Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Does Alli Cause Gallbladder Problems


The final insult of Magdalena farewell to the dream hotel G8 -


The final insult of Magdalena
Farewell to the dream hotel G8

Licensed employees, Mita ready to give back the keys to Regione.La structure was given 40 years in management for the group Marcegaglia. The work was entrusted to the brother Francesco Piermarini Bertolaso \u200b\u200b from our correspondent PAUL BERIZZI

suite of Obama, now more than a legend is likely to go down in history as the symbol of a great unfinished. La Maddalena on the former Arsenal, the only structure built for the G8 summit held in life, may soon drop the curtain. Blame for the delays of the government and the region.

For the remediation of this segment of the sea in front of the hotel G8 - outsourced by the region for 40 years at Mita Resort Group Marcegaglia fee by 60 000 € 30 million a year plus post-remediation - Guido Bertolaso , the former head of Civil Protection, has spent 72 million of public money. The work was entrusted to the brother Francesco Piermarini, but cleaning the landfill marina - Crack in style - was never completed. And so in the harbor the boats can not navigate. As a football field where it is impossible to kick the ball. Do not even received the permits for the hotel to house the heads of state: first of all the living space. Mita le aspettava già questa estate le carte, ma la Regione Sardegna  -  proprietario di questo sito di 150mila metri quadrati dove un tempo sorgeva l'Arsenale militare - non ha ancora effettuato nemmeno la perimetrazione dell'area. E' questo il quadro di Porto Arsenale, la struttura sorta dalle ceneri dello scandalo del G8 (un affare costato 500milioni di euro, 327 per le opere alla Maddalena, il resto per l'Aquila) che nei piani del gruppo Marcegaglia doveva diventare il porto turistico più importante del Mediterraneo.
Ora potrebbe trasformarsi nell'ultima beffa della Maddalena.

Il 31 dicembre i lavoratori ancora sotto contratto con la Mita Resort  - A dozen keepers and sailors - they will go home. The other season since he had left in September. The only company that still works maddalenina former Arsenal is the Roland Garden, which takes care of the green. It's just practice for a winter port connected to a mega tourist? According to the tender, Mita - which has been granted to a former Arsenal is certainly advantageous price - should have submitted a business plan to the City to ensure that its business would have been to the island also an opportunity to raise - and compensation. The plan has not yet seen. According to sources close to the company filters - which officially does not declare anything - before taking further steps (the only structural maintenance costs of € 2 million a year) the Marcegaglia wants to see clearly. That means understanding a few things: First, if the waters of the Arsenal will continue - despite the civil protection plan - to be infested with oil and then not navigable. Second, if the region will keep the faith - so far it has not done - with commitments. In practice: not being in a position to develop their project Mita might consider to review its commitment in the business di Porto Arsenale. I magazzini sono pieni di materiale ancora incellofanato: banchine galleggianti, divise del personale, attrezzature subacquee, gommoni, macchine elettriche. Tutto con il logo "Porto Arsenale". Se sono inutilizzati non è certo per colpa di Mita. La società della Marcegaglia risulta danneggiata dalla celerità elefantiaca della Regione e dagli effetti imprevisti retaggio della scriteriata azione della Protezione civile (Bertolaso&Co) sull'isola. "Siamo di fronte a un paradosso  -  tuona il sindaco Pd Angelo Còmiti  -  c'è una società che deve fare i suoi investimenti  -  che servono come il pane a questa città  - But is not put in the position to do so. Government and the Region have abandoned us to our fate. "

Behind the endless nebula that surrounds all that is spent in the clutches of the crack-Balducci De Santis-Of-Giovampaola Anemome, hovers a new spectrum: that of Mita here recently decided to return the keys to the arsenal of the former region. "Cappellacci (Sardinian government, ed) if it is washing his hands," thunders the City Council Mauro Bittu. archipelago of scandals and pranks there is anger . Other than conversion: much of what has been built for the G8 languishes and withers. The 5-star hotel built in the former military hospital is a hundred yards from the Arsenal: è costato 75 milioni, 742 mila euro a stanza (sono 101). A febbraio 2010  -  dopo un'inchiesta di Repubblica - Bertolaso promise che sarebbe stato fatto un nuovo bando di gara per l'assegnazione. Che c'erano contatti avviati con due società. Zero. Il bestione è ancora lì, con le erbacce intorno, una cattedrale sul mare e nessuno la vuole. E ancora: più nulla si sa del Water Front, il porto turistico cittadino i cui lavori dovevano partire a ottobre. Doveva essere un'opera collegata al G8 anche quella: ma dopo gli scandali sulla corruzione, gli arresti, i costi fuori controllo, è scivolata "a data da destinarsi" sorride amaro Còmiti. Le spese? Dieci milioni di fondi Fas, altri cinque provenienti from the coffers of the region, but is yet to stop. Robert La Monica does the advertising. With a photographic exhibition had already sounded the alarm on the 'island disposable. Now the administration has proposed a campaign to raise entitled "Madeleine's". Perhaps you should add a question mark.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Mountain Hardware Compression Pants

