The final insult of Magdalena farewell to the dream hotel G8 -
The final insult of Magdalena
Farewell to the dream hotel G8
Licensed employees, Mita ready to give back the keys to Regione.La structure was given 40 years in management for the group Marcegaglia. The work was entrusted to the brother Francesco Piermarini Bertolaso \u200b\u200b from our correspondent PAUL BERIZZI
suite of Obama, now more than a legend is likely to go down in history as the symbol of a great unfinished. La Maddalena on the former Arsenal, the only structure built for the G8 summit held in life, may soon drop the curtain. Blame for the delays of the government and the region.For the remediation of this segment of the sea in front of the hotel G8 - outsourced by the region for 40 years at Mita Resort Group Marcegaglia fee by 60 000 € 30 million a year plus post-remediation - Guido Bertolaso , the former head of Civil Protection, has spent 72 million of public money. The work was entrusted to the brother Francesco Piermarini, but cleaning the landfill marina - Crack in style - was never completed. And so in the harbor the boats can not navigate. As a football field where it is impossible to kick the ball. Do not even received the permits for the hotel to house the heads of state: first of all the living space. Mita le aspettava già questa estate le carte, ma la Regione Sardegna - proprietario di questo sito di 150mila metri quadrati dove un tempo sorgeva l'Arsenale militare - non ha ancora effettuato nemmeno la perimetrazione dell'area. E' questo il quadro di Porto Arsenale, la struttura sorta dalle ceneri dello scandalo del G8 (un affare costato 500milioni di euro, 327 per le opere alla Maddalena, il resto per l'Aquila) che nei piani del gruppo Marcegaglia doveva diventare il porto turistico più importante del Mediterraneo.
Ora potrebbe trasformarsi nell'ultima beffa della Maddalena.
Il 31 dicembre i lavoratori ancora sotto contratto con la Mita Resort - A dozen keepers and sailors - they will go home. The other season since he had left in September. The only company that still works maddalenina former Arsenal is the Roland Garden, which takes care of the green. It's just practice for a winter port connected to a mega tourist? According to the tender, Mita - which has been granted to a former Arsenal is certainly advantageous price - should have submitted a business plan to the City to ensure that its business would have been to the island also an opportunity to raise - and compensation. The plan has not yet seen. According to sources close to the company filters - which officially does not declare anything - before taking further steps (the only structural maintenance costs of € 2 million a year) the Marcegaglia wants to see clearly. That means understanding a few things: First, if the waters of the Arsenal will continue - despite the civil protection plan - to be infested with oil and then not navigable. Second, if the region will keep the faith - so far it has not done - with commitments. In practice: not being in a position to develop their project Mita might consider to review its commitment in the business di Porto Arsenale. I magazzini sono pieni di materiale ancora incellofanato: banchine galleggianti, divise del personale, attrezzature subacquee, gommoni, macchine elettriche. Tutto con il logo "Porto Arsenale". Se sono inutilizzati non è certo per colpa di Mita. La società della Marcegaglia risulta danneggiata dalla celerità elefantiaca della Regione e dagli effetti imprevisti retaggio della scriteriata azione della Protezione civile (Bertolaso&Co) sull'isola. "Siamo di fronte a un paradosso - tuona il sindaco Pd Angelo Còmiti - c'è una società che deve fare i suoi investimenti - che servono come il pane a questa città - But is not put in the position to do so. Government and the Region have abandoned us to our fate. "
Behind the endless nebula that surrounds all that is spent in the clutches of the crack-Balducci De Santis-Of-Giovampaola Anemome, hovers a new spectrum: that of Mita here recently decided to return the keys to the arsenal of the former region. "Cappellacci (Sardinian government, ed) if it is washing his hands," thunders the City Council Mauro Bittu. archipelago of scandals and pranks there is anger . Other than conversion: much of what has been built for the G8 languishes and withers. The 5-star hotel built in the former military hospital is a hundred yards from the Arsenal: è costato 75 milioni, 742 mila euro a stanza (sono 101). A febbraio 2010 - dopo un'inchiesta di Repubblica - Bertolaso promise che sarebbe stato fatto un nuovo bando di gara per l'assegnazione. Che c'erano contatti avviati con due società. Zero. Il bestione è ancora lì, con le erbacce intorno, una cattedrale sul mare e nessuno la vuole. E ancora: più nulla si sa del Water Front, il porto turistico cittadino i cui lavori dovevano partire a ottobre. Doveva essere un'opera collegata al G8 anche quella: ma dopo gli scandali sulla corruzione, gli arresti, i costi fuori controllo, è scivolata "a data da destinarsi" sorride amaro Còmiti. Le spese? Dieci milioni di fondi Fas, altri cinque provenienti from the coffers of the region, but is yet to stop. Robert La Monica does the advertising. With a photographic exhibition had already sounded the alarm on the 'island disposable. Now the administration has proposed a campaign to raise entitled "Madeleine's". Perhaps you should add a question mark.