Monday, August 31, 2009

Run Batch File In Python


Luciano Asborno from the Little 31/08/2009

NOVI LIGURE . The meeting of representatives of the majority of the center that administers the City of Novi, Saturday morning addressed, but not dissolved, the node for the presidency dell'Acos, the corporation currently chaired by Camillo Acre, of which the City owns the majority of shares. Depending on the outcome of the election last June and agreements among the members of various lists which have supported the candidacy of Mayor Lorenzo Robbiano, the Bureau would be responsible dell'Acos to Robert Rossi, the most voted among the candidates for the municipal council of Novi, well able to get 230 personal preferences. To complicate the matter shall the fact that the mandate of President Camille Acres expires in November 2010 and will resign to enable compliance with the course "to the particulars of the voters, to date there has been signal. By contrast, when Acre will remain in place until November of 2010, the City Council voted most, chairman of the council this past term, should confined to the role of counselor for sixteen months. All this fuels the debate that compares the views of those who believe that councilors should be the first choices of voters and those who say that these should have responsibilities in the council and executive bodies in and subsidiary companies. The story, quietly tested on Saturday morning, hours will be answered by Mayor Lorenzo Robbiano which is responsible for the appointment in institutions and in companies controlled by the City of Novi. At the meeting, which took over the majority of political activity in Novi after the break in August, representatives of the center confirmed that the former deputy mayor, Guido Trespioli, will assume the chair of the Consortium waste disposal for over 15 years of Orestes Soro. This choice is widely shared in Novi, may cause some concern in Tortona, another municipality with substantial shares in the CSR he expected alternation in office, and then the presidency to Tortona. WASTE disposal areas Novi, Tortona, ovadese Scrivia valley and is coordinated by the Consortium and the waste disposal dump management is entrusted to Tortona and Novi Srt, società attualmente presieduta dal tortonese Scaccheri. Ma nel complesso equlibrio degli incarichi agli amministratori di enti ed aziende pubbliche partecipate dai comuni di Novi e Tortona prossimamente entreranno in gioco anche le aziende Amias e Gestione Ac qua. Le due città avranno uguale dignità anche se l'alternanza delle presidenze proposta all'epoca in cui sono stati istituiti questi enti, ormai è solo teoria. A rendere più difficoltosi gli accordi tra Novi e Tortona contribuisce il fatto che una città è amministrata dal centrosinistra, l'altra dal centrodestra.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Mount And Blade Aktivierung

waste to the Consortium's executive salaries

di Giampiero Carbone, La Stampa 26/08/2009

I loro stipendi, in totale, incidono sul bilancio del Comune di Novi per quasi 530 mila euro. Il sito dell'amministrazione comunale - aderendo anch'essa all'operazione trasparenza - ha pubblicato le retribuzioni del direttore-segretario generale Angelo Lo Destro e di altri sei dirigenti tenendo come riferimento la data dello scorso 18 giugno. Lo Destro - in passato già segretario comunale in comuni quali Stazzano, Cassine e Castelnuovo Scrivia e nella comunità montana Suoi D'Aleramo, oltre che docente presso la Scuola di Amministrazione dell'Interno - è ovviamente il primatista con 93. 720 euro, ai quali contribuiscono in maniera particolare un'indennità di direttore generale di 15 mila euro (ovviamente la sola erogata dal Comune) e un'indennità di posizione fissa di oltre 18 mila euro, anch'essa la più elevata rispetto agli altri dirigenti, così come l'indennità di risultato (10. 700 euro) erogata lo scorso anno e riferita al 2007. Al secondo posto, con uno stipendio di 81. 236 euro, Paolo Ravera, dirigente del settore Lavori pubblici e ambiente: per lui (come per gli altri dirigenti, escluso Lo Destro) un'indennità di posizione fissa di 10. 443 euro, un'integrazione alla precedente voce di 3. 786 euro e un'ulteriore un'indennità di risultato di 8. 879 euro legata al suo settore. Medaglia di bronzo per Maria Rosa Serra del settore urbanistica e commercio con 74. 864 euro: anche per lei un'ulteriore voce, di 4. 700 euro in questo caso, legata ai risultati del suo ufficio. Al quarto posto il comandante del corpo di polizia municipale Armando Caruso, alla guida del settore che si occupa anche di protezione civile e viabilità dopo essere stato assunto come semplice agente nel lontano 1987. Caruso al 18 giugno scorso ha ottenuto una retribuzione di 71. 337 euro, composta anche da un'integrazione all'indennità di posizione di 3. 786 euro (la stessa di Ravera) e da un'indennità di risultato per il 2007 di 6. 827 euro. Dopo Caruso la classifica vede Roberta Nobile , che ricopre the role of Deputy Secretary General and leader of the demographic services, cemetery tour, as well as personnel and general affairs. For her 70. 986 €. Following Guassardo Anna Rosa, head of financial services, with a salary of 69. 086 €. Last, of course, only in this table, the director of social services and culture Maura Orlando with 67. 270 €.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Congratulate On Engagement