Marie Curie a woman two Nobel

in 2011 through 100 years of the awarding of Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Maria Sklodowska, better known as Marie Curie. Born in Warsaw, later naturalized French in 1867 died July 4 of 1934 of pernicious anemia as a result of long exposure to radioactive substances. This great scientist had already been awarded the Nobel Prize in physics (along with her husband Pierre Curie and Antoine Henri Becquerel). Marie Curie graduated in chemistry and physics at the Sorbonne in Paris and was the first woman to teach a the same university.
At the end of 1800, the discovery of new types of radiation a promising area of \u200b\u200bresearch interest: W. Röntgen had discovered X-rays and Antoine-Henri Becquerel noted invisible radiation, similar to X-rays emitted by uranium. Marie and her husband Pierre were concentrated on the study of this type of radiation. In July 1898 they discovered a new chemical element which they called Polonio dal nome del paese di origine di Marie. Dopo aver isolato un’altro elemento chimico   il radio Mariene studiò le proprietà e fu lei stessa a coniare il termine "radioattivo" per indicare elementi instabili, il cui nucleo decadeva con emissione di radiazione. Questa scienziata fu la prima a capire che la radioattività era un fenomeno atomico, in contrasto con l’opinione comune che l'atomo fosse la più piccola particella di materia. Con questa intuizione possiamo dire che iniziò l’era della fisica atomica. Dopo la morte del marito avvenuta a seguito di un incidente e dopo ulteriori importanti pubblicazioni la Curie con la figlia Irène, durante la prima guerra mondiale s’impegnò at the front, seeing the wounded and preparing the so-called "Petit Curie, in practice automobiles equipped with X-ray equipment After the war, he became chief scientist of the Institut du Radium in Paris and participated in the founding of the Institute Curie.
The scientist headed this institute until 1932, when succeeded by his eldest daughter, Irène Joliot-Curie also won a Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1935, the year following the death of his mother. (L'Institut Curie still exists today and is an important scientific institution for research on cancer). And 'one of the few women for whom it was minted a coin, one of 30 women awarded the Nobel Prize and beyond her only Linus Pauling, the only exception, he received two Nobel Prizes in two different fields.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

About The Patan Syndrome

Biodiversity ': do the math!

From 18 to 29 October 2010 in Nagoya (Japan) is the United Nations Conference on Biological Diversity.
The representatives of 192 states party to the Convention on Biological Diversity are grappling to find a common agreement on 20 goals due to three fundamental objectives. The aim is to achieve over the next decade, a slowdown if not a real block of the continued decline of biodiversity on earth. These objectives possono essere riassunti in questo modo.

1. Definire un piano d’azione per i prossimi 10 anni (la prossima conferenza sul tema ci sarà nel 2020).

2. Stabilire le fonti e l’entità dei finanziamenti.

3. Concretizzare un protocollo per un’equa spartizione delle risorse naturali.

Ryu Matsumoto, ministro dell’Ambiente giapponese, ha ricordato che gli obbiettivi proposti dalla Conferenza nel 2002 per il 2010 non sono stati raggiunti e che il tasso di estinzione delle specie oggi sta avvenendo 1000 volte più velocemente del tasso naturale.

Poiché le difficoltà negli accordi sono legate principalmente ad interessi di tipo economico, a Nagoya will be offered a new mechanism for compensation of damage to biodiversity. This initiative is Bbop, Business and Biodiversity Offsets Program, and is based on a system where private companies will have to "compensate" the loss of biodiversity in an area through the development of investments in the protection of biological diversity in other areas. This principle of compensation for damage to biodiversity will be incorporated in the criteria for lending institutions as the International Finance Corp, an organization of the World Bank involving the financial world as well.
The monetary value of nature is underlined by a report: 'The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity' (Teeb) ; questo è il nome del rapporto presentato alla conferenza ONU in cui vengono riportati alcuni esempi di come la natura sia alla base delle attività umane. Per fare un esempio in Australia sono stati piantati 400.000 alberi per normalizzare il microclima, far calare l’inquinamento e migliorare la qualità dell’aria a livello urbano, abbattendo i costi energetici derivanti dal condizionamento dell’aria dell’incremento di CO2. I benefici prodotti ammonterebbero a una cifra tra i 20 ed i 67 milioni di dollari per il periodo
Anche le barriere coralline sono state monetizzate e sebbene coprano solo l’1.2% delle aree marine porterebbero all’uomo un valore stimato tra 30 ed i 172 miliardi di dollari infatti circa 30 milioni di persone nelle comunità costiere ed insulari dipendono dalle risorse che provengono dalle barriere coralline Altro esempio di organismi di “valore” è rappresentato dagli insetti impollinatori il cui lavoro nelle coltivazioni di tutto il mondo varrebbe fino a 214 miliardi di dollari.

