The opening ceremony will be held in Paris on 27/28 January 2011, the event management has been entrusted to UNESCO and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (IUPAC), the theme chosen will: "Chemistry: our life, our future".
E 'Ethiopia was to propose the resolution calling for the establishment of the Year celebration of the achievements of chemistry and its contribution to human welfare. Professor Jung-Il Jin, President of IUPAC, said: "We hope to increase understanding and appreciation for chemistry, increase young people's interest in science, and generate enthusiasm for the future of chemistry." While the Director General of UNESCO, Koichiro Matsuura said: "Raising awareness about the chemistry is even more important if we consider the challenge represented by sustainable development. Are you sure that chemistry will play an important role in the development of alternative sources of energy and to sustain the world's population "
this fascinating branch of science whose name derives from the word alchemy, it seems magical, there are many applications and connections with various aspects of our universe because it is fundamental to understanding the structure and functioning del mondo. La chimica è stata ingiustamente criminalizzata e il termine è stato usato come sinonimo di artificiale, non salutare, inquinante, mentre in realtà sono proprio le reazioni chimiche e le interazioni tra atomi e molecole che permettono l’esistenza degli esseri viventi e del loro ambiente quello vicino così come quello lontanissimo da noi. Le reazioni chimiche sono fondamentali per la produzione di cibo, farmaci, carburante, e innumerevoli manufatti e prodotti.
Il linguaggio della chimica sembra magico con i suoi simboli e segni, che appaiono spesso incomprensibili ai più ma che celano una grande poesia e un linguaggio universale con il quale si abbattono barriere geografiche, etniche e temporali so if you learn to know him without being stopped by preconceived difficulty of understanding will reveal a world of treasures.
There are many initiatives that wind through 2011 in various parts of the world from South Africa to the United States, Canada, Spain, Holland, Mexico, India, Bosnia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, Thailand and Belgium.
Today and in the future chemistry plays an irreplaceable role in research and development of alternative sources of energy and producing sources of support and care for the world's population. These celebrations provide a wonderful opportunity to celebrate chemistry and its vital contribution to knowledge, environmental protection and economic development.
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