Sunday, March 28, 2010

Celeb That Never Wear Panties

Rhino Script Tutorial

tweaking with the script

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How Long Should I Take Erythromycin For

'Time on Earth'

Saturday, March 27 many cities and monuments belonging a circa 120 Paesi si spegneranno prossimo per un'ora per sollecitare l'attenzione sui problemi del clima legandoli all’utilizzo dell'energia sostenibile, e sugli stili di vita dei cittadini. Si tratta di un evento mondiale organizzato dal WWF che anche quest'anno registra una grande partecipazione, comprovando - sottolinea l'associazione - ''come l'umanità' sia determinata a ottenere un mondo che riduca drasticamente le emissioni di CO2, alla base del riscaldamento globale e chiedere uno sforzo straordinario e collettivo per vincere la più grande sfida ambientale del nostro tempo''.

Secondo il Wwf, se gli oltre 20 milioni di abitazioni esistenti in Italia fossero messe in efficienza, si could save the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere by more than 16 million cars (half of the national car park). The inefficiency of national energy is in fact calculated at 55%: In Italy, the association states, 30% of energy expenditure is dependent on our homes. These''consumption can be drastically reduced - said Stefano Leoni, President of WWF Italy - Turn off the light for one hour during Earth Hour and 'a symbolic gesture, but it' s an opportunity to think about what we can do Even for the''Earth Hour 2010 edition, many companies have decided to join WWF's flagship event on the theme of climate change, implementing this intervention in ways that provide for the off the locations and the involvement of employees, customers and suppliers.

From the WWF website you can learn about some of the monuments that will go out in the world here are some examples

for one hour at 20:30 local 4 of the tallest buildings in the world, the highest ever, Khalifa of the Burj Dubai (800 meters) along with Taiwan, but Taipei 101, the CN Tower in Toronto, the Willis / Sears in Chicago. And then the Table Mountain in Cape Town, the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Tokyo Tower, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. For the first time you turn the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Bosphorus Bridge, the Angel of Independence in Mexico. In Stati Uniti, il Golden Gate, l’Empire State Building, il Monte Rushmore e persino le luci di Las Vegas. Anche alcune delle maggiori metropoli del mondo saranno al buio per un’ora, sottolineando il proprio impegno per lo sviluppo sostenibile.

A Londra si attenueranno le luci del London Eye, così come il grande pannello luminoso della Coca Cola a Piccadilly Circus. Hiroshima sarà la prima città giapponese che mostrerà il proprio impegno nella lotta ai cambiamenti climatici spegnendo le luci del Peace Memorial. A Roma la Fontana di Trevi, a Firenze Palazzo Vecchio, a Milano il Castello Sforzesco, in Sardegna La Maddalena e Cagliari.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lotiony Cm Before Ovulation

Why do I exist? The communication objective and subjective

-exist in what I represent
-exist as I run
-exist as information

If an architectural work to ask itself about its reason for being, certainly the would answer your question in one of the three previous statements.

Molte delle opere nate tra i due conflitti mondiali nascono con una vocazione simbolica, interpretano il ruolo di icone di una nazione intesa non come collettività, ma come simbolo di potere.
La vocazione dell'achitettura come simbolo di potere ha radici lontane, basti pensare ai numerosi archi di trionfo eretti ai tempi dell'Imper Romano, come simbolo di vittoria, non solo nella capitale, ma in tutto l'impero.
Nella Russia degli anni '30, le opere architettoniche erano espressione del regime totalitario staliniano, l'occhio del potere che incombeva sul popolo.
Con l'imperversare del regime fascista in Italia nascevano architetture che erano veicolo di espressione di un messaggio, arrivando a progettare in questa ottica intere città, come "Littoria"- Latina, resa provincia e voluta da Mussolini come centro di controllo del basso Lazio. Un'intera città simbolo di un regime. Stesso significato simbolico ha "la casa del fascio" di Terragni a Como: seppur utilizzando strumenti differenti e divergendo da quelli che sono i canoni di edificio monumentale, riesce ad evocare il rigore di un potere dittatoriale.

Nella fase successiva l'architettura diventa espressione di una funzione. Una concezione which has its roots more firmly into the futurist movement born in the early '900.
"architecture related to the functionality and beauty," which takes its inspiration in the elements of the new mechanical world we have created, of which architecture must be the most beautiful expression, "the decorative value only depends on the architecture use ", as stated in the Manifesto of Futurist Sant'Elia drafted in 1914.

Form becomes explicit function of the task to perform, as if to outwardly express his inner self.

