Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bought My Community Service Hours Forged Fake

Rispondendo a Fossati parte seconda

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Egregio Signor Fossati, anzi come usa Lei nell'articolo,
Egregio Signor F. (ancora non mi spiego il mozzamento del cognome, ma non sono avvezzo agli usi giornalistici e quindi mi adeguo), Le avrei risposto direttamente sul vostro blog, ma qualcuno ha pensato bene di eliminare il mio account e nonostante le mie richieste di chiarimenti non ho ancora ricevuto nessuna risposta.
In fondo avevo scritto solo 1 comment (besides never published) and I had no islet, then certainly you will find that a technical problem affecting the user of the undersigned (by chance) and that there was no purge, but maybe if I
registered Terronetto as I would have been immune from such actions, who knows ...
NoviOnLine course I could answer for, but I did not want to bore our readers with further discussions and as I was deprived of the opportunity to do so directly, I thought this blog was the right place. Moreover
, dear F, in my reply I will be biased and so why not use the tool for months controbattutto the "easy" shot information from your site?
fact I saw that some have returned from holiday, judging by the tone turned up enemies and friends (the PDL is still allied with the NPL is not it? Why Your dall'invettiva against you would not think ...) But back to the response to
His last article of Saturday, August 8
First I am sorry that your articles have been back by publishing a review, maybe your department, returned from holiday, not

The beauty of the past (as well as the future) is that we can have fun doing all the possible hypotheses and we will never know how it would SE ....

She points out that the door had supported SE Moncalvo would have won and may well be, but the intellect prevails voter, or what security do we have that when the candidate says " do so," his voters blindly follow him? It seems a bit 'too idealistic, a bit like when you ask around those who voted for Berlusconi, according to the responses, the Communists should be 70%

As evidence of this I know people who voted Moncalvo in the second round, despite having voted for the leads to the first, as a matter of " flag" policy as well as others that have gone instead to the sea.

remains incontrovertible that 14.2% of voters did not like it they Robbiano Moncalvo, and that 28.64% of Novi (total invalid votes and abstentions) did not like any of the three, so it's hard to tell if a "team orders" would have really filled the gap of 1258 votes in the first round, since the second round the coalzione Moncalvo managed to lose another 713.

Undoubtedly the loss of 2924 voters from first to second round tells us that the candidates did not challenge the people involved in their tussle.

said that and then considering that the numbers are open to different interpretations, let me tell you that I talk about style in this electoral race is a bit 'difficult, given the car of guano that have been laid both hands on this or that , but since I do not want to reopen old pits, I just let you see that, again speaking of style, the output of the posters Moncalvo with the sum of its votes and the door was made with a choice of unfortunate timing and a good lack of respect for the other candidate and the coalition supporting him, since he had not yet spoken of apparent or agreements.

fantasizing about the past I wonder SE the parties had been reversed, you would have digested (as militants and members of coalzione) this appropriation of your votes, without even being informed.

see Mr. F, I think as you well know, I have "enjoyed" a cure questo blog durante la campagna elettorale ed è facile desumere che la pensiamo diversamente sull’argomento, ma parlando di stile, SE per l’appunto la Porta avesse accettato l’apparentamento con Moncalvo, avrebbe guadagnato la vostra stima, ma perso la nostra (mia e di molti suoi elettori), perché dopo tutte le accuse che le sono state rivolte, se si ha un briciolo di dignità non si può allegramente passare sopra alla questione “per il bene comune”

Sarò all’antica e forse è per questo che non sarò mai un politico, ma resterò un semplice e modesto scribacchino che si diverte a fare l’opinionista, però preferisco la coerenza all’opportunismo.

conclusion (otherwise the long-winded today, I am) I am convinced that the port will play that role more than to the Napolitano Villari.
Toasting with a good cold beer to the health of all of us (writers and readers), I wish you good


Ermanno Cecconetto


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