Marea nera in Sardegna, il biologo marino: "Fondali salvi, ma bisogna raccogliere subito il catrame"
Oil spill in Sardinia, the marine biologist "Depth prejudice, but we must now collect the tar" tiscali.notizie
Oil spill in Sardinia, the marine biologist "Depth prejudice, but we must now collect the tar"
Claudia Walls
is still on high alert in the north coast of Sardinia after the spill, on 11 January, fuel oil from the dock of the E.on, Fiumesanto power plant in the port industrial area of \u200b\u200bPorto Torres (SS ). The contaminated material, driven by strong winds of recent days has come down to the beaches of Stintino, Capo Testa and Aglientu (Olbia-Tempio): coasts of white beach where il danno ambientale rischia di essere incalcolabile. I sindaci della zona protestano e chiedono l’intervento di Stato e Regione, mentre la Procura di Sassari si appresta a fare i nomi dei primi indagati.
Ma quali sono i rischi per una zona così pregiata e importante per l’economia locale basata sul turismo? Quale l’entità del danno e gli interventi opportuni? Lo abbiamo chiesto al dottor Luigi Alcaro, biologo marino dell’Ispra (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) che è stato nei luoghi colpiti dalla marea nera.“La fuoriuscita di oli combustibile è valutata tra le 17 e le 20 tonnellate in base ai dati della Capitaneria di Porto. Non sono quantità rilevanti, soprattutto rispetto a incidenti passati. Però si tratta di olio combustibile e quindi di una miscela di idrocarburi molto persistenti. Non è un materiale come il diesel e la benzina che sono volatili ed evaporano facilmente. Questo invece persiste nell’acqua, quindi bisogna effettuare una bonifica quanto più puntuale possibile anche in considerazione del fatto che l’area è particolarmente sensibile. Nella zona di Fiume Santo c’è stato un incidente simile nel febbraio del 2000 con quantità di catrame anche maggiori e di olio combustibile che affondava e rischiava di compromettere i fondali perché in questi casi la raccolta del materiale è molto più difficile. Un incidente apparentemente più grave, eppure the reclamation was made. "
But today the bottom are safe?" From the investigations made would seem so, although there are areas that have yet to be analyzed. The type of oil has a density less than unity and therefore tends to float. There may be areas where it is mixed with sand and making heavy going to settle on the bottom also because of the storms, but I'm cautiously optimistic. "
The mayors complain about the lack of resources and information available to them. What can I do to get reliable data? "We should make a serious patrol not only from the ground because certain areas of the coast can be reached only by sea."
Some say the damage is irrecoverable and now officially pretend to be able to finally take action to avoid jeopardizing the tourist season. She, as a coach, what do you think? "Personally, I was on the coast of Platamona (SS) where I saw patches of tar and shoot where he had already spoken with the reclamation. In the area of \u200b\u200bSanta Teresa di Gallura there were colleagues who have told me of a similar situation. "
So no warnings?" I do not think much complicated by the intervention should also ensure that there is a positive factor This oil below 20 degrees centigrade, and now the water is below this temperature, it is solid state. These pieces di catrame simili a grumi d’asfalto facilmente raccoglibili a mano anche dalle spiagge e dalle rocce. Questo prodotto è potenzialmente pericoloso ma è agevolmente gestibile con una bonifica ben strutturata.”
L’ipotesi solventi è quindi da bocciare?“Per carità, la cura sarebbe peggiore del male. I solventi sono a loro volta tossici e con del materiale solido ne servirebbero grandi quantità.”
La bonifica va quindi eseguita manualmente?“Si, coi mezzi meccanici si rischia di raccogliere troppa sabbia in una zona già colpita da fenomeni di erosione. Gli operatori e i volontari presenti sul posto stanno già facendo un buon lavoro visto che si tratta di un’opera da fare con rastrelli e palette. È una situazione di emergenza che non voglio sottovalutare ma, per quello che ho avuto modo di osservare, si può affrontare coi mezzi locali.”
I pescatori sono molto preoccupati. Ci sono problemi per i prodotti ittici della zona?“Sono più che altro problemi psicologici, come fu con l’aviaria, ad esempio. Non c’è il rischio di trovarsi sul piatto un’orata incatramata.”