Il responsabile dello studio TEEB, Pavan Sukhdev, ha affermato: “Sebbene gli ecosistemi e la biodiversità abbiano un enorme valore economico per la società, questo non è percepito e tale mancanza di visibilità economica è una delle cause principali della loro allarmante perdita. La dotazione di risorse naturali, o patrimonio naturale, è altrettanto importante resource man-made, that the material heritage. Recognize and remunerate the value of the benefits that society derives from natural capital has become a political priority "

. A new point of view that if one part may cause some concern has certainly an essential foundation of truthfulness and looks to problem from a different angle. Basically the idea is to shift the focus of political and economic and financial world over what now seems to move everything ... common sense? not your wallet!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Balisong Butterfly Knife

National Day of People with Down syndrome

Sunday, October 10, will be the National Day of people with Down syndrome, organized by CoorDown - National Coordination Associations of persons with Down syndrome non-profit organization under the patronage of the President of the Republic.

There will be more than 200 points of contact on the squares and shopping centers scattered throughout Italy, where dozens of volunteers will distribute information materials on Down syndrome and offer a board / message chocolate (made with cocoa from the Fair Trade ) in exchange for a contribution to help the projects of the 80 associations that refer to CoorDown.

The goal this year is focused on the inclusive education of children with Down syndrome, In fact, the 'advertising information, which sees the exception as a sponsor of Veronica Pivetti reads this message:

when school is barrier-free

when the school helps to grow

when the school has the skills and supports necessary for

children with Down syndrome

then yes the school is complete!

this nation-intensive public awareness in order to produce a new culture that goes beyond platitudes that even approach people with Down syndrome. Today, in fact many people with Down syndrome included actively in society: people who work, guide, study, drive and live independently. Currently in Italy in 1000 a child born with this condition.

Down syndrome is a genetic condition such that whoever is the bearer has an extra chromosome in the cell nucleus of these people instead of the normal 46 chromosomes are present 47, a chromosome that is, there is no 21 more. This is why Down syndrome is also called Trisomy 21. In 98% of cases of Down syndrome is not hereditary. There are three types of chromosome abnormalities in Down's syndrome but who have the same effect:

1. the complete trisomy 21 (95% of cases) in all body cells are three 21 chromosomes instead of two.

2. Trisomy 21 mosaicism in the free (2% of cases) in the body of the person with the syndrome are present in both normal cells with 46 chromosomes and cells with 47 chromosomes.

3. trisomy 21 by translocation (3% of cases) only one type of trisomy, which can be hereditary.

Maternal Age Effect

less than 30 years 1 in 500

30 to 34 years 1 of 580

35 to 39 years 1 to 280

40 to 44 1 to 70 years

over 45 years 1 in 38

The consequence of this chromosome is a disability characterized by a variable degree of delay in mental development, physical and motor.
have not been identified to clarify the exact causes of occurrence of Down syndrome are still unknown, but several studies have however shown that the risk increases with maternal age:
Even if the risk rises with maternal age, this does not eliminate the possibility that children born with Down syndrome also young women, but an older woman is more likely. The other risk factor showed you have had a previous child with Down syndrome. Down syndrome can be diagnosed even before birth around the 16th - 18th week of gestation or amniocentesis between the 12th and the 13th week with the CVS. Some useful information can also come from the Tri-test is a maternal blood test performed between the 15th and 20th week of gestation for the determination of three particular substances.
Down syndrome is named after the British physician John Langdon Down (Torpoint, November 18, 1828 - Normansfield, Hampton Wick, England, October 7, 1896) Down, at the age of 18 he went to London to study Medicine, obtained the degree of its efforts are directed to classify the disease The results were based on measurements of the diameter of the head and palate patients with noche other comments supported the use of photographs. He was a pioneer of clinical photographs in the history of medicine. He founded a nursing home in Normansfield that today is known worldwide and only recently the importance of this very kind doctor has been recognized worldwide.
In 1961 a group of geneticists wrote to the Lancet proposing four terms to describe the disease and the publisher chose the name "Down syndrome". WHO more later approved it.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Chest Pain And Kidney Stones

2011 International Year of Chemistry

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2011 as International Year of Chemistry ", the initiative aims to celebrate the important role that this of science plays in solving many problems that plague the planet.

The opening ceremony will be held in Paris on 27/28 January 2011, the event management has been entrusted to UNESCO and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (IUPAC), the theme chosen will: "Chemistry: our life, our future".

E 'Ethiopia was to propose the resolution calling for the establishment of the Year celebration of the achievements of chemistry and its contribution to human welfare. Professor Jung-Il Jin, President of IUPAC, said: "We hope to increase understanding and appreciation for chemistry, increase young people's interest in science, and generate enthusiasm for the future of chemistry." While the Director General of UNESCO, Koichiro Matsuura said: "Raising awareness about the chemistry is even more important if we consider the challenge represented by sustainable development. Are you sure that chemistry will play an important role in the development of alternative sources of energy and to sustain the world's population "

In 2011, also will use the hundredth anniversary of the allocation of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Maria Sklodowska Curie, and this will also provide an opportunity to celebrate women's contribution to science.

this fascinating branch of science whose name derives from the word alchemy, it seems magical, there are many applications and connections with various aspects of our universe because it is fundamental to understanding the structure and functioning del mondo. La chimica è stata ingiustamente criminalizzata e il termine è stato usato come sinonimo di artificiale, non salutare, inquinante, mentre in realtà sono proprio le reazioni chimiche e le interazioni tra atomi e molecole che permettono l’esistenza degli esseri viventi e del loro ambiente quello vicino così come quello lontanissimo da noi. Le reazioni chimiche sono fondamentali per la produzione di cibo, farmaci, carburante, e innumerevoli manufatti e prodotti.