Change of Director to "our newspaper"

Change of Director to "our newspaper"

A salute to Gino Fortunato leaving the management of the newspaper after eight and a half years
and best wishes to the new Director Irene Navaro

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blog Imperia Pasta Machine

Basilicata, Emilia, Liguria and Tuscany are school

Di Francesca Milano da Il Sole 24 Ore del 25/08/2009

Quattro regioni fanno scuola sulla trasparenza. Basilicata, Emilia Romagna, Liguria e Toscana hanno rispettato sia le norme imposte dall'articolo 21 della legge 69/2009 sia i tempi dettati dal ministro Renato Brunetta. Sui siti delle quattro regioni è possibile reperire - più o meno immediatamente - le informazioni su stipendi, curricula e recapiti dei dirigenti, oltre a quelle sulle assenze del personale. Le altre regioni, invece, non hanno ancora completato l'iter di " trasparenza ": nel sito del Veneto, per esempio, mancano i curricula dei docenti, mentre la Lombardia deve provvedere alla pubblicazione dei numeri telefonici e degli indirizzi e-mail. In Piemonte sono stati messi online solo gli stipendi dei dirigenti, ma mancano ancora le altre informazioni. L'operazione trasparenza procede - contrariamente a quanto riportato ieri per errore dal Sole 24 Ore - anche al ministero delle Politiche agricole. Attraverso il link posiziona-to sulla fascia di sinistra della home page è possibile collegarsi alla pagina dedicata all'operazione trasparenza. Mancano ancora le informazioni sugli stipendi: sul sito è stata pubblicata, infatti, solo una tabella sintetica anonima, con le retribuzioni per tipologia. «La valutazione individuale dei dirigenti - spiegano dal ministero - potrà essere attivata non appena il decreto Brunetta verrà approvato in via definitiva e con la sottoscrizione dei nuovi contratti individuali a seguito della riforma del ministero». Stipendi a parte, il ministero delle Politiche agricole ha messo in rete gli indirizzi internet e i numeri telefonici degli uffici. Semaforo verde anche per le assenze complessive, aggiornate a luglio. «L'analisi delle assenze di ogni singolo ufficio - sottolinea il ministero -sarà operativa a breve perché si sta adeguando il meccanismo di rilevazione automatica anche a livello periferico per i 18 uffici dell'Icq». Anche i curricula dei dirigenti sono consumabili online, anche se il ministero delle Politiche agricole non ha utilizzato il format indicato da Brunetta. «Abbiamo fatto grandi sforzi per rendere la struttura più efficiente e trasparente - sottolineano - e di certo continueremo in questa direzione».