25 gennaio 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
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TG3 - Article - Oil spill
Sardegna, continua l'allarme marea nera - GreenCity Per un futuro sostenibile
Il pericolo marea nera continua a minacciare la Sardegna: l'olio combustibile fuoriuscito nei giorni scorsi dalla centrale termoelettrica di Fiumesanto nello scalo industriale di Porto Torres (SS), ha raggiunto le spiagge di Stintino, Capo Testa, Santa Teresa di Gallura e Aglientu (Olbia-Tempio), rischiando di produrre un danno ambientale incalcolabile. Le autorità locali, insieme a numerosi volontari, hanno avviato una serie di operazioni di bonifica, ma occorre anche un intervento di Stato e Regione affinché il disastro non si estenda al resto della costa rischiando così di compromettere la stagione turistica. Ma facciamo un passo indietro per capire quanto è accaduto in territorio sardo negli ultimi giorni: mercoledì 12 gennaio è avvenuto un imprevedibile guasto meccanico nella linea di drenaggio del collettore manichette che scaricava nei silos della E.On Italia il carburante della Esmeralda tanker, spilling oil into the sea so all that in a few days, thanks to the complicity of the winds, reached the beaches at over 100 km away. A few days later, precisely on January 20, the waste water of an industrial scale, full of diesel fuel were spilled in the sea of \u200b\u200bPorto Torres. The blame is E. On, the Italian subsidiary of the German multinational energy, on which the public prosecutor has opened an investigation of Sassari, assuming the crime of environmental disaster.
Sardegna, continua l'allarme marea nera - GreenCity Per un futuro sostenibile
Il pericolo marea nera continua a minacciare la Sardegna: l'olio combustibile fuoriuscito nei giorni scorsi dalla centrale termoelettrica di Fiumesanto nello scalo industriale di Porto Torres (SS), ha raggiunto le spiagge di Stintino, Capo Testa, Santa Teresa di Gallura e Aglientu (Olbia-Tempio), rischiando di produrre un danno ambientale incalcolabile. Le autorità locali, insieme a numerosi volontari, hanno avviato una serie di operazioni di bonifica, ma occorre anche un intervento di Stato e Regione affinché il disastro non si estenda al resto della costa rischiando così di compromettere la stagione turistica. Ma facciamo un passo indietro per capire quanto è accaduto in territorio sardo negli ultimi giorni: mercoledì 12 gennaio è avvenuto un imprevedibile guasto meccanico nella linea di drenaggio del collettore manichette che scaricava nei silos della E.On Italia il carburante della Esmeralda tanker, spilling oil into the sea so all that in a few days, thanks to the complicity of the winds, reached the beaches at over 100 km away. A few days later, precisely on January 20, the waste water of an industrial scale, full of diesel fuel were spilled in the sea of \u200b\u200bPorto Torres. The blame is E. On, the Italian subsidiary of the German multinational energy, on which the public prosecutor has opened an investigation of Sassari, assuming the crime of environmental disaster.
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Sardinia Sardinia, Valley of the Moon: it is an environmental disaster - News - News - Home - The Newspaper of the Civil Protection
Oil spill in Sardinia. The Sardinians do it alone.
If there was still Soru, had planted a monstrous can-can. Instead, the Sardinians are completamente abbandonati a loro stessi nel combattere la marea nera nostrana.
Una mini-marea nera, niente a che vedere con quel che accadde nel Golfo del Messico. Ma sappiamo che bastano poche gocce di idrocarburi pesanti per contaminare vaste aree costiere, e proprio non ci allieta sentire nomi come "Santa Teresa di Gallura" in certi contesti. Nomi che, per quanto riguarda chi di dovere, sono spendibili solo quando si tratta di cementificare e passare mazzette: per il resto, le bellezze naturali sono considerate come la cultura, ovvero improduttive. Con buona pace delle migliaia di turisti che ogni anno portano quattrini per godersi il mare della Sardegna.
Così, i sardi si organizzano da soli. Stringe il cuore leggere la loro pagina Facebook (thanks to Daniel Puddu that it is working very well ):
know that this is not tar but fuel oil, the material is far more dangerous than the man who x x the environment, carcinogenic substance by skin contact! ! has been classified as carcinogenic category 2 with risk phrase R45, "may cause cancer" (DM 26 April 1997 transposing the European Directive No. 69 of 12.19.1994). is also toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long term adverse effects to the environment. Get the boots, then even if you wear glasses. The gloves that gave us the 19 were not going well, we received were from piatti.oggi gloves just ... the masks are always a few,
Oil spill in Sardinia. The Sardinians do it alone.
If there was still Soru, had planted a monstrous can-can. Instead, the Sardinians are completamente abbandonati a loro stessi nel combattere la marea nera nostrana.
Una mini-marea nera, niente a che vedere con quel che accadde nel Golfo del Messico. Ma sappiamo che bastano poche gocce di idrocarburi pesanti per contaminare vaste aree costiere, e proprio non ci allieta sentire nomi come "Santa Teresa di Gallura" in certi contesti. Nomi che, per quanto riguarda chi di dovere, sono spendibili solo quando si tratta di cementificare e passare mazzette: per il resto, le bellezze naturali sono considerate come la cultura, ovvero improduttive. Con buona pace delle migliaia di turisti che ogni anno portano quattrini per godersi il mare della Sardegna.
