The famous British scientific society of which Newton became president in 1703, has made, for the first time provides a biography written by a friend of Newton confirmed that at least the general lines of the famous story. What?
It is said that during a nap under a Sir Isaac Newton apple tree shade was abruptly awakened by an apple fell on his head. But not all silver lining in fact this "incident" meant that in Newton grew out of the question "why the apple always falls down and not sideways or up?" ... The rest is history. Newton developed the theory of universal gravitation: "Two bodies of mass m1 and m2 respectively, are attracted with a force of intensity directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates them. This force has a direction parallel to line joining the centers of gravity of the bodies concerned. "
course things did not go exactly the apple may not fall exactly on the head of the scientist, but in the manuscript of his biography refers to the fact that he was in the garden of his home in Woolsthorpe Manor, when the fall of apples aroused in him a certain "interest" and it seems to have the same Newton told his biographer. Moreover
Newton took care of many other scientific issues and not, ranging from mathematical studies of the milled coins he invented to avoid the filing of the same genes and is certainly one of the most famous and eclectic history of science .
Newton took care of many other scientific issues and not, ranging from mathematical studies of the milled coins he invented to avoid the filing of the same genes and is certainly one of the most famous and eclectic history of science .
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