Mares Dragon Occasion

Marenco Theatre restoration of the puzzle (The Press 21/08)

Marenco Theatre restoration of the puzzle

It takes at least nine million, no one knows where to find

Gino Fortunato from LaStampa of 21/08/2009

Novi Ligure. I still funds to develop the work over all is expected. In the crisis regime is unlikely to be able to find about 9 million euro needed for the renovation of the Teatro Monumental Novi, although the design and functional adaptation, officially presented in April to citizenship, to be ready for a long time. After the competition of ideas, the final design was awarded ex aequo to group practices of the architects of Pistoia and Giorgio Pasquini Giovanni Di Muzio of Novi. Provides for the renovation of the historic structure with a view to creating a landmark on the cultural level, to a much wider area than local ones, including two rooms of different size, facing each other, can also be used together for special performances. It is a work of reappropriation of the historical, artistic and monumental nineteenth theater that will be reserved for special occasions such as plays, operas, concerts, and at the same time to create a multi-purpose complex rapprentato from the Casa De Giorgi , closely related to the first, but destined for a daily use of the property, with a movie theater with a hundred people, a meeting room, and spaces to organize dance classes, drama, cultural events, exhibitions and much more . Recently, the recovery of the property is returned to discuss, after a lively question and answer Mario Democratic Party between Mr Lovell and Minister Sandro Bondi for Cultural Heritage (through a third person in the picture Mrs Manuela Repetti, companion of the minister). To be sure, without a strong and significant financial assistance (part of which should have been finalized on the Establishment of a bank) Novi theater not even see the light within the next year. The mayor of Novi, Lorenzo Robbiano, said: 'The completion of the theater, with design features also described publicly for the city is not only the recovery of a piece of history, but also an important framework for further revitalization of downtown town. We are pleased with the work of the Fondazione Teatro Marenco, now we must work to implement the project and then look for funds. Certainly count on state intervention, not least because the minister Bondi said last January in front of more people's availability. We all hope that was not only a source of electoral joke, but a sincere desire to help our theater to take off. In the coming months we will start procedures to search for additional funding needed to implement the work that the Novi waiting a long time. " "He wanted to bite off more than you can chew - said Dario Ubaldesca, which is designed - the contest of competing ideas - and now the council has to find the money for a structure that is likely to be a white elephant, because even if to find the lenders, many questions arise concerning the cost of management that there will be little small. " Everything is therefore linked to the decision of the Minister Sandro Bondi will soon become "Novi" to all intents and purposes, a trasferrendosi Stazzano where he bought land to build a house where he will live with his partner.

Monday, August 24, 2009

How Long To Receive Everyday Minerals Order

Allieva del Ciampini vince il premio Cesare Pavese 2009

Adapted from ( )

Novi Ligure - Ilene Bertin, a student enrolled the third year of high school biological Itis Ciampini of Novi, will receive the award Cesare Pavese 2009. The award will be given Saturday at the birthplace of the writer, the seat of CEPAM, Old Pavese Birthplace Museum, which organizes the prize this year at the XXVI edition, with Cesare Pavese Foundation, Foundation for Books, Music and Culture and the Municipality of Santo Stefano Belbo.

The prize won by the Alliance for the section produced by the elaborate school work comes at the end of the project coordinated by Prof. Guido Rossi and implemented by the Institute on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of writer Stephen Belbo along the course Cesare Pavese for teachers: author of today a hundred years after birth.

this on the grounds that the jury gave the award to the student to assign Novi: "I work in which synthetic Pavese and Fenoglio are addressed in parallel with the theme of war and political commitment. The different experiences of life and literature shows divergent paths that are, however, a meeting point in the common love for the place of origin, the Langhe.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mild Ptosis Treatment

Un SMS può cambiare la vita...

The images in this ad English are very raw, but especially for those used to read text messages in the car need to understand what could be a fatal distraction while driving.
Guardate e tenetelo a mente quando il vostro cellulare farà BUZZ BUZZ in auto, perchè la vita è una sola !!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bought My Community Service Hours Forged Fake

Rispondendo a Fossati parte seconda

Libertà di replica...