In 1921 Le Corbusier designed the "Maison Citrohan", which serves as a prelude to 5 points on which its architecture. The name "Citrohan" was a pun on the name of the automotive industry "Citroen", to indicate that this "house" would have been mass-produced, just like a car. A house designed and prepared to meet the needs of the man who would live due.

albeit to different expression of this same vision of architecture conceived as a machine is the "Centre Pompidou" by Renzo Piano in Paris. In this specific architecture creates a parody of high technology, rejecting the creation of a monumental building, in favor of something open, ready to transform. "The culture will take hold of the building"

Since the early 60s according to a new concept of monumentality, which means that each work is seen as a symbol, but do not want to embody any form of control.
This new idea is made explicit in the work of Utzon, who creates architecturally diverse buildings, as recited in different roles within an urban strategy. So in a sense, the function model form, but function in this case must be understood not thinking about the activities that take place inside, but as what the building wants to symbolically represent the function it performs in the imagination collective: the Sydney Opera House embodies a people and a nation, understood as a collective and not as a symbol of power.

This need to create a work that represents the community, people who live it is even more evident in the Guggenheim Bilbao. Gehry's work fits into a nerve center of the city between the railway and the river, a place where life pulsates strongly, with the explicit intention of creating a work that becomes part of the lives of all those who are in that place and which are also faced with daily.

The architecture is in this case expression of society and therefore subject to different interpretations of each individual.
dell'intrepretazione Subjectivity is a symbol of plurality.

"information is the application of a Convention to a given"

COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE: is applied to a given one convention

Coca Cola is a brand universally recognized as one of the symbols of our times, an icon of American commercial power but where the entire community is recognized for decades.

At the apple symbol is associated with the brand name "Apple", which leaves no room for different interpretations, but has only the subtext to represent a status symbol in contemporary society, a product which recognize the users looking to the future, who want to walk next to the technological progress.

PERSONAL COMMUNICATION: apply to a given number of conventions

complain human sees what he wants to see:

rabbit or duck?

woman or saxophone?

man in profile or naked women?

a group of boys in underwear or an advertisement for underwear?

The image depicts the advertisement of a well-known Italian brand "D & G underwear", advertised by players of the Italian national team. The spot open dialogue with fans of fashion and sports.

"Power is nothing without control," said a former Pirelli spot.
Carl Lewis, sprinter and jumper plurimedagliato, runs through the streets of New York, embodying and enhancing the brand attributes: speed and control. The ad is targeted specifically to lovers of sport and connoisseurs of the Pirelli brand, for others it may only appear comeun guy who runs like a fool for the city, with their feet "pneumatization".

on subjective communication is based on direct marketing, advertising industry, only addressed to a specific part of consumers.

In this direction moves the technology that leverages its infinite power of communication and data collection:
Google is experimenting with a system to deliver targeted advertising, according to the tastes and requests made by users. The system will allow advertisers to have qualified contacts with specific target consumers. The advertisements are selected according to the categories of interest associated with the user, after having watched the video on YouTube and sites they have visited within the Google content network. For example, if there are people who watch videos often and visit sites of car racing, will be included in the category of car enthusiasts and as a result will have the chance to see ads mostly related to the automotive world, is on Youtube and on partner sites.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Is Computer Bad For New Born Baby

Reconstructed chemical composition of the oceans Before then ...

Researchers have recently focused their studies on Doushantuo formation in South China. Today, the news in early March, the analysis of rocks has enabled scientists to reconstruct the chemical composition of the oceans in the Ediacara period (between 635 and 551 million years ago). This first reconstruction of the primitive composition of the oceans will help to understand the early evolution since the single-celled organisms. It represents a new piece to the puzzle of evolution.
The first information on the presence of fossils in the Doushantuo Formation in China date back to 1998 when he described the presence Xiao algae with cellular structure preserved in three dimensions and embryos during cleavage
extremely well preserved phosphatic deposits that characterize this formation extend over an area of \u200b\u200babout 52 square kilometers in the central region of Guizhou. They are, therefore, a large collection of. Study material useful for understanding the evolution of life from its most stadiums' old. In NANTU formation, geological formation created in a kind of post-glacial dropstones be found, till and pebbles, which show the characteristic signs connected to an erosion glaciale.

Anche lungo le pareti delle gole dello Yangtze si rinvengono  importanti indizi quali successioni di rocce fosfatiche e carbonatiche che si sono accumulate durante due cicli di innalzamento ed abbassamento del livello marino. I test indicano che l'ambiente di deposizione era caratterizzato da un'alta salinità, come si puo' trovare ad esempio in lagune, con bassa concentrazione di ossigeno e basso tasso di sedimentazione.
Nella formazione di Doushantuo, si rinvengono oltre alle frequenti colonie di cianobatteri, anche microfossili che hanno reso famosa questa formazione. Si tratta di organismi essenzialmente sferoidali di dimensioni in genere inferiori to 600μm, with friezes complex as pins, nodes, different growths.

The most significant finding, however, was that of spherical cells of 400-500μm in diameter near the village of Weng'an. The balls, as homogeneous morphology, showing stages of cell division in two, four, eight and so on in the sequence typical of exponential cell division. These forms were considered as fossil embryos, a rarity, but do not know what kind of body they may have belonged. And it was starting from an appointment with these exceptional finds that ki scientists began to explore and investigate, inter alia, have come to this discovery