Così, i sardi si organizzano da soli. Stringe il cuore leggere la loro pagina Facebook (thanks to Daniel Puddu that it is working very well ):
know that this is not tar but fuel oil, the material is far more dangerous than the man who x x the environment, carcinogenic substance by skin contact! ! has been classified as carcinogenic category 2 with risk phrase R45, "may cause cancer" (DM 26 April 1997 transposing the European Directive No. 69 of 12.19.1994). is also toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long term adverse effects to the environment. Get the boots, then even if you wear glasses. The gloves that gave us the 19 were not going well, we received were from piatti.oggi gloves just ... the masks are always a few,
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Oil spill off the coast of northern Sardinia, the volunteers can be organized on Facebook to clean up the beaches from tar - Sardinia Oil spill off the coast of northern Sardinia, the volunteers can be organized on Facebook to clean up the beaches from tar
Daniel Puddu
(This and other videos on Youtube Channel MareaNera 2011)
do not mess with oil, does not speak any nationally, but the spill at sea about 18,000 liters of fuel oil, the infamous (and carcinogenic) orimulsion , took place last January 11, 2011 in the industrial port of Porto Torres si è riversato su 18km di coste e spiagge ( foto ) del Nord Sardegna (chiesta la calamità naturale ) fino al territorio di Santa Teresa di Gallura (più precisamente la costa ovest di Santa Teresa Gallura e Capo Testa ) e da li viene l'allarme e la richiesta d'aiuto a chiunque voglia partecipare alla ripulitura degli arenili , c'è infatti un coordinamento di volontari con sede alla stazione marittima del paese,al porto imbarco per la Corsica, dove vi daranno informazioni ed il kit per la pulizia!
Questo il comunicato su Facebook:
"Informo tutti i cittadini di santa teresa che stiamo organizzando un gruppo di volontari per ripulire le nostre spiagge e coste da questo disastro ambientale..........
[..] capiamo gli impegni lavorativi di tutti voi, ma suggeriamo di trovare un po di tempo anche per questo...... perchè riguarda , la nostra salute benesere economia e futuro. il mare è l'unica bellezza naturale che ci rimane quindi bisogna intervenire per salvare..........augurando mi del vostro impegno colgo l'occasione per porgere distinti saluti......... per chi volesse maggiori informazioni questo è il mio numero 3664660237........... P.S. PER RACCOGLIERE QUESTO CATRAME MUNITEVI DI GUANTI E MASCHERINA"
E tra i commento ecco qualche indicazione maggiore sul'equipaggiamento consigliato (o meglio necessario):
i guanti DEVONO ESSERE di nitrile o PVA (polivinilalcol), others do not go well;
Mask and Filters: rubber half mask with bi. With filters with protection class A1 color "brown" for organic gases and vapors;
PVC boots or otherwise resistant to hydrocarbons;
COVERALL TYVEK Disposable whole, with a hood;
"However, we know that not all of this material will be delivered the meeting point (maritime station ).... so PROCURATIE SURE THE BOOTS, then even if you wear glasses. The gloves that gave us the 19 were not going well, WERE FLAT OUT .... I hope that tomorrow are those suitable if you do not want to risk comprateveli and go on the safe side. "
Oil spill off the coast of northern Sardinia, the volunteers can be organized on Facebook to clean up the beaches from tar - Sardinia Oil spill off the coast of northern Sardinia, the volunteers can be organized on Facebook to clean up the beaches from tar
Daniel Puddu
(This and other videos on Youtube Channel MareaNera 2011)
do not mess with oil, does not speak any nationally, but the spill at sea about 18,000 liters of fuel oil, the infamous (and carcinogenic) orimulsion , took place last January 11, 2011 in the industrial port of Porto Torres si è riversato su 18km di coste e spiagge ( foto ) del Nord Sardegna (chiesta la calamità naturale ) fino al territorio di Santa Teresa di Gallura (più precisamente la costa ovest di Santa Teresa Gallura e Capo Testa ) e da li viene l'allarme e la richiesta d'aiuto a chiunque voglia partecipare alla ripulitura degli arenili , c'è infatti un coordinamento di volontari con sede alla stazione marittima del paese,al porto imbarco per la Corsica, dove vi daranno informazioni ed il kit per la pulizia!
Questo il comunicato su Facebook:
"Informo tutti i cittadini di santa teresa che stiamo organizzando un gruppo di volontari per ripulire le nostre spiagge e coste da questo disastro ambientale..........