Egregio Signor Fossati, anzi come usa Lei nell'articolo,
Egregio Signor F. (ancora non mi spiego il mozzamento del cognome, ma non sono avvezzo agli usi giornalistici e quindi mi adeguo), Le avrei risposto direttamente sul vostro blog, ma qualcuno ha pensato bene di eliminare il mio account e nonostante le mie richieste di chiarimenti non ho ancora ricevuto nessuna risposta.
In fondo avevo scritto solo 1 comment (besides never published) and I had no islet, then certainly you will find that a technical problem affecting the user of the undersigned (by chance) and that there was no purge, but maybe if I
registered Terronetto as I would have been immune from such actions, who knows ...
NoviOnLine course I could answer for, but I did not want to bore our readers with further discussions and as I was deprived of the opportunity to do so directly, I thought this blog was the right place. Moreover
, dear F, in my reply I will be biased and so why not use the tool for months controbattutto the "easy" shot information from your site?
fact I saw that some have returned from holiday, judging by the tone turned up enemies and friends (the PDL is still allied with the NPL is not it? Why Your dall'invettiva against you would not think ...) But back to the response to
His last article of Saturday, August 8
First I am sorry that your articles have been back by publishing a review, maybe your department, returned from holiday, not

The beauty of the past (as well as the future) is that we can have fun doing all the possible hypotheses and we will never know how it would SE ....

She points out that the door had supported SE Moncalvo would have won and may well be, but the intellect prevails voter, or what security do we have that when the candidate says " do so," his voters blindly follow him? It seems a bit 'too idealistic, a bit like when you ask around those who voted for Berlusconi, according to the responses, the Communists should be 70%

As evidence of this I know people who voted Moncalvo in the second round, despite having voted for the leads to the first, as a matter of " flag" policy as well as others that have gone instead to the sea.

remains incontrovertible that 14.2% of voters did not like it they Robbiano Moncalvo, and that 28.64% of Novi (total invalid votes and abstentions) did not like any of the three, so it's hard to tell if a "team orders" would have really filled the gap of 1258 votes in the first round, since the second round the coalzione Moncalvo managed to lose another 713.

Undoubtedly the loss of 2924 voters from first to second round tells us that the candidates did not challenge the people involved in their tussle.

said that and then considering that the numbers are open to different interpretations, let me tell you that I talk about style in this electoral race is a bit 'difficult, given the car of guano that have been laid both hands on this or that , but since I do not want to reopen old pits, I just let you see that, again speaking of style, the output of the posters Moncalvo with the sum of its votes and the door was made with a choice of unfortunate timing and a good lack of respect for the other candidate and the coalition supporting him, since he had not yet spoken of apparent or agreements.

fantasizing about the past I wonder SE the parties had been reversed, you would have digested (as militants and members of coalzione) this appropriation of your votes, without even being informed.

see Mr. F, I think as you well know, I have "enjoyed" a cure questo blog durante la campagna elettorale ed è facile desumere che la pensiamo diversamente sull’argomento, ma parlando di stile, SE per l’appunto la Porta avesse accettato l’apparentamento con Moncalvo, avrebbe guadagnato la vostra stima, ma perso la nostra (mia e di molti suoi elettori), perché dopo tutte le accuse che le sono state rivolte, se si ha un briciolo di dignità non si può allegramente passare sopra alla questione “per il bene comune”

Sarò all’antica e forse è per questo che non sarò mai un politico, ma resterò un semplice e modesto scribacchino che si diverte a fare l’opinionista, però preferisco la coerenza all’opportunismo.

conclusion (otherwise the long-winded today, I am) I am convinced that the port will play that role more than to the Napolitano Villari.
Toasting with a good cold beer to the health of all of us (writers and readers), I wish you good


Ermanno Cecconetto

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Am Mad Dog Biting Myself For Sympathy




There Is A Bump Near My Lip Piercing



Voted unanimously by the Board at its first meeting after the death of Pittatore

who expects a long time and maybe some plot twist has been denied: the board of amministratone convened yesterday (it was the last act of Gianfranco Pittatore before the sudden worsening of his condition) has released the new president of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Alessandria. E 'Pier Angelo Taverna, current CEO of Palazzo Monferrato which operates the former seat of the Chamber of Commerce. A shortcut: the board has run 18.30 and one hour after the meeting is out the news. There was the vice president Giovanni Maria Ghe who opened the session with a moment of silence in memory of Pittatore Giancarlo Cerutti, Corrado Calvo, Fabrizio Palenzona, connected by teleconference Priano Fabrizio and Renato Viale. GHE has proposed the name of the tavern and all the counselors intervened by expressing confidence in the candidate. A unanimous choice, then. Some people say thanks to astute direction of Palenzona, many thought that as a candidate with the most chanches, given the experience and role in the banking world, but because of the many positions he would clear the directors could not exercise the function "pro tempore". But at the end Ghe could conclude that it was "una importante dimostrazione di unità di fondo; nello svolgimento del mandato Taverna avrà l'appoggio di tutto il cda". Ghè resta vice presidente vicario, Cerutti vice con incarico a seguire l'area investimenti, partecipazioni bancarie e le operazioni di natura finanziaria. Il consiglio generale della Fondazione dovrà ora nominare il settimo consigliere del cda.

