Sunday, February 13, 2011
Fast Heart Rate Causes Sinus Infection
Red coral of Sardinia will be traceable.
season 2011della coral fishing in Sardinia, will begin May 1 and will end on October 15. But this year there will be an important innovation that is contained in the resolution already approved by the Regional Board. The Coral will be made Sardo tacciabile that is recognizable as such. We will implement all the actions that allow to locate and identify the matches red coral collected in the territorial sea and follow them in all stages of production, from harvesting to retailing. There will be a work in synergy with the Authority carried out 'at sea in order to indicate appropriate ports of landing close to the main fishing areas and see how to label each area of \u200b\u200bthe coral. The certification should be active as early as next season. The fishing will be allowed at depths not less than 80 meters and goes up to 140 m was therefore expected to form professional divers, because up to now is not a specific patent that qualifies professionals to do the coral fishing, activities that, given the great depth which is in turn exposes them to many hazards Through this action we will act on three areas: those related to the marketing of red gold, in fact, to certify the origin of the product, no doubt help to increase its value, and to prevent the sale of fakes. In the second place, not least, the intervention will help to protect those working in the field. As a third but very important action: this type of intervention will monitor the coral reefs on the island, mostly concentrated along the western and northern coasts, to determine the total number of permits, which in any way should be maximum 30, to identify the zone del mare territoriale dove si potrà prelevare il corallo e quale sarà la quantità massima giornaliera. In questo modo si tende a mantenere il buono stato di buona salute ecologica attualmente presente secondo quanto emerso dalle ultime analisi scientifiche del Gennaio u.s. I coralli o più propriamente gli Antozoi , sono una classe d’animali, il loro nome significa letteralmente " fiori animali " e loro rappresentante tipico è il corallo rosso( Corallium rubrum L. )Secondo la mitologia, il corallo rosso nacque dal sangue di una delle Gorgoni cioè Medusa, quando Perseo la decapitò. Secondo il mito essa aveva la capacità di pietrificare con lo sguardo, e il His blood contact with the foam created by the waves, some petrified algae became blood red. Among the red corals the most valuable and the coral of Alghero whose colors are red with shades ranging from clear to purple and is much sought after and prized.

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