[..] capiamo gli impegni lavorativi di tutti voi, ma suggeriamo di trovare un po di tempo anche per questo...... perchè riguarda , la nostra salute benesere economia e futuro. il mare è l'unica bellezza naturale che ci rimane quindi bisogna intervenire per salvare..........augurando mi del vostro impegno colgo l'occasione per porgere distinti saluti......... per chi volesse maggiori informazioni questo è il mio numero 3664660237........... P.S. PER RACCOGLIERE QUESTO CATRAME MUNITEVI DI GUANTI E MASCHERINA"
E tra i commento ecco qualche indicazione maggiore sul'equipaggiamento consigliato (o meglio necessario):
i guanti DEVONO ESSERE di nitrile o PVA (polivinilalcol), others do not go well;
Mask and Filters: rubber half mask with bi. With filters with protection class A1 color "brown" for organic gases and vapors;
PVC boots or otherwise resistant to hydrocarbons;
COVERALL TYVEK Disposable whole, with a hood;
"However, we know that not all of this material will be delivered the meeting point (maritime station ).... so PROCURATIE SURE THE BOOTS, then even if you wear glasses. The gloves that gave us the 19 were not going well, WERE FLAT OUT .... I hope that tomorrow are those suitable if you do not want to risk comprateveli and go on the safe side. "
Sunday, January 23, 2011
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Environment: Porto Torres, Province chiede emergenza nazionale - Sardegna -
Ambiente: Porto Torres; Provincia chiede emergenza nazionale
Presidente Olbia-Tempio scrive a ministro Prestigiacomo
22 gennaio, 17:34
(ANSA) - OLBIA, 22 GEN - La marea nera dell'olio combustibile finito in mare l'11 gennaio scorso nello scalo industriale di Porto Torres ha raggiunto varie coste del nord Sardegna ed oggi il presidente della Provincia di Olbia-Tempio, Fedele Sanciu, ha chiesto al ministro dell'Ambiente, Stefania Prestigiacomo, di dichiarare lo stato di emergenza nazionale. I territori piu' interessati sono quelli di Santa Teresa Gallura e Aglientu. Le areas are included in the Natura 2000 network and are adjacent to the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park Reserve and Strait of Bonifacio in France. (ANSA).
Environment: Porto Torres, Province chiede emergenza nazionale - Sardegna -
Ambiente: Porto Torres; Provincia chiede emergenza nazionale
Presidente Olbia-Tempio scrive a ministro Prestigiacomo
22 gennaio, 17:34
(ANSA) - OLBIA, 22 GEN - La marea nera dell'olio combustibile finito in mare l'11 gennaio scorso nello scalo industriale di Porto Torres ha raggiunto varie coste del nord Sardegna ed oggi il presidente della Provincia di Olbia-Tempio, Fedele Sanciu, ha chiesto al ministro dell'Ambiente, Stefania Prestigiacomo, di dichiarare lo stato di emergenza nazionale. I territori piu' interessati sono quelli di Santa Teresa Gallura e Aglientu. Le areas are included in the Natura 2000 network and are adjacent to the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park Reserve and Strait of Bonifacio in France. (ANSA).
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Oil spill in Sardinia, now the oil also threatens the island of La Maddalena Clara Gibellini The Fact QuotidianoMarea black in Sardinia, now the oil also threatens the island of La Maddalena
The environmental disaster was caused by the establishment E. On of Porto Torres, on 11 January. At least 15 thousand gallons of fuel oil ended up in the sea, close to some of the most beautiful beaches on the island
Everything seemed under control but now also threatens the tar La Maddalena. Assurances and optimism of the first hour did not seem to be enough to stop the oil spill in the north of Sardinia, after the incident to the establishment of E. On Porto Torres, on 11 January. At least 15 thousand gallons of fuel oil ended up in the sea, close to some of the most beautiful beaches of the island, Platamona Stintino and marine protected area in front of the National Park Asinara. Several black spots that float to the east, reached during the last forty-eight hours even the coasts of Gallura, Santa Reparata the peninsula of Capo Testa and now threaten even the Spread of paradise and protected throughout the archipelago of La Maddalena . It is difficult to estimate the actual damages an environmental emergency at the beginning of last week was considered closed by the local maritime authorities and instead has instead pushed the head of the Maritime La Maddalena has declared Friday a state of emergency, in an informative and institutional confusion not bode well for the real effects of the Holy River ecosystem of one of the most beautiful stretches of coast Paese.L 'impression ISPRA technicians arrived to monitor the situation is that "the bulk of small patches of tar are already beached" but the surveys at sea and on the seabed in front of the beaches will continue in the coming days, and already six tons of polluting materials recovered during the week of volunteers and companies responsible for cleaning costs. "It should be placed high attention to the fact that the product, being very heavy, it is potentially dangerous to the marine environment", specifies the charge of the environmental emergency ISPRA, Luigi Alcaro, fueling fears already expressed by the fact environmental groups and citizens committees seeking more information about the real impact of the oil spill. "We wonder how many liters of oil are still at sea, those who have suppressed the Poseidon, an aquatic plant that provides water oxygenation, and how many marine animals have died in an area so important for biodiversity and, in particular, to the cetaceans, "is the message that arrives by the National Animal