Sunday, October 10, will be the National Day of people with Down syndrome, organized by CoorDown - National Coordination Associations of persons with Down syndrome non-profit organization under the patronage of the President of the Republic.
There will be more than 200 points of contact on the squares and shopping centers scattered throughout Italy, where dozens of volunteers will distribute information materials on Down syndrome and offer a board / message chocolate (made with cocoa from the Fair Trade ) in exchange for a contribution to help the projects of the 80 associations that refer to CoorDown.
The goal this year is focused on the inclusive education of children with Down syndrome, In fact, the 'advertising information, which sees the exception as a sponsor of Veronica Pivetti reads this message:
when school is barrier-free
when the school helps to grow
when the school has the skills and supports necessary for
children with Down syndrome
then yes the school is complete!

Down syndrome is a genetic condition such that whoever is the bearer has an extra chromosome in the cell nucleus of these people instead of the normal 46 chromosomes are present 47, a chromosome that is, there is no 21 more. This is why Down syndrome is also called Trisomy 21. In 98% of cases of Down syndrome is not hereditary. There are three types of chromosome abnormalities in Down's syndrome but who have the same effect:
1. the complete trisomy 21 (95% of cases) in all body cells are three 21 chromosomes instead of two.
2. Trisomy 21 mosaicism in the free (2% of cases) in the body of the person with the syndrome are present in both normal cells with 46 chromosomes and cells with 47 chromosomes.
3. trisomy 21 by translocation (3% of cases) only one type of trisomy, which can be hereditary.
Maternal Age Effect
less than 30 years 1 in 500
30 to 34 years 1 of 580
35 to 39 years 1 to 280
40 to 44 1 to 70 years
over 45 years 1 in 38
have not been identified to clarify the exact causes of occurrence of Down syndrome are still unknown, but several studies have however shown that the risk increases with maternal age:
Even if the risk rises with maternal age, this does not eliminate the possibility that children born with Down syndrome also young women, but an older woman is more likely. The other risk factor showed you have had a previous child with Down syndrome. Down syndrome can be diagnosed even before birth around the 16th - 18th week of gestation or amniocentesis between the 12th and the 13th week with the CVS. Some useful information can also come from the Tri-test is a maternal blood test performed between the 15th and 20th week of gestation for the determination of three particular substances. Down syndrome is named after the British physician John Langdon Down (Torpoint, November 18, 1828 - Normansfield, Hampton Wick, England, October 7, 1896) Down, at the age of 18 he went to London to study Medicine, obtained the degree of its efforts are directed to classify the disease The results were based on measurements of the diameter of the head and palate patients with noche other comments supported the use of photographs. He was a pioneer of clinical photographs in the history of medicine. He founded a nursing home in Normansfield that today is known worldwide and only recently the importance of this very kind doctor has been recognized worldwide.
In 1961 a group of geneticists wrote to the Lancet proposing four terms to describe the disease and the publisher chose the name "Down syndrome". WHO more later approved it.
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