Le iniziative proposte tendono a svolgere un’azione di forte sensibilizzazione per la tutela e l’incremento di ogni tipo di foresta. Attualmente il patrimonio boschivo mondiale ricopre il 31% delle terre presenti sulla superficie terrestre, tuttavia moltissime di queste aree sono sottoposte ad uno sfruttamento eccessivo con abbattimento di alberi al fine di produrre legname per l’edilizia e la produzione di carta o di convertirle in terreni agricoli, pertanto si è calcolata una perdita quotidiana di circa 350 chilometri quadrati of forest cover. Deforestation destroys every year around the world about 13 million hectares of forests. Making a relationship between the loss of trees and reforestation can be calculated an annual net loss amounted to 7.3 million hectares per year. To get a clearer idea of \u200b\u200bthis value is equivalent to a wooded area about a quarter the size of Italy that is destroyed every three seconds is a plot of forest the size of a football field.
The UN intends to remind the world population the inestimable value that the forest has for all humanity. Forests are home to about 80% of terrestrial biodiversity, ensure the absorption of most of the carbon dioxide generated and live there about 300 million people around the globe and more than 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their lives.
Forests are sources of food, medicines and clean water and play an indispensable role in maintaining environmental and climate around the world in particular are essential to prevent global warming, by virtue of the fundamental tasks of fixing carbon carried by the trees. To celebrate this event UNFFS the United Nations Forum on Forests Secretariat organized the Forest International Film Festival (IFFF), the winners will be divided into six categories presented to delegates from 192 countries in New York in February. Among other initiatives, the Italian State Forestry Corps, as a first contribution to the campaign launched by the UN, decided to devote this year, the institutional timetable of 2011, it will be outlined in the main international and national initiatives relating to forestry involving actively CFS.
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