Protection (ENPA), also concerned about possible contamination of the protected area of \u200b\u200bthe Sanctuary of cetaceans . "To try to want to reconcile the presence of industrial unsafe in marine protected areas is the symbol of a schizophrenic attitude is incompatible with a genuine desire to protect land and biodiversity," says to the scientific director of the institution, Ilaria Ferri. "We are concerned about the state of the structures of the plant, the company would have to take precautions contro il rischio di fuoriuscite all’esterno” afferma invece Massimo Fresi, responsabile del locale circolo di Legambiente. “Il danno poteva essere peggiore, fortunatamente siamo in inverno e le basse temperature facilitano l’amalgamazione dell’olio combustibile e quindi anche una sua più facile asportazione”.Dalla E.Con, il gruppo energetico responsabile dell’impianto di Fiume Santo, arrivano intanto le prime risposte sulle dinamiche dell’incidente, anche in seguito alla mobilitazione di un gruppo di cittadini su Facebook “ Disastro ambientale a Porto Torres e Platamona: vogliamo risposte! “Non c’e’ mai stata una sottovalutazione dell’incidente. Tutte Authorities were notified when there was the perception of the spill and the first anti-pollution measures started immediately - writes Mark Bertolino, director of the Central River Holy responding to the request for clarification on the timing of operations and compliance with emergency procedures. "All preventive measures were active (...) Unfortunately, the event 'happened at 16.00 and the onset of darkness' and rough sea conditions made it possible to limit but not completely block the development of the situation." Nell 'investigation opened by the prosecutor of Sassari for the environmental disaster at the time there would be entered in the register of suspects while no official comment on the matter yet arrived from the Ministry of Environment. Stefania Prestigiacomo President of the Province of Sassa, Alessandra Giudici, asked to declare a state of natural disaster, while Hermes Realacci, head green economy of the Democratic Party, addressed a parliamentary question in order to "intervene urgently to disclose the ' actual estimate of the environmental damage and claims for damages which you want to start to E Hon SpA. The Minister will report to Parliament Wednesday, January 26.
Oil spill in Sardinia, now the oil also threatens the island of La Maddalena Clara Gibellini The Fact QuotidianoMarea black in Sardinia, now the oil also threatens the island of La Maddalena
The environmental disaster was caused by the establishment E. On of Porto Torres, on 11 January. At least 15 thousand gallons of fuel oil ended up in the sea, close to some of the most beautiful beaches on the island
Everything seemed under control but now also threatens the tar La Maddalena. Assurances and optimism of the first hour did not seem to be enough to stop the oil spill in the north of Sardinia, after the incident to the establishment of E. On Porto Torres, on 11 January. At least 15 thousand gallons of fuel oil ended up in the sea, close to some of the most beautiful beaches of the island, Platamona Stintino and marine protected area in front of the National Park Asinara. Several black spots that float to the east, reached during the last forty-eight hours even the coasts of Gallura, Santa Reparata the peninsula of Capo Testa and now threaten even the Spread of paradise and protected throughout the archipelago of La Maddalena . It is difficult to estimate the actual damages an environmental emergency at the beginning of last week was considered closed by the local maritime authorities and instead has instead pushed the head of the Maritime La Maddalena has declared Friday a state of emergency, in an informative and institutional confusion not bode well for the real effects of the Holy River ecosystem of one of the most beautiful stretches of coast Paese.L 'impression ISPRA technicians arrived to monitor the situation is that "the bulk of small patches of tar are already beached" but the surveys at sea and on the seabed in front of the beaches will continue in the coming days, and already six tons of polluting materials recovered during the week of volunteers and companies responsible for cleaning costs. "It should be placed high attention to the fact that the product, being very heavy, it is potentially dangerous to the marine environment", specifies the charge of the environmental emergency ISPRA, Luigi Alcaro, fueling fears already expressed by the fact environmental groups and citizens committees seeking more information about the real impact of the oil spill. "We wonder how many liters of oil are still at sea, those who have suppressed the Poseidon, an aquatic plant that provides water oxygenation, and how many marine animals have died in an area so important for biodiversity and, in particular, to the cetaceans, "is the message that arrives by the National Animal Protection (ENPA), also concerned about possible contamination of the protected area of \u200b\u200bthe Sanctuary of cetaceans . "To try to want to reconcile the presence of industrial unsafe in marine protected areas is the symbol of a schizophrenic attitude is incompatible with a genuine desire to protect land and biodiversity," says to the scientific director of the institution, Ilaria Ferri. "We are concerned about the state of the structures of the plant, the company would have to take precautions contro il rischio di fuoriuscite all’esterno” afferma invece Massimo Fresi, responsabile del locale circolo di Legambiente. “Il danno poteva essere peggiore, fortunatamente