Il linguaggio della chimica sembra magico con i suoi simboli e segni, che appaiono spesso incomprensibili ai più ma che celano una grande poesia e un linguaggio universale con il quale si abbattono barriere geografiche, etniche e temporali so if you learn to know him without being stopped by preconceived difficulty of understanding will reveal a world of treasures.

There are many initiatives that wind through 2011 in various parts of the world from South Africa to the United States, Canada, Spain, Holland, Mexico, India, Bosnia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, Thailand and Belgium.

Today and in the future chemistry plays an irreplaceable role in research and development of alternative sources of energy and producing sources of support and care for the world's population. These celebrations provide a wonderful opportunity to celebrate chemistry and its vital contribution to knowledge, environmental protection and economic development.

Friday, July 23, 2010

How Many Calories In Porterhousesteak?

A pink ribbon and a blue!

E 'born Sunday a little girl weighing 11.6 kg The new baby has four brothers and sisters were all born in Genoa

What do we mean?
of a baby seal born at the Aquarium of Genoa on Sunday at 5 am The birth took place in a natural way out of the water and without need for intervention. Breast-feeding, which began on the day of birth during the night, every hour every day continues and will continue for thirty days, after which little has doubled in weight. At the time, and his mother Tethy small are housed in a special nursery and are constantly monitored by zoologists aquarium.

The common seal (Phoca vitulina) is a carnivorous mammal belonging to the family Phocidae. 160-200 cm long, reaches a weight of 75 kg. The coat is made of stiff bristles and shiny hair, beneath which lies an uncertain fluff, its color is mostly gray with spots or blackish on the back. The head is round the snout is very short, branching from the upper lip of the hard bristles of his mustache a bit 'wavy. The eyes are large, dark and shiny. The small seal

shortly after birth is able to swim and dive without being pushed or urged by his mother goes right in the humid element with which instantly takes confidence and follows where the mother is attentive and protective.

A blue ribbon at the Bioparco di Roma. On July 9, Wendy and Chucky had their puppy a male Grant's zebra, the puppy who weighs about 30 pounds within a few hours after birth was standing and looked after by her mother who does not lose sight of.

The puppy does not have a name, Bioparco invites all children to submit proposals by sending an email to: . which are selected Zoo staff. Of all the proposals received, the zoo staff will choose the most original name will be announced on the website

Zebras are members of the mammalian Perissodactyla, as the horse family Equidae. Grant's Zebra - Equus burchelli Boehm lives in the savanna of Southeast Asia is a social animal in a herd made up of organized flocks family (male, female, young) of about ten individuals. Zebras are herbivores that feed on more than 50 species of herbs, migrating from one pasture to another, following the rains.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pokemon Red For Vba Mac

Marine Park borders the Strait of Bonifacio

During the International Year for Biodiversity ', Italy and France have signed an agreement to undertake the process of setting up a new protected area: the Marine Park borders the Strait of Bonifacio. The Ministers of the Environment Stefania Prestigiacomo and Jean Louis Borloo, we are committed to creating a European grouping of territorial cooperation between the National Park of the Maddalena Archipelago and the natural reserve of the Strait of Bonifacio, the two main areas that make up the new Marine Park. We see a small card:

- La Maddalena Archipelago National Park: located on the north of Sardinia, has a town on the main island of La Maddalena, on other islands there are only a few houses and some of them are occupied only in summer at Caprera and Santa Maria. Nature is undisputed instead to spread, Casings, Razzoli, Spargiotto, Barrettini, and Mortorio Nibani. The archipelago, consisting of over 60 islands and islets, is one of the most spectacular in the world. The park covers an area - between land and sea - of 18,000 acres (5,038 hectares of land and 13 thousand hectares of sea surface), with 221 km of coastline

- NATURE RESERVE OF THE MOUTHS OF BONIFACIO: is, by French side, the main part of the new protected area, between Corsica and Sardinia located on the southern edge of Corsica, has a perimeter of 80 thousand hectares and overlooks the National Park of La Maddalena. The reserve, preserve coastal environments and exceptional landscapes: the islands of Lavezzi, the Cerbicales, the Monks, the cliffs of Bonifacio, the peninsula of Bruzzi, ponds Ventilegne, including precious plant and animal species.

