Sunday, January 23, 2011

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Oil spill in Sardinia, now the oil also threatens the island of La Maddalena Clara Gibellini The Fact QuotidianoMarea black in Sardinia, now the oil also threatens the island of La Maddalena
The environmental disaster was caused by the establishment E. On of Porto Torres, on 11 January. At least 15 thousand gallons of fuel oil ended up in the sea, close to some of the most beautiful beaches on the island
Everything seemed under control but now also threatens the tar La Maddalena. Assurances and optimism of the first hour did not seem to be enough to stop the oil spill in the north of Sardinia, after the incident to the establishment of E. On Porto Torres, on 11 January. At least 15 thousand gallons of fuel oil ended up in the sea, close to some of the most beautiful beaches of the island, Platamona Stintino and marine protected area in front of the National Park Asinara. Several black spots that float to the east, reached during the last forty-eight hours even the coasts of Gallura, Santa Reparata the peninsula of Capo Testa and now threaten even the Spread of paradise and protected throughout the archipelago of La Maddalena . It is difficult to estimate the actual damages an environmental emergency at the beginning of last week was considered closed by the local maritime authorities and instead has instead pushed the head of the Maritime La Maddalena has declared Friday a state of emergency, in an informative and institutional confusion not bode well for the real effects of the Holy River ecosystem of one of the most beautiful stretches of coast Paese.L 'impression ISPRA technicians arrived to monitor the situation is that "the bulk of small patches of tar are already beached" but the surveys at sea and on the seabed in front of the beaches will continue in the coming days, and already six tons of polluting materials recovered during the week of volunteers and companies responsible for cleaning costs. "It should be placed high attention to the fact that the product, being very heavy, it is potentially dangerous to the marine environment", specifies the charge of the environmental emergency ISPRA, Luigi Alcaro, fueling fears already expressed by the fact environmental groups and citizens committees seeking more information about the real impact of the oil spill. "We wonder how many liters of oil are still at sea, those who have suppressed the Poseidon, an aquatic plant that provides water oxygenation, and how many marine animals have died in an area so important for biodiversity and, in particular, to the cetaceans, "is the message that arrives by the National Animal Protection (ENPA), also concerned about possible contamination of the protected area of \u200b\u200bthe Sanctuary of cetaceans . "To try to want to reconcile the presence of industrial unsafe in marine protected areas is the symbol of a schizophrenic attitude is incompatible with a genuine desire to protect land and biodiversity," says to the scientific director of the institution, Ilaria Ferri. "We are concerned about the state of the structures of the plant, the company would have to take precautions contro il rischio di fuoriuscite all’esterno” afferma invece Massimo Fresi, responsabile del locale circolo di Legambiente. “Il danno poteva essere peggiore, fortunatamente siamo in inverno e le basse temperature facilitano l’amalgamazione dell’olio combustibile e quindi anche una sua piĆ¹ facile asportazione”.Dalla E.Con, il gruppo energetico responsabile dell’impianto di Fiume Santo, arrivano intanto le prime risposte sulle dinamiche dell’incidente, anche in seguito alla mobilitazione di un gruppo di cittadini su Facebook “ Disastro ambientale a Porto Torres e Platamona: vogliamo risposte! “Non c’e’ mai stata una sottovalutazione dell’incidente. Tutte Authorities were notified when there was the perception of the spill and the first anti-pollution measures started immediately - writes Mark Bertolino, director of the Central River Holy responding to the request for clarification on the timing of operations and compliance with emergency procedures. "All preventive measures were active (...) Unfortunately, the event 'happened at 16.00 and the onset of darkness' and rough sea conditions made it possible to limit but not completely block the development of the situation." Nell 'investigation opened by the prosecutor of Sassari for the environmental disaster at the time there would be entered in the register of suspects while no official comment on the matter yet arrived from the Ministry of Environment. Stefania Prestigiacomo President of the Province of Sassa, Alessandra Giudici, asked to declare a state of natural disaster, while Hermes Realacci, head green economy of the Democratic Party, addressed a parliamentary question in order to "intervene urgently to disclose the ' actual estimate of the environmental damage and claims for damages which you want to start to E Hon SpA. The Minister will report to Parliament Wednesday, January 26.


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