siamo in inverno e le basse temperature facilitano l’amalgamazione dell’olio combustibile e quindi anche una sua più facile asportazione”.Dalla E.Con, il gruppo energetico responsabile dell’impianto di Fiume Santo, arrivano intanto le prime risposte sulle dinamiche dell’incidente, anche in seguito alla mobilitazione di un gruppo di cittadini su Facebook “ Disastro ambientale a Porto Torres e Platamona: vogliamo risposte! “Non c’e’ mai stata una sottovalutazione dell’incidente. Tutte Authorities were notified when there was the perception of the spill and the first anti-pollution measures started immediately - writes Mark Bertolino, director of the Central River Holy responding to the request for clarification on the timing of operations and compliance with emergency procedures. "All preventive measures were active (...) Unfortunately, the event 'happened at 16.00 and the onset of darkness' and rough sea conditions made it possible to limit but not completely block the development of the situation." Nell 'investigation opened by the prosecutor of Sassari for the environmental disaster at the time there would be entered in the register of suspects while no official comment on the matter yet arrived from the Ministry of Environment. Stefania Prestigiacomo President of the Province of Sassa, Alessandra Giudici, asked to declare a state of natural disaster, while Hermes Realacci, head green economy of the Democratic Party, addressed a parliamentary question in order to "intervene urgently to disclose the ' actual estimate of the environmental damage and claims for damages which you want to start to E Hon SpA. The Minister will report to Parliament Wednesday, January 26.
Friday, January 21, 2011
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Oil spill in Louisiana
Europe on the edge of the development Fondazione Italcementi conference - Economy - L'Eco di Bergamo
Europe on the edge of the development Fondazione Italcementi conference - Economy - L'Eco di Bergamo
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Lambro: the "gang of tanks" and speculation. The same hands?
Sea: a state of emergency in Porto Torres for oil pollution - Environment and Energy -
Sea: a state of emergency in Porto Torres for pollution Oil
OLBIA - After the overflow at sea on 11 January this year of fuel oil in front of the airport industrial area of \u200b\u200bPorto Torres is also the substance has reached the coasts of Gallura. The head of the Maritime La Maddalena has declared a state of emergency locale.Continuano the clean-up operations on land contaminated product beached on the coast between the Russian Mountains (common Aglientu) and Capo Testa (Santa Teresa di Gallura), while the vessels of the Port of La Maddalena-Coast Guard continued to patrol the sea to check the possible presence of other oily stains. The speakers were also specialists in the core of the Coast Guard divers who have to Cagliari diving in front of the beaches where more and 'the concentration of hydrocarbons. Together with them and 'dipped a biologist Maddalena Archipelago National Park to check the status of the seabed, at the time, there are no inquinati.E' was also made a joint visit by the head compartment of the Master's Port of La Maddalena, representatives of the Marine Environment Department at the General Command the Ministry of Environment and staff of the Province of Olbia-Tempio. So far been recovered from volunteers and companies responsible for cleaning costs about six tons of polluting material. Today 'also provided air and naval patrols as they continue the remediation of the coast by the civil protection of society and' E-On
Sea: a state of emergency in Porto Torres for oil pollution - Environment and Energy -
Sea: a state of emergency in Porto Torres for pollution Oil
OLBIA - After the overflow at sea on 11 January this year of fuel oil in front of the airport industrial area of \u200b\u200bPorto Torres is also the substance has reached the coasts of Gallura. The head of the Maritime La Maddalena has declared a state of emergency locale.Continuano the clean-up operations on land contaminated product beached on the coast between the Russian Mountains (common Aglientu) and Capo Testa (Santa Teresa di Gallura), while the vessels of the Port of La Maddalena-Coast Guard continued to patrol the sea to check the possible presence of other oily stains. The speakers were also specialists in the core of the Coast Guard divers who have to Cagliari diving in front of the beaches where more and 'the concentration of hydrocarbons. Together with them and 'dipped a biologist Maddalena Archipelago National Park to check the status of the seabed, at the time, there are no inquinati.E' was also made a joint visit by the head compartment of the Master's Port of La Maddalena, representatives of the Marine Environment Department at the General Command the Ministry of Environment and staff of the Province of Olbia-Tempio. So far been recovered from volunteers and companies responsible for cleaning costs about six tons of polluting material. Today 'also provided air and naval patrols as they continue the remediation of the coast by the civil protection of society and' E-On
Thursday, January 20, 2011
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The governor of Sardinia, "The Sardinians? A problem, "Tough-hard
TG3 - Article - Oil spill Sardinian
Marea Black
Non ci troviamo di fronte all’immane disastro ambientale causato dalla BP nel Golfo del Messico ma quello che è successo l’11 gennaio in Sardegna nella zona di Porto Torres è comunque un episodio molto grave e in gran parte ignorato dai media nazionali.
