Secondo il Wwf, se gli oltre 20 milioni di abitazioni esistenti in Italia fossero messe in efficienza, si could save the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere by more than 16 million cars (half of the national car park). The inefficiency of national energy is in fact calculated at 55%: In Italy, the association states, 30% of energy expenditure is dependent on our homes. These''consumption can be drastically reduced - said Stefano Leoni, President of WWF Italy - Turn off the light for one hour during Earth Hour and 'a symbolic gesture, but it' s an opportunity to think about what we can do Even for the''Earth Hour 2010 edition, many companies have decided to join WWF's flagship event on the theme of climate change, implementing this intervention in ways that provide for the off the locations and the involvement of employees, customers and suppliers.
From the WWF website you can learn about some of the monuments that will go out in the world here are some examples
for one hour at 20:30 local 4 of the tallest buildings in the world, the highest ever, Khalifa of the Burj Dubai (800 meters) along with Taiwan, but Taipei 101, the CN Tower in Toronto, the Willis / Sears in Chicago. And then the Table Mountain in Cape Town, the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Tokyo Tower, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. For the first time you turn the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Bosphorus Bridge, the Angel of Independence in Mexico. In Stati Uniti, il Golden Gate, l’Empire State Building, il Monte Rushmore e persino le luci di Las Vegas. Anche alcune delle maggiori metropoli del mondo saranno al buio per un’ora, sottolineando il proprio impegno per lo sviluppo sostenibile.
A Londra si attenueranno le luci del London Eye, così come il grande pannello luminoso della Coca Cola a Piccadilly Circus. Hiroshima sarà la prima città giapponese che mostrerà il proprio impegno nella lotta ai cambiamenti climatici spegnendo le luci del Peace Memorial. A Roma la Fontana di Trevi, a Firenze Palazzo Vecchio, a Milano il Castello Sforzesco, in Sardegna La Maddalena e Cagliari.
Foto www.maidiregaf.it/sfondi/sfondi.html
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