The marine park borders will be born in the Straits of Bonifacio Strait that is the strait between Sardinia (Capo Testa and Punta Falcone) and Corsica (Chapter Pertusato) The draft of the new Transfrontier Park there 's also the nature reserve Three of the Marshes de Suartone, the latest in Corsica to preserve a habitat for this and the original di rilevanza internazionale, costituito da zone umide, vere e proprie riserve di biodiversita' che ospitano specie minacciate, endemiche o rare.

Nel testo è stato inserito anche un punto che stabilisce, d'intesa con l'Organizzazione marittima internazionale (OMI), il divieto incondizionato di transitare in questo specchio di mare per le imbarcazioni che contengono sostanze pericolose.

Una delle minacce per questa area, infatti, e' quella dell'inquinamento provocato dalle navi, un problema al centro del progetto ''Sos Bocche di Bonifacio'' che è partito l'anno scorso e mira ad attuare un monitoraggio più efficace della circolazione marina, in modo tale da facilitare e velocizzare la pianificazione e il coordination of response operations in case of marine pollution. The strait is traversed each year by thousands of ships, including those carrying dangerous and polluting, among which some are too old or not equipped with a double hull or equivalent design. If you add that navigation in this area is made difficult by the shape of the coastline and seabed, as well as the prevailing winds of the west and northwest, it is reasonable to consider this''highly vulnerable. So you just have to express satisfaction with an initiative aimed at the preservation of our ocean and its inhabitants.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Web Kate's Playground

Green InFormation

Regeneration Seeds

One thing leads to ...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Car Trailer For Sale Scotland

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

After the magic moment in when my eyes were opened to the sea I was not longer possible to see, think and live as before. Jacques-Yves Cousteau
June 11 The next 100 years the use of birth Jacques-Yves Cousteau a legend in the field of science communication and more. Thanks to his travels on board the Calypso, his documentaries and reports from all parts of the world, Cousteau has educated a whole generation of people who are now between 35 and 70 years, "carrying around" through his shots, for abyssal ocean depths and by conveying to them the wonders of the underwater world and the technological innovations useful to explore it. The great French oceanographer made many books and films, one of which, The Silent World, nel 1956 vinse il primo premio al festival di Cannes.

Fu un grande amante della natura in particolare di quella marina il suo impegno oltre ad essere stato prezioso per l’inventiva dimostrata, le battaglie ecologiche sostenute, le posizioni di rispetto per il pianeta e per le generazioni future è stato fantastico per aver introdotto un modo di comunicare la scienza che era nello stesso tempo appassionante e rigoroso sul piano scientifico.

Il suo approccio documentaristico, che inizialmente gli costò le immancabili critiche che riceve chi ha idee nuove, ha invece diffuso in modo affascinante semplice ed efficace una quantità di informazioni, idee, concetti e immagini meravigliose che ancora oggi nella memoria di chi remain indelibly written and fascinating. Brief Biography

Cousteau had a very adventurous life participated in the Second World War as a spy and at that time along with Emile Gagnan invented the Aqua-lung, in practice, the first diving regulator, which had a global reach, in fact, the famous Cousteau-stage regulator Gagnan "Royal Mistral" will become in the years to follow the valuable tool that will allow the exploration of the underwater world to millions of fans.

Appointed President of the French Oceanographic Campaigns in 1950 by millionaire Irish Guinness TL, Cousteau received in rent for the symbolic price of one French franc per year, un cacciamine che egli ristrutturò e convertì in nave da ricerca e base di supporto per compiti oceanografici ribattezzandolo con il nome di "Calypso", Nel 1963, insieme a Jean de Wouters, Cousteau sviluppò una macchina fotografica subacquea chiamata "Calypso-Phot", che in seguito fu brevettata dalla Nikon diventando la "Calypso-Nikkor" e quindi la "Nikonos"E’ invece con J. Mollard che creò l'SP-350, un sottomarino biposto che arrivò a poter toccare i 500 m profondità Cousteau realizzò a un Gruppo di Ricerca Sottomarina a Tolone, fu il capo del Conshelf Saturation Dive Program (sperimentazioni di immersione a lunga durata, le prime colonie sottomarine abitate) e fu uno dei pochi stranieri ad essere ammesso nella National Academy of Sciences.

After being named president of the World Confederation des Sous Marine Activity, Cousteau became aware that his ideology clashed with the initiatives of the confederation, which was very fun racing competitions linked to the activity of fishing, so he came into conflict with the CMAS asking so insistently as in vain that this activity was banned by statute in 1973 so that Cousteau resigned and no longer had anything to do with the Confederacy.

Cousteau was also an avid protester on nuclear testing in general and in 1974 he created the Cousteau Society to protect ocean life, today has more than 300,000 members in 1977, with Peter Scott, received the International Prize for the Environment and the UN nel1985 he was awarded by President R. Reagan the Presidential Medal of Freedom of the most prestigious awards in the U.S.. In 1992divenne President of the Council for the Rights of Future Generations, and proposed the Bill of Rights of Future Generations approved by UNESCO in 1991 which sought, at present, membership in more than 100 countries.