L’incidente è avvenuto al molo della centrale E.On di Fiume Santo. La nave cisterna ‘Esmeralda’ aveva appena finito di scaricare olio combustibile quando il carburante ha cominciato a fuoriuscire dalle tubature. La situazione, initially thought to be under control, has been exacerbated by the hour in part because of the lack of a breakdown in the available mitigation of loss. Thousands of gallons of oil, driven by the current, have reached the beaches of Porto Torres, Marina Sorso Platamona and forcing local mayors to prohibit access to miles of beaches for safety reasons. The fuel is classified as R45 in fact among the most dangerous and carcinogenic.
A taskforce formed by technicians and volunteers are making to clean up the affected areas, collecting the tar in large plastic bags which will then be disposed of as hazardous waste.
The initial effects of pollution have already visible, in addition to large blocks of tar were collected several gulls and dead fish in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spill.
But how much material is actually finished in the sea? On this point the valuations diverge. 10 thousand liters of E. On, many more according to the engineers who are studying the situation. He lost a lot of time, E. ON own admission, because the hole in the pipeline from which the fuel came out was as big as a pin and being buried pipeline was impossible to notice the loss more quickly. The hypothesis is that at least 30 thousand liters of R45 to be finished in the Gulf of. A remarkable amount for the delicate ecosystem one of the most beautiful areas of Italy.
The prosecutor of Sassari initiated an investigation to determine causes and responsibility for the disaster.
A very serious and far from resolved. Besides the combination with a lot of news these days as the Ruby case, the question Mirafiori and the revolt in Tunisia, has meant that it passed almost unnoticed in the national press. We Tg3web
of it we have learned through our Facebook friends who have rightly criticized the lack of media interest, including us, on a very serious matter which deserves all our attention.
TG3 - Article - Oil spill Sardinian
Marea Black
On 11 January in Sardinia in the Porto Torres soni 30 thousand liters of fuel oil leaked from a pipe industry have poured nel Golfo dell'Asinara, inquinando chilometri di spiagge e le acque circostanti

L’incidente è avvenuto al molo della centrale E.On di Fiume Santo. La nave cisterna ‘Esmeralda’ aveva appena finito di scaricare olio combustibile quando il carburante ha cominciato a fuoriuscire dalle tubature. La situazione, initially thought to be under control, has been exacerbated by the hour in part because of the lack of a breakdown in the available mitigation of loss. Thousands of gallons of oil, driven by the current, have reached the beaches of Porto Torres, Marina Sorso Platamona and forcing local mayors to prohibit access to miles of beaches for safety reasons. The fuel is classified as R45 in fact among the most dangerous and carcinogenic.
A taskforce formed by technicians and volunteers are making to clean up the affected areas, collecting the tar in large plastic bags which will then be disposed of as hazardous waste.
The initial effects of pollution have already visible, in addition to large blocks of tar were collected several gulls and dead fish in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spill.
But how much material is actually finished in the sea? On this point the valuations diverge. 10 thousand liters of E. On, many more according to the engineers who are studying the situation. He lost a lot of time, E. ON own admission, because the hole in the pipeline from which the fuel came out was as big as a pin and being buried pipeline was impossible to notice the loss more quickly. The hypothesis is that at least 30 thousand liters of R45 to be finished in the Gulf of. A remarkable amount for the delicate ecosystem one of the most beautiful areas of Italy.
The prosecutor of Sassari initiated an investigation to determine causes and responsibility for the disaster.
A very serious and far from resolved. Besides the combination with a lot of news these days as the Ruby case, the question Mirafiori and the revolt in Tunisia, has meant that it passed almost unnoticed in the national press. We Tg3web
of it we have learned through our Facebook friends who have rightly criticized the lack of media interest, including us, on a very serious matter which deserves all our attention.
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attack Seventh Nizzi to the Governor. Regional Executive inappropriate Asl appointments, work on the G8 and the funds for the Sassari-Olbia Sardinia
Sardinia, Valley of the Moon: it is an environmental disaster - News - News - Home - The Newspaper of the Civil Protection
Sardinia, Valley of the Moon: it is an environmental disaster
It works to contain the damage, not yet quantified: first comes the tar beaches
Wednesday January 19, 2011 - News Local media define the 'thrilling scenes': tar on the beaches, seagulls trapped in the black goo, the coastline topped by a huge oil slick. In Gallura we can talk about real environmental disaster, after the incident - the 11th of January - the port facility of a company's fuel, which caused the spillage in water of 18 000 liters of oil. I'm at work too technical civil protection to limit the damage, but is not yet possible to estimate the economic and environmental consequences of what happened. Meanwhile, the public prosecutor's office opened an investigation of Sassari with the possibility of environmental damage, to shed light on the new incident. It works to establish the causes and possible liability. The master's port of Porto Torres and La Maddalena are engaged in the coordination of remediation. There are several means at sea, with the participation of vessels Ecolmar Castalia, a company specializing in pollution response arrangement with the Ministry of Environment. The operations are also participating in two planes ATR 42 arrived from Catania. And the direction of the Maritime Coastguard Olbia get confirmation on the identification of possible traces of pollutants in the waters of the beach of Santa Reparata - Capo Testa and the stretch of sea between Cape Point and the French Li Testa.Il case represents Parliament joining: Alessandro Bratti the PD, a member of the House Environment Committee, will present an informative urgent news for the Minister Prestigiacomo accident occurred in Sardinia.
