishing, so he came into conflict with the CMAS asking so insistently as in vain that this activity was banned by statute in 1973 so that Cousteau resigned and no longer had anything to do with the Confederacy.
Cousteau was also an avid protester on nuclear testing in general and in 1974 he created the Cousteau Society to protect ocean life, today has more than 300,000 members in 1977, with Peter Scott, received the International Prize for the Environment and the UN nel1985 he was awarded by President R. Reagan the Presidential Medal of Freedom of the most prestigious awards in the U.S.. In 1992divenne President of the Council for the Rights of Future Generations, and proposed the Bill of Rights of Future Generations approved by UNESCO in 1991 which sought, at present, membership in more than 100 countries.
Jacques Cousteau died June 25, 1997.