Jacques Cousteau died June 25, 1997.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Trailer Bill Of Sale Form Canada

An "apple" in the space

A section of the famous apple tree, letting go of its fruit, gave Newton the idea of \u200b\u200bwondering why the apple fell, helping to discover the law of gravity will be launched into orbit. The section of the apple will be 'on board the shuttle Atlantis for mission STS-132 NASA to the International Space Station. The original cut of the wood and 'kept in the archives of the Royal Society of London. Referred to the fact we celebrate the 350th founding in 1660 ..

The famous British scientific society of which Newton became president in 1703, has made, for the first time provides a biography written by a friend of Newton confirmed that at least the general lines of the famous story. What?

It is said that during a nap under a Sir Isaac Newton apple tree shade was abruptly awakened by an apple fell on his head. But not all silver lining in fact this "incident" meant that in Newton grew out of the question "why the apple always falls down and not sideways or up?" ... The rest is history. Newton developed the theory of universal gravitation: "Two bodies of mass m1 and m2 respectively, are attracted with a force of intensity directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates them. This force has a direction parallel to line joining the centers of gravity of the bodies concerned. "

course things did not go exactly the apple may not fall exactly on the head of the scientist, but in the manuscript of his biography refers to the fact that he was in the garden of his home in Woolsthorpe Manor, when the fall of apples aroused in him a certain "interest" and it seems to have the same Newton told his biographer. Moreover
Newton took care of many other scientific issues and not, ranging from mathematical studies of the milled coins he invented to avoid the filing of the same genes and is certainly one of the most famous and eclectic history of science .

Read more you can go to the link

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kates Playground In Car

Information technology seeds

The Urban Green line creeps in the area south-east of Rome, enclosing some of the main arterial roads of the city, such as Casilina the Tuscolana and Appia. The road network traces of the furrows in the soil, ready to be crossed.
The tram moves step by step into the ring. Each stop is a place of nerve location, a place of departure or a place of reflection, a beginning or an end, fertile ground that, by accepting a seed, is ready to be fertilized and give birth to something. Each of these intertwined relationships with other places in its independence is closely linked, it expands to the other like a big ivy takes over the surface.

Systems Part II of project "Blurring Structures" at the University of Kassel, Germany, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Structural design (Prof. Grohmann)

Friday, April 30, 2010

How To Make Boat In Paper

bloggers strike against the gag Alfano

Whats The Average Number Of Words In A Chapter

Lu Litarroni Beach, a coastline incontanimata not touch

Oil spill in Louisiana

Perhaps worse Exxon
Top lingue di greggio uscite dai un deposito sotterraneo delle Bp hanno toccato le coste dello Stato americano. Dichiarato lo stato di catastrofe nazionale

NEW YORK - Onda dopo onda la marea nera della Bp è arrivata a lambire le coste della Louisiana: i primi tentacoli di petrolio, le propaggini avanzate della gigantesca macchia di greggio fuoriuscita da un pozzo sottomarino del colosso britannico dell'energia, sono state avvistate al tramonto di ieri sulle coste del Delta del Mississippi in Louisiana. Il governo americano ha dichiarato lo stato di catastrofe nazionale. Per fronteggiare la crisi il governatore della Florida Bobby Jindal ha chiesto all'amministrazione Usa di stanziare fondi per l'impiego di 6.000 soldati della Guardia Nazionale. ''Sebbene la BP is responsible for the costs and funding, my administration will continue 'to use every available resource at our disposal, including Department of Defense to address this incident,''he said the U.S. president Barack Obama.

loss after the incident was revealed yesterday Deepwater Horizon is five times more serious than initially expected, with consequences that could equal or exceed those of the Exxon Valdez disaster of 1989. President Barack Obama, kept informed, he called the governors of the coastal areas at risk: in addition to Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida. The fishermen in the Delta have spent yesterday and last night to collect shrimp prima che l'onda viscosa rosso-arancio del greggio li intrappolasse e li uccidesse tutti.

La marea nera potrebbe diventare il peggior disastro ambientale in decenni per gli Stati Uniti: a rischio sono centinaia di specie di pesci, uccelli e altre forme di vita di un ecosistema particolarmente fragile e già sottoposto a traumi al passaggio dell'uragano Katrina. A New Orleans, la città devastata dal ciclone del 2005, ieri l'aria era diventata pesante per i vapori acri del greggio: sono stati effettuati test per verificare le denunce dei residenti che hanno intasati i centralini comunali e della protezione civile.

Il ministro della Sicurezza Interna Janet Napolitano e la collega dell'Epa Lisa Jackson oggi raggiungono il ministro dell'Interno Ken Salazar is already in place. For the White House, said today the Washington Post, the oil slick has a problem not only environmental but also political: the President only a few weeks ago gave birth to an unpopular among environmentalists, a program of drilling offshore. The green ones are the concerns of the past few days found to be justified.

It's up to BP, whose shares have lost 8 per cent yesterday on the markets in the first instance to contain the disaster, but now that the oil slick has hit the ground, private resources are not enough.