Sardinia, Valley of the Moon: it is an environmental disaster - News - News - Home - The Newspaper of the Civil Protection
Sardinia, Valley of the Moon: it is an environmental disaster
It works to contain the damage, not yet quantified: first comes the tar beaches
Wednesday January 19, 2011 - News Local media define the 'thrilling scenes': tar on the beaches, seagulls trapped in the black goo, the coastline topped by a huge oil slick. In Gallura we can talk about real environmental disaster, after the incident - the 11th of January - the port facility of a company's fuel, which caused the spillage in water of 18 000 liters of oil. I'm at work too technical civil protection to limit the damage, but is not yet possible to estimate the economic and environmental consequences of what happened. Meanwhile, the public prosecutor's office opened an investigation of Sassari with the possibility of environmental damage, to shed light on the new incident. It works to establish the causes and possible liability. The master's port of Porto Torres and La Maddalena are engaged in the coordination of remediation. There are several means at sea, with the participation of vessels Ecolmar Castalia, a company specializing in pollution response arrangement with the Ministry of Environment. The operations are also participating in two planes ATR 42 arrived from Catania. And the direction of the Maritime Coastguard Olbia get confirmation on the identification of possible traces of pollutants in the waters of the beach of Santa Reparata - Capo Testa and the stretch of sea between Cape Point and the French Li Testa.Il case represents Parliament joining: Alessandro Bratti the PD, a member of the House Environment Committee, will present an informative urgent news for the Minister Prestigiacomo accident occurred in Sardinia.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Streapt Tease Trish Stratus
Forests for People. 2011 International Year of Forests
"Forests for People" is the slogan combined with the campaign logo for the International Year of Forests. After 2010, entitled to biodiversity, the UN has symbolically passed the baton of environmental protection in 2011, proclaiming the International Year of Forests. L’inaugurazione dell’anno delle foreste è prevista per il 2 e 3 di febbraio, giorni in cui sarà presentato il programma annuale che stabilisce le manifestazioni organizzate in molte nazioni
The UN intends to remind the world population the inestimable value that the forest has for all humanity. Forests are home to about 80% of terrestrial biodiversity, ensure the absorption of most of the carbon dioxide generated and live there about 300 million people around the globe and more than 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their lives.

Le iniziative proposte tendono a svolgere un’azione di forte sensibilizzazione per la tutela e l’incremento di ogni tipo di foresta. Attualmente il patrimonio boschivo mondiale ricopre il 31% delle terre presenti sulla superficie terrestre, tuttavia moltissime di queste aree sono sottoposte ad uno sfruttamento eccessivo con abbattimento di alberi al fine di produrre legname per l’edilizia e la produzione di carta o di convertirle in terreni agricoli, pertanto si è calcolata una perdita quotidiana di circa 350 chilometri quadrati of forest cover. Deforestation destroys every year around the world about 13 million hectares of forests. Making a relationship between the loss of trees and reforestation can be calculated an annual net loss amounted to 7.3 million hectares per year. To get a clearer idea of \u200b\u200bthis value is equivalent to a wooded area about a quarter the size of Italy that is destroyed every three seconds is a plot of forest the size of a football field.
The UN intends to remind the world population the inestimable value that the forest has for all humanity. Forests are home to about 80% of terrestrial biodiversity, ensure the absorption of most of the carbon dioxide generated and live there about 300 million people around the globe and more than 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their lives.
Forests are sources of food, medicines and clean water and play an indispensable role in maintaining environmental and climate around the world in particular are essential to prevent global warming, by virtue of the fundamental tasks of fixing carbon carried by the trees. To celebrate this event UNFFS the United Nations Forum on Forests Secretariat organized the Forest International Film Festival (IFFF), the winners will be divided into six categories presented to delegates from 192 countries in New York in February. Among other initiatives, the Italian State Forestry Corps, as a first contribution to the campaign launched by the UN, decided to devote this year, the institutional timetable of 2011, it will be outlined in the main international and national initiatives relating to forestry involving actively CFS.
Friday, January 7, 2011
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