TG3 - Article - Oil spill Sardinian
Marea Black
On 11 January in Sardinia in the Porto Torres soni 30 thousand liters of fuel oil leaked from a pipe industry have poured nel Golfo dell'Asinara, inquinando chilometri di spiagge e le acque circostanti

L’incidente è avvenuto al molo della centrale E.On di Fiume Santo. La nave cisterna ‘Esmeralda’ aveva appena finito di scaricare olio combustibile quando il carburante ha cominciato a fuoriuscire dalle tubature. La situazione, initially thought to be under control, has been exacerbated by the hour in part because of the lack of a breakdown in the available mitigation of loss. Thousands of gallons of oil, driven by the current, have reached the beaches of Porto Torres, Marina Sorso Platamona and forcing local mayors to prohibit access to miles of beaches for safety reasons. The fuel is classified as R45 in fact among the most dangerous and carcinogenic.
A taskforce formed by technicians and volunteers are making to clean up the affected areas, collecting the tar in large plastic bags which will then be disposed of as hazardous waste.
The initial effects of pollution have already visible, in addition to large blocks of tar were collected several gulls and dead fish in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spill.
But how much material is actually finished in the sea? On this point the valuations diverge. 10 thousand liters of E. On, many more according to the engineers who are studying the situation. He lost a lot of time, E. ON own admission, because the hole in the pipeline from which the fuel came out was as big as a pin and being buried pipeline was impossible to notice the loss more quickly. The hypothesis is that at least 30 thousand liters of R45 to be finished in the Gulf of. A remarkable amount for the delicate ecosystem one of the most beautiful areas of Italy.
The prosecutor of Sassari initiated an investigation to determine causes and responsibility for the disaster.
A very serious and far from resolved. Besides the combination with a lot of news these days as the Ruby case, the question Mirafiori and the revolt in Tunisia, has meant that it passed almost unnoticed in the national press. We Tg3web
of it we have learned through our Facebook friends who have rightly criticized the lack of media interest, including us, on a very serious matter which deserves all our attention.
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