Friday, December 10, 2010

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Marie Curie a woman two Nobel

in 2011 through 100 years of the awarding of Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Maria Sklodowska, better known as Marie Curie. Born in Warsaw, later naturalized French in 1867 died July 4 of 1934 of pernicious anemia as a result of long exposure to radioactive substances. This great scientist had already been awarded the Nobel Prize in physics (along with her husband Pierre Curie and Antoine Henri Becquerel). Marie Curie graduated in chemistry and physics at the Sorbonne in Paris and was the first woman to teach a the same university.
At the end of 1800, the discovery of new types of radiation a promising area of \u200b\u200bresearch interest: W. Röntgen had discovered X-rays and Antoine-Henri Becquerel noted invisible radiation, similar to X-rays emitted by uranium. Marie and her husband Pierre were concentrated on the study of this type of radiation. In July 1898 they discovered a new chemical element which they called Polonio dal nome del paese di origine di Marie. Dopo aver isolato un’altro elemento chimico   il radio Mariene studiò le proprietà e fu lei stessa a coniare il termine "radioattivo" per indicare elementi instabili, il cui nucleo decadeva con emissione di radiazione. Questa scienziata fu la prima a capire che la radioattività era un fenomeno atomico, in contrasto con l’opinione comune che l'atomo fosse la più piccola particella di materia. Con questa intuizione possiamo dire che iniziò l’era della fisica atomica. Dopo la morte del marito avvenuta a seguito di un incidente e dopo ulteriori importanti pubblicazioni la Curie con la figlia Irène, durante la prima guerra mondiale s’impegnò at the front, seeing the wounded and preparing the so-called "Petit Curie, in practice automobiles equipped with X-ray equipment After the war, he became chief scientist of the Institut du Radium in Paris and participated in the founding of the Institute Curie.
The scientist headed this institute until 1932, when succeeded by his eldest daughter, Irène Joliot-Curie also won a Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1935, the year following the death of his mother. (L'Institut Curie still exists today and is an important scientific institution for research on cancer). And 'one of the few women for whom it was minted a coin, one of 30 women awarded the Nobel Prize and beyond her only Linus Pauling, the only exception, he received two Nobel Prizes in two different fields.


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