(April 30, 2010) © Reproduction

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Computer Case Check Model

May 8 World Day of World Earth Day thalassemia

May 8 is celebrated around the world Day of Thalassemia, inherited disease that strikes in Italy about 7,000 people. Despite the many advances in treatment, the ultimate healing from this disease remains an unsolved problem if we exclude the bone marrow transplant. Friday, May 7 at 11:00 am in the Capitol will be held a press conference during which experts will discuss the novelty of thalassemia diagnosis and treatment, research, recovery prospects opened up by gene therapy.

The term thalassemia (anemia mediterranea) indica un gruppo molteplice di anemie ereditarie, causate da un’alterazione dei geni che regolano la produzione dell’emoglobina.

L’emoglobina è una proteina, contenuta nei globuli rossi, la cui funzione è di trasportare l’ossigeno alle cellule del corpo e di rimuovere l’anidride carbonica.

Nella talassemia la mancata produzione di emoglobina normale determina una precoce distruzione dei globuli rossi. In Italia la forma di talassemia più frequente è la beta-talassemia, alcune delle regioni più colpite sono la Sicilia, la Sardegna, l’Emilia Romagna e la Puglia. Tuttavia questa malattia è diffusa in tutto il world, and in some areas involving more than 20% of the population.

Thalassaemia was described for the first time the twenties. in America where children of Italian origin, we found a condition characterized by anemia and an enlarged liver and spleen was named this disease or thalassemia or Cooley's anemia. About 25 years later in Italy the study of several families of patients with Cooley's disease, led to a clarification of the dynamics of disease.
Thalassemia is an expression of the condition that an individual who is homozygous for both genes (one on the chromosome that comes from the father and the one that comes on chromosome from the mother) the change that leads to the formation of hemoglobin incorrect on the morphological and functional and then, while the Microcitemico healthy heterozygous carrier that is an individual who presents the anomaly on one chromosome while the other is functioning properly.

Over time and through various stages, the course of the disease and the survival of patients have changed and today the treatment of thalassemia is to maintain pre-transfusion hemoglobin levels no lower than 9.5 g / dl, subjecting the patient to periodic transfusions of packed cells. The chelation treatment to reduce iron accumulation, which would otherwise become lethal può essere attuato attraverso la somministrazione di farmaci chelanti per via sottocutanea o per via orale.

Con l’allungamento della sopravvivenza, i malati possono presentare la comparsa di complicanze legate al sovraccarico di ferro, quali il rallentamento della crescita, il deficit dell'ormone della crescita, l'ipotiroidismo, il diabete, l'osteoporosi, l'alterazione della funzionalità polmonare e la complicanza più importante, lo scompenso cardiaco.

L’unica cura risolutiva al momento è il trapianto di midollo osseo che è possibile solo se si trova un donatore compatibile, questo può essere ricercato tra i famigliari o in un albo bank or donor bone marrow of concern to ADMO. In the future, hopefully in the gene therapy on genes related to direct stem cells using correct.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Golden Retriever Soft Mouth

QR Codes

A QR Code (Quick Response Code) is a code matrix (a two-dimensional bar code) created by Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. As the name implies, the code enables rapid decoding of its content.
QR Codes are now used for inventory management in a wide variety of industries.
More recently applications have been developed aimed at relieving the user from the tedious task of entering data into your phone. Are increasingly common in magazines and advertisements in Giappone, i codici QR che memorizzano indirizzi e URL.
E proprio in Giappone è stato introdotto l'uso dei QR Codes in architettura, trasformando un grattacielo nei pressi della stazione Tachikawa a Tokio, in un enorme messaggio interattivo, collegabile anche ai social networks come Twitter.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Actress Showing Breast

The Day the Earth, founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson was made at an international level for the first time April 22, 1970, to highlight the need for conservation of natural resources of the planet .

The United Nations celebrate this holiday every year on April 22 and today this event is well recognized by 175 countries and is celebrated by nearly half a billion people. The environmental groups point to call on this day le coscienze a valutare le problematiche del pianeta: l’inquinamento di aria, acqua e suolo, la distruzione degli ecosistemi, le migliaia di piante e specie animali che scompaiono, e l’esaurimento delle risorse non rinnovabili.

In concomitanza con il 40° anniversario della Giornata della Terra dell'Earth Day 2010, si svolgerà il 22 aprile, a Roma, all'interno del Circo Massimo, il concerto di Pino Daniele e dei Morcheeba.
 In contemporanea  New York promuove la campagna "E", un progetto che da l'opportunità a tutti di esprimersi su quanto ognuno di noi stia impegnando a sostegno della salute della Terra. Il supporto può essere espresso in molte forme, dal energy conservation to composting, planting a tree by the use of seasonal organic and local foods, recycling installation using non-polluting energy sources such as solar panels. "Be the E" is a call to action that invokes the thought of Gandhi's "be the change you want to see in the world." then the architects and not just spectators of our lives.

New York is promoting a series of events to be held April 19 to 25 in Grand Central, from 10:00 to 20:00. For one week you will communicate and compare the protection of planet Earth with pictures, images, artistic contributions from Andy Warhol Roy Lichtenstein and many others.

Sky April 22 celebrates the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, presenting at 21.55 The Fast Continent, Canadian documentary film that tells the group, led by biologist and filmmaker Jean Lemire and other scientists, explorers, filmmakers, aboard a sailing ship, sailing along the ice to study closely the effects of global warming.
These are just a few steps of a much larger mobilization that embraces us all as cohabitants of the same land together to preserve them for themselves and for future generations.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Revlon Face Illuminator


"For a century the history of art in Europe is not just a series of specific actions and reactions, but a movement of the collective consciousness. Recognize that means finding the contribution of the existing (...). substance of things hoped for .. "
Edoardo Persico, Prophecy Architecture 1935

"Architecture is the substance of things hoped for"

This conception of architecture is closely related to the definition of modernity:
"Modernity is a crisis of value and raises an aesthetics of rupture"

architecture then in order to transform "the crisis in values," those who embodies the hopes of overcoming the crisis and it is precisely so that it can become a "substance of things hoped for"

The architecture is not design, but project, carried out according to a logic of prediction, projection, planning for the future.
This process occurs in painting movements of the century (XIX)

"Mountain of Sainte Victoire" , Paul Cezanne 1898-1900

Cezanne in painting this view, landscape very dear to him and again the subject of his paintings, he portrayed not as a mountain was, as it appeared at that time but has shown that "the world should be," what in his mind that it was designed. Through
una visione astratta e frammentaria e al contempo volumetrica e analitica, la sua pittura è progetto del nuovo mondo, è la rappresentazione del mondo visto secondo un preciso sguardo e ambisce che anche gli altri vedano attraverso questo stesso sguardo.

"Il paesaggio è la rappresentazione estetica, condivisa collettivamente e culturalmente, ma in costante evoluzione, di una parte del mondo"

Questa visione è propria di una società in cui l'informazione ha fatto il proprio avvento, che passa da un'esigenza di dominio e sfruttamento della natura, tipico della società industriale, ad un rapporto simbiotico, di integrazione e reciproco scambio.

I semi di questa stessa visione in architettura, see their buds in the urban area, where zoning is changed from processes in which the areas were green and contrasted sharply divided than residential or industrial, to a modern view in which nature becomes an integral part of architecture.

Le Corbusier, plan for a city of 3 million inhabitants 1922

Frank Lloyd Wright, Broadacre City , city model 1934

These two events are exemplary models of cities differences mentioned above.
Le Corbusier The city is based on the zoning, the division in homogenous areas residential, industrial, office and green areas are completely disengaged from them. These areas are strategically placed in a regular grid.
Wright passed by a city of this vision closed, imagine arriving at a city whose texture is broken, in which functional groups are combined together, a city that is set organically in the area, according to what is the new vision " landscape as a paradigm of architectural design. "
no coincidence that Wright is defined just by Edoardo Persico, "the new architecture Cezanne."

Returning to the word "substance" would wonder, 'What are these substances architecture? "
I am not sure of the strange compound abstract but very concrete issues, related to everyday life are the themes of urbanism, as just said, the services of public housing.

Wright also devoted himself to the theme of the house, an issue of paramount importance if we consider that we are in a society where decades before the advent of industrialization, has led to huge flows of people to pour into the city, with all its consequences and where the dwelling can not be a major challenge.

Wright designs so his "Usonian house, the house that you imagine for Americans.
In America hit by the crisis of 1929, Wright wants to achieve economic buildings, renewable energy and capable of integrating into the peculiarities of the plant site and the needs of the customer.
To use this as a basic geometry of a scheme to "L".

Frank Lloyd Wright, Jacobs House 1937

This scheme, already used by Le Corbusier and the Esprit Nouveau Pavilion, by Gropius in the Bauhaus, Aalto in villa Mairea is essential in the installation of the dwelling Wright as evienzia advantages over a rectangular pattern:
-wings can be extended along the I-
6 possible points of light instead of 4-
being a hybrid with a court system to have a more closed environment and external environment inside a more intimate
The point of intersection of the two arms is the "core", the central core, the true engine of the home, the organizing principle, but also the heart of distribution plant. From here you can develop in two wings of the living and sleeping area.
From the Willey House in 1933 by a series of attempts working in this direction for about 20 years to the theme of Usonian Houses.

In 1935 was built in Bear Run, Pennsylvania in the famous house Fallingwater, Wright's work that constitutes a new beginning.
Wright lives up to some of his design principles such as centripetal development, starting with a nucleus and the structure that shapes the space, but totally denies others, there is a total rejection of the grid construction in favor of dramatic momentum in space.
In a strong contrast between vertical and horizontal planes, the architecture is part of the blend with nature this time without it, it does not have any intention, but is itself an event, a phenomenon, a sort of "man-made nature"

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Celeb That Never Wear Panties

Rhino Script Tutorial

tweaking with the script