da La Stampa del 12 agosto 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Subtitle English Streaming

Ciao Ezio

E' mancato la notte scorsa Ezio Cuttica , segretario novese dell'UDC.
Personaggio di spicco della politica novese e non solo, aveva 74 years and was President of Ascom.
the family our deepest condolences for this great loss

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Best Tripod For Beginners In India

I consiglieri vanno a scuola

initial steps of the new President of the DC in Novi Ligure

From Il Secolo XIX "-" The counselors go to school budget and urban "
Marzia Lost - August 5, 2009 ( )

Port:" They must study . It will mail to communicate with citizens

Novi Ligure.La bureaucratic machine will be perfectly from September oiled. After the last "tweaks" in the meantime the summer break which starts tomorrow, after the patron saint of the Madonna della Neve. On August 5, in fact. But in Novi swear that from September, the news do not miss them.
The President of the City Council Porta Rosa Maria, who is the opposition - and that for the first time holds the office at Palazzo Pallavicini - at a meeting of leaders, the other night, illustrated the operational plan to operate as best the city council. Here is how she explains: "The action plan that I presented with Vice-President Michael Ziccardi seeks absolute transparency, is an administrative body like the council must absolutely have. "
Here is a refresher course for advisers on the reading of the budget and the municipal statute.
"It is important that they know how the administrative machinery - Port said - Many are first appointed and the board must know how and with what skills."
Then the course forward in matters of urban planning.
not all.
anticipates the president: "Because it's basic contact with citizens, ready here on the website of the City, from September, a link on the board and its presidency. On the Web can be read interpellations, agendas and any other advisers deem worthy of reporting in the administrative field. "
goes without saying that consiglieri e assessori avranno un indirizzo di posta elettronica ad hoc.
«Potranno ricevere tempestivamente avvisi e convocazioni delle commissioni e dei consigli - prosegue Porta - Potranno poi interagire con i cittadini».
E insiste: «Credo sia importante instaurare un rapporto leale, di fiducia e continuativo con gli elettori. E ritengo che lo strumento più efficace oggi sia proprio il web».

E sempre per portarsi avanti con i lavori di settembre, ieri l’amministrazione ha incontrato le associazioni di categoria (commercianti, artigiani, agricoltori) per definire le politiche utili allo sviluppo del territorio. Con il sindaco, Lorenzo Robbiano, e il neoassessore al commercio, Paolo Parodi, i rappresentanti di Ascom, Confesercenti, Unione Artigiani, Coldiretti e del consorzio “Il Cuore di Novi”.
La necessità di trovare soluzioni al problema del credito alle imprese, uno dei primi punti affrontati. Ma sono emerse anche proposte concrete per rilanciare l’economia, con la valorizzazione delle peculiarità del territorio. Tra queste, l’idea di creare un marchio che identifichi le produzioni di qualità e le eccellenze artigianali dell’area novese.
Altra risorsa importante, il turismo. Che va ulteriormente incentivato con strumenti specifici. Ad esempio, il Distretto Commerciale che rappresenta una grande opportunità messa a disposizione dalla Regione Piemonte. Tra le finalità che il Distretto si pone, extraterritorial planning also able to obtain funding to help develop the infrastructure and the economic fabric of the area of \u200b\u200bNovi.
Before the greetings of happy holidays to all, the analysis of the positive balance of events to promote the area (among which, the food and wine review Dolci Terre di Novi and dedicated craftsmanship excellence, Master Craftsman). Therefore, there remains - we said - but to continue on this road with the aim of further improving